Courting Win Part 2

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Saint: I'm going to kill Kim. I swear I'm going to kill her. >:(

Win: Uh-oh...what'd she do?

Saint: She broke up another couple, and somehow got me involved. I tried to talk the guy and girl down, and get Kim to back off, but...ugh, it's a shit show. We all got suspended for three days. This is going to go on my record!

Win: Can't you explain to the teachers what happened???

Saint: They don't listen. They never listen. And money doesn't talk at this school, either. I mean, I wouldn't bribe them, but it'd be nice if I had some sway. --__-- I hate this. At least I'm already accepted to Kantaphat.

Sain: I'm so upset...

Win: I can understand why, Saint. I'm so sorry.

Saint: It's Kim that should be sorry, not you. But thank you.

Saint: I'm going out for a walk.

Saint: Maybe some air would help clear my head.

Win: be careful

Saint: :) I will

Saint: She keeps texting me

Saint: Go away, Kim!

Win: Just turn your phone off

Saint: But then I can't talk to you...

Win: Temporarily block her?

Saint:...why didn't I think of that

Win: Because when a person is upset, they don't think rationally. Human nature.

Saint: Done. Very peaceful, now. Um...don't be mad, but...

Win: what?

Saint: I have a bruised shoulder.

Win: ??????

Saint: The guy hit me before I could explain that I wasn't her boyfriend, and I had nothing to do with her stupid shenanigans.

Saint: I swear, if she does this again, she's no friend of mine. I'm tired of getting caught up in her messes. It hurts - literally!

Win: I don't blame you. Are you okay? Does it hurt?

Saint: Still stings a bit.

Saint: May I come see you tomorrow?

Win: Sure. Tomorrow's a free day, so we can watch movies and order takeout if you want.

Saint: That sounds so nice.

Win: Let's say ten o'clock?

Saint: I'll be there :)


***-***-****: Hello, are you P'Win?

Win: Yes...who is this? How did you get my number?

***-***-****: Oh, good. Saint only had your contact under a bunch of hearts. This is Nam, his best friend? Can you come get him?

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