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(A/N: Angst ahead. Proceed with caution.)

Kit changed his mind at the last minute, instead taking Ming to his favorite noodle place. It was worth forgoing the latte Kit had been craving, seeing Ming's eyes light up like that, and the content smile on his face. At first, when Ming had started chasing after Kit, before the mess with Beam, Kit was so sure that Ming, a confident and cocky Engineering student, would try to be dominant and take care of Kit all the time if he gave in. But at that moment, he remembered seeing flashes of uncertainty and even a little fear in Ming's eyes. When he looked closer, it was gone, smothered by false confidence and joy that Kit was paying attention to him. In the present, Kit felt that things had turned out okay. He didn't mind taking care of Ming, since he knew when Ming was in a better place they'd take care of each other equally. Until that day, Kit wanted to spoil and pamper Ming as much as he could get away with.

They walked inside the noodle place, hand in hand, neither bothering to detach themselves from the other. In fact, Kit entwined their fingers, keeping a tight hold on Ming's hand. Ming squeezed back lightly.

"One of these days, I'm gonna take you to this really nice Italian restaurant I found in high school," Ming said, practically bouncing his seat with happiness.

Kit cocked his head, gazing at Ming over the menu he'd picked up. "Oh?"

Ming gave him a sweet smile. "I want to eat spaghetti with you."

"You just want to 'Lady and the Tramp' me, don't you."


Kit propped his chin on his fist, laughing softly. "You do know you don't have to pull any tricks to get me to kiss you, right?"

Ming blinked rapidly, looking like he was having a battle in his mind. "I...yeah..."

"Ming," Kit put the menu to the side and reached his free hand across the table, palm up. Ming placed his hand in Kit's, grasping at it as if Kit was his lifeline. "You don't have to be afraid of me, okay? I'm your boyfriend."

Ming sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He nodded. "I know...it's just really hard to...to let go of..." Ming grimaced. "You know."

Kit's heart ached at the self-loathing in Ming's eyes. If I ever find out where that girl lives... He gently squeezed Ming's hand, drawing the younger's attention back up. "I love you," Kit said softly, smiling at Ming.

Ming swallowed hard, not looking away as he said, "I love you, too, KitKat."

"How about you order for both of us?" Kit suggested. "I've only been here once before, so I don't know all the good dishes."

"You're...letting me order for you?" Ming said hopefully, eyes full of childlike wonder.

Kit stamped down the instant rage and sadness on Ming's behalf. "Yup. I trust your decisions."

"But..." Ming's brow furrowed slightly. "Muwan never let me...she always ordered for me, every time."

"We're equals, Ming. We can order for each other."

Ming looked at him uncertainly. "You're sure you don't mind?"

"I want to try something new," Kit nodded firmly. "Surprise me."

"Do you have any allergies or any foods that you absolutely can't stand?"

"No allergies, and I haven't eaten a food I hated yet. I'm up for anything."

Ming finally smiled, picking up his own menu with his free hand. "You're a lot easier than Yo. He can't eat almonds, and he hates spicy food, plus he refuses to eat most green vegetables. He's so difficult. P'Pha can have him."

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