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Yo blinked his eyes open slowly, unwilling to wake up just yet

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Yo blinked his eyes open slowly, unwilling to wake up just yet. He wanted to stay cocooned in the covers and warm bed. Except one thing was missing - Pha. He groaned and rolled over, frowning at Pha's empty side of the bed.

Where did he go?

He sat up just as the door opened and in walked Pha, carrying a tray with breakfast foods and a glass of lemonade. "You're awake," Pha smiled lovingly, setting the tray on the dresser and coming over to sit on the bed next to Yo, fingertips brushing over one soft cheek. "Feel okay? Any aches or pain?"

"Not this morning," Yo smiled tiredly, covering his mouth while he yawned. "That warm bath last night helped."

"I'm sorry I can't do more than that, baby," Pha shifted closer, his hand fully cupping Yo's face, gentle and light.

Yo was too tired to fight with Pha. He wanted the old Pha back, the one who pulled him into constant hugs, kissed him breathless, held him close while they slept. Now it was as if Pha was afraid to even breathe in Yo's direction let alone touch him. It was driving poor Yo crazy. The aches were just his body changing so it could house the growing baby better. The doctor had already explained all this to him and Pha. It was supposed to happen.

So why was Pha acting like a scared rabbit??

Yo moved closer to Pha, wrapping his arms around Pha's waist before he could get up and hugging him close, sighing happily. "Can't you stick around until I wake up, too?" Yo pouted at Pha, his eyes pleading.

"Of course I'll wait next time, baby," Pha kissed Yo's forehead, as soft as a butterfly's wings. There was barely any contact at all. "I just wanted to get you some breakfast."

"Did you make pancakes?" Yo's eyes lit up in hope, straying to the tray on the dresser.

"Chocolate chip," Pha confirmed, breaking Yo's hold to go grab the tray. Knowing Yo's huge appetite for breakfast, Pha had extra batter waiting in the kitchen.

"Ooo, strawberries, too," Yo craned his neck to plant a loud kiss on Pha's cheek. "You're so sweet to me."

"I don't want you to get too hungry before lunch, so I also got you some snacks."

"Are we allowed to eat in class?"

"If you eat it when no one's looking," Pha winked.

Yo laughed. "You're so bad, P'Pha. Don't ever change." It was hard to stay annoyed with Pha when he said and did such sweet things. Although...with Pha watching him the whole time he ate, he was feeling some sparks of annoyance again. What, does he think I'll throw the food away and starve myself? Or that I'll be sick again? Yo was relieved the dreaded morning sickness had somewhat stopped already. It was weird, since he couldn't use a traditional pregnancy book like a woman could for tricks and tips. He'd had the morning sickness in his first and second months, then it seemed to abruptly stop. "This is good," Yo finished the last bite. "Is there more?"

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