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Yo kept the wince off his face as he felt another faint cramp

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Yo kept the wince off his face as he felt another faint cramp. They had started that morning, waking him up out of a sound sleep. Rather then waking Pha up, who needed his sleep so he could study for his own finals, he rolled over on his other side in an attempt to relieve the pain in a different position. It seemed to work, and he went back to sleep.

Now it was the first class of the day, and the cramps were a little worse. He shifted in his wheelchair, wishing he was back at the apartment and snuggling in bed with Pha. The further along he got in his pregnancy, the more he just wanted to lie around and be lazy. It was hard to walk on his own, he couldn't get out of bed without a little help from Pha, and forget bathing or showering on his own, too. He sighed, pressing on his lower back while he tried to follow along with what the professor was saying.

"Yo?" Montree leaned over to whisper. He'd noticed the pained look on Yo's face. "Everything okay?"

Yo slowly nodded. "Yeah...just some cramps."

Montree frowned. That didn't sound good. "Is that supposed to happen?"

"I think so..." Yo cut himself off with a stifled gasp, bowing his head, curling into himself. "No...scratch that..." Fuck, this hurts so much!

"Professor!" Montree raised his hand. "I need to take Yo to the nurse!"

The professor let them go as soon as she saw the way Yo was curled up in pain. Montree hurriedly wheeled Yo from the classroom, their friends watching them leave with worried looks.

"Do you want me to call P'Pha?" Montree asked as they entered the infirmary.

Yo shook his head...then seemed to think better of it. "I...don't want to bother him, but..." His words turned into a low groan, arms wrapping around his belly protectively. "M-Mon..." he gasped out, looking up at Montree with fear in his eyes. "Something's not right..."

The nurse took one look at Yo, and immediately called the hospital. They were instructed to bring Yo in right then. Montree called Ming while hurrying after the nurse who was pushing Yo to the elevator.

"Hello?" Ming answered in a whisper.

"Ming!" Montree cried in relief. "Yo's in pain, I'm taking him to the hospital."

"In pain??" In the background, Ming's professor could be heard telling him to put his phone away. "My friend needs to go to the hospital! Sorry!" There was some odd rustling, then quick footsteps. "I'm heading to my car. Do you want me to come pick you both up?"

"Please? I only have a scooter, not a car."

"I'll be there in less than five." Ming hung up.

Montree shifted from one foot to the other nervously. If something bad was happening, he was going to call Pha, no matter what Yo said.

"Moooon..." Yo moaned out, pain saturating his voice.

"I'm right here, Yo," Montree knelt in front of his friend, grasping his hands - and wincing when Yo practically crushed them.

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