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It seemed nobody was in the mood for a party, even for a friend's birthday.

Pha and Yo were spending their free time at their apartment so Yo could rest, now that he was four months along, and approaching five months. Poor kid was finally starting to show, and everybody was staring at his bump when he walked or was wheeled along the hallways. Pha was constantly snapping at people to stop staring and move along. Kit was studying for quizzes and more exams along with Beam and Pha, Forth was busy with his own exams and preparing for his audition to be the head hazer next year. Blue, Win and Sing were the least busy at the moment, but Win was occupied with Saint's courting, and Blue was all wrapped up in everything Liam. Even Good from 4F was busy with exams and projects, not even having much time for poor Montree. However, Montree and the other Fairy Angels had a sort of project of their own they were working on. Fatty had put himself on a strict diet and workout regimen so he could start his estrogen shots. He'd already started slimming down a little, but wasn't happy with where he was at, so kept working at it.

It boosted his confidence and determination when a couple boys from Engineering started looking his way.

Anyway, Zee was all on his own to give Sing a happy birthday surprise. A fact he didn't mind too much, but it would've been nice if he could give Sing a real party.

"You want us to...what??"

Zee huffed

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Zee huffed. "Come, Liam! Help me out here. I need someone to distract Sing so I can set up his dorm room for his birthday." He clasped his hands together, giving Liam the most pleading look he could. "Can't you and Blue keep him away from his dorm room until I have everything set up? Please???"

Blue looked at Liam. "I don't think that'd be a problem."

"It might be fun, actually," Liam smirked slightly. "You do realize Sing is going to get annoyed with us, right?"

"...oh..." Blue hadn't thought of that.

"And, he might take it out on Zee when he finds Zee in his room," Liam pointed out, arching a brow at said guy.

Zee rolled his eyes. "Relax, would you? Anyway, just take him to the park or something, anywhere it won't be easy for him to get back to his room from."

"Could take him to the skate park."

Liam gave Blue a sharp look. Zee bit back a laugh. "Since when do you skate??"

"He's skated since before I knew him. Not very well, but he's skated before," Zee smirked, waggling his fingers at a miffed Liam. "That would definitely keep him busy. Sing likes action."

Liam opened his mouth, and Blue quickly clapped a hand over it. "No, don't you dare. Sing will find out and whine at me if you annoy Zee."

Liam gently pried Blue's hand off, kissing it. "Fine, fine. Ruin my fun."

"Thank you both for doing this," Zee sighed, scratching his head. "That's the only part I needed help with."

"Are you really going to decorate Sing's room?" Blue asked. He was so excited on Sing's behalf, Zee could almost see the little hearts in his eyes.

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