When Parents Meet

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"Why are we all doing this??"

Pha gently brushed Yo's bangs away from his eyes. "Because our parents, none of them, will let us bow out of this dinner."

Yo pouted, grasping Pha's hand and playing with his fingers. He tended to do that to distract himself when he was annoyed. "Guess they're all gonna find out about Love, then. Dammit. I wanted to tell dad personally, not with a bunch of other people around."

"I know. I wanted to do it that way, too. I'm sorry, baby."

Yo sighed. "Not your fault, P'Pha." He turned his head and pressed his face into Pha's chest. "What time do we have to do this?"

"They don't want us at the restaurant until seven, so probably leave about six thirty-ish, I guess."

Yo huffed, shifting closer to Pha. He really wasn't happy about having to go out in public. Now that his belly was more rounded out and actually showing, people were staring, and it made him very uncomfortable. He was closing in on his fifth month. He could already imagine how big he'd be then. It was worse because if Pha and their friends were this protective now - not letting him go anywhere without one of them with him - he didn't want to think about how protective they'd be when he was eight or nine months along and barely able to move on his own.

"Feeling okay?"

Yo closed his eyes as Pha's hand gently stared caressing his belly. He pulled his shirt up slightly so Pha's hand was on his bare skin. "Hips ache slightly. Nothing bad today, P'Pha."

"Do you want me to send the pain pills with you?"

"Just in case, yeah. Sitting at those stupid desks for hours is really uncomfortable." Yo made a face, pressing even closer to Pha. He placed his own hand over Pha's, both content to just lie there and 'hold' their baby girl. Then Yo sighed. "As much as I'm enjoying this, we need to get to class."


"Not really hungry today..."

"You need to eat something, baby," Pha insisted, helping Yo sit up.

Yo nodded, not fighting it. He knew he needed to eat so the baby got the proper nutrition. "Not a lot, though, please."

Pha gave him a concerned look. "Do you think you're going to be sick?"

"No. But we ate so much last night," Yo explained, scooting towards the edge to swing his feet over. He carefully stood up, Pha close by to catch him just in case he lost his balance. "All that tom yum and cake...I'm a little hungry, but not as hungry as I usually am. Maybe just some toast and juice?"

"Okay. How about some fruit to go with the toast?" Pha asked, walking Yo out to the table.

"Strawberries," Yo chirped, smiling up at Pha.


The day passed by too quickly for all the boys. None of them were looking forward to the family get-together their parents were all enforcing. And yes, it was all the parents: Kantawongs, Lisa Laohwattanapinyo, Yongchaiyudhs, Baramichais, Nalamliengs, Panitchayasawads, Jamornhums, Vongviphans, Intochars, Daichapanyas, Kongthanins and Chaichanathams. Everyone's parents. Both Yo and Ming were clearly unhappy. Yo was upset because he knew as soon as everyone found out about the pregnancy, they'd be all over him and wanting to touch his belly. He even changed into the t-shirt Ming had given him a while back, the one about biting off peoples' hands.

The shirt made Ming smile a bit, then he was right back to being a nervous wreck. He hadn't introduced Kit's parents to his parents yet, and this was not the way he'd wanted to do it. Kit tried to reassure him, but his boyfriend was still fidgety and all over the place about the situation.

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