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Why do I feel so dizzy? Ming groaned to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. He rolled his eyes as his fellow Engineering first year, Tum, flopped in the chair next to him. "Very graceful."

"Thank you," Tum smirked. "You okay? Look like you're thinking really hard about something." He swung an arm over Ming's shoulders in a friendly manner.

" He swung an arm over Ming's shoulders in a friendly manner

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"I'm fine...I think," Ming shrugged. "Little dizzy. But I didn't eat anything this morning, so it's probably low blood sugar."

"I have a candy bar if you want it," Tum grabbed his bag and dug out a chocolate bar, handing it to Ming. "But you'd better eat it fast. The professor will be here before too long."

Ming smiled his gratitude, taking the bar and opening the wrapper. "Thanks, Tum." He took a bite, suddenly hungry and the chocolate tasting sooo good. The bar was gone within four bites.

Tum arched his brows slightly. "Gotta remember not to skip meals, man. It's not good for your body. Your doctor boyfriend would say so, too."

"Yeah, I know. I woke up late. Kit doesn't have a morning class today, and it threw me off."

"Lucky, living with your boyfriend," Tum was suddenly gloomy, dropping his chin on his fist. "My girlfriend won't even let me kiss her yet."

"How far have you gone?"

"Hand holding. Oh, she has allowed me to kiss her hand, at least."

Ming bit back a snort. "Let me guess, she's upper class?"

"Yeah...and prissy to boot. But I love her," Tum sighed dreamily.

Ming shook his head, getting his notebook and a pencil out. I wonder if I look that sappy when thinking about Kit? I probably do... Then the professor came in, and Ming focused on taking down notes from the lecture.


Pha came up behind his friends, slinging an arm around each of them. "Hey, can I possibly get you two to come shopping with me?"

 "Hey, can I possibly get you two to come shopping with me?"

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"Shopping?" Beam made a face, looking up at Pha. "For what?" Please don't say grocery shopping...

"I want to get some new clothes for Yo. And the crib we ordered came in, so I need to go pick it up."

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