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Two weeks. That was how long it had been since Ming had last seen Yo. Ming had been stuck in the hospital for only five days, then discharged into Kit's care. Beam took notes for both Kit and Pha, since neither were able to attend classes right away. The only ones who came to visit him in Kit's room were his Engineering buddies and Win. He wasn't complaining...but they weren't Yo.

Ming sighed, glaring up at the ceiling. He still had conflicting feelings when it came to Muwan, but the ones that stubbornly saw her as a loyal ex-girlfriend were slowly fading, leaving behind a tired numbness. It helped when he thought about what Muwan had done to Yo years ago. It caused a red hot rage to consume him, extinguishing even the numbness and exhaustion.

"What're you thinking about?"

Ming turned his head, blinking tiredly at Kit. "I hate her. I hate her so much."

Kit smiled sadly. "I know. I hate her too. I hate what she did to you and N'Yo."

"She deserves jail," Ming tried to keep his voice confident and steady, but it was growing weak and unsure. Even now, after finding out about everything Muwan had done, not only to him and Yo, but to all his past girlfriends, he still felt a horrible pull towards her. "KitKat, if it does come to a trial, how am I gonna get on the stand?? One look from her, and I'm putty in her hands."

"Keep your eyes on me," Kit said, grasping Ming's hands. "Don't even look at her. She's nothing to you, Ming."

"And then there's Yo..." Ming trailed off, letting his eyes slide shut. "I don't even know how he's doing. P'Pha won't message me back."

Kit sucked in a deep breath. "Ming...He's doing better, but they're not discharging him just yet."

Ming opened his eyes, staring at Kit. "He told you how Yo is??"

"Finally, after I kept pestering him while you were napping today," Kit admitted.

"What did he say?"

"Yo was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety. They've prescribed him some medication - I forgot which kinds - and he has to go to therapy after he gets out," Kit grimaced. "He still won't let Pha touch him. Says he doesn't want Pha to get his hands dirty."

"That makes no sense," Ming shook his head. "Yo wasn't raped."

"No...but he was molested, Ming. And he remembers every bit of it."

"This is so messed up..." Ming groaned, letting his head fall back against the headboard with a dull 'thud'. "I wish I could just talk to Yo...I wanna be there for him."

"I don't even know why they're letting Pha stay with him. Technically, only immediate family is allowed," Kit commented, turning a page in his textbook.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Yo's dad made it possible."

Kit's phone ringing startled both of them, Kit yelping and knocking his head on Ming's shoulder. "Ow...fuck..." he checked the screen. "It's Pha." He answered, putting it on speakerphone. "Hello?"

"He's being discharged right now, Kit. I'm taking him to my room, if N'Ming wants to come see him," Pha hesitated. "Yo seems okay, but tell him to not talk about Muwan. It might trigger a panic attack."

"I promise, I won't," Ming lurched forward towards the phone, ignoring the screaming pain in his chest. Those thugs had cracked five of his ribs, and left severe bruising up and down his torso. "Please, I just wanna see my best friend."

There was some muffled talking. Then Yo came on the line, "Hello, Ming?"

"Yo! You haven't come to see me yet!" Ming teased, managing to sound casual.

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