Unexpected Miracle

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Yo had felt funny since he first got up that day. He shrugged it off, figuring it was part of the weird stomach bug he had. It seemed to lessen as the day went on, and he totally forgot about it until lunch rolled around, and he was busy talking about assignments with Montree.

"You don't look so good," Fatty commented, looking closely at Yo's face.

Yo blinked. "Huh?"

"She's right," one of the twins said, giving Yo a worried look

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"She's right," one of the twins said, giving Yo a worried look. "You look a little pale. Are you okay?"

"Oh," Yo tried to smile reassuringly at them. "I'm fine. I had a weird stomach bug over the weekend. Nothing major."

"Well don't spread it to us, " Montree teased. The humor vanished from his face when Yo stood up suddenly from the table. "What's wrong?"

Yo couldn't speak. His stomach was twisting too much. He ran from the canteen, one hand over his mouth, making it just in time to the bathroom to loose what little he'd managed to get down at lunch. Damn, he groaned, wanting to cry at how miserable he felt. Why do I keep getting sick??

"You should go lie down at your apartment," came Red's voice behind him.

"Excuse me, but this is the men's bathroom," a guy said.

"My friend is sick. You want me to just leave him here on his own??" Red gave him a threatening stare. "Besides, you have nothing I'm interested in anyway, dumbass." She ignored the guy as he huffed at her in offense while stalking out. She knelt next to Yo as he was sick again. "Poor you. Do you want me to contact P'Pha?"

"N-no," Yo wheezed. His chest was feeling a bit tight from panic, like when he'd needed that stupid inhaler. He hoped his lungs weren't acting up as well. "I don't want to worry him. I'll be okay." Three more days until I see the doctor. I can hold on until then. "See?" Yo shakily pushed himself up, flushing the toilet and going to wash his hands and rinse his mouth out. "I'm feeling better now. No need to tell P'Pha."

Red didn't look convinced. "Yo, you look white as a sheet, and you're shaking. You should go lie down."

"I have one last class, then practice. I'll lie down after."

"Maybe you should skip practice today."

"I can't. I'm the leader," Yo said stubbornly, walking back to the canteen with Red close by. "I'll be fine. If it gets any worse, I promise I'll tell P'Pha."

Red sighed. "Boys. You're all so stubborn."


By the end of his last class, Yo was starting to wish he'd listened to Red. The shaking had lessened, but now he was feeling weak and tired, and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep until whatever this weird illness was had passed. His phone buzzed as it received a text.

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