Thank You

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Pha frowned down at his phone. Everyone involved in the competition had gotten the same e-mail sent to them:

Hello, friend!

We, 4F (Four Faculties) would like to thank you for your support and dedication while we prepared for and competed in the Kantaphat University Moon and Star Competition. Please be at the amphitheater at six o'clock sharp tonight for our thank you performance.


Kit nudged Pha's arm, holding out his own phone with a puzzled expression. "I wasn't involved in the competition. Why am I invited??"

"So am I," Beam piped up before Pha could speak.

Pha glanced at their phones, confirming they had the same e-mail. "I don't know. Has Ming said anything?"

"No," Kit shook his head. He looked up at Pha oddly. "Did Yo maybe say something about it?"

"...he hasn't said a word to me," Pha muttered, his frown deepening.

Kit and Beam exchanged a worried look. Were Ming and Yo hiding something from them?? Then Kit's phone sounded off with a 'ding' at the same time Pha's did. Ming and Yo had sent their boyfriends the same message.

Come see me at the amphitheater today at six o'clock. ;)

Kit smiled. So, Ming is a part of whatever is going on...Okay, see you tonight, Ming.

Pha, however, hadn't lost the frown. What are you hiding from me, Yo?


"P'Pha!" Was all the warning Pha had before he got slammed into by a small body, hugging him tightly. "You came!"

Pha hugged him back automatically, taking in the way Yo was dressed. He looked like he was about to film a kpop mv. "Yo, what's going on? What are you not telling me?"

Yo giggled, the sound beautiful to Pha's ears. "You'll find out, P'Pha. Here," he grabbed Pha's hand and pulled him to the front row, pushing him gently into a seat. "There, best seat in the house." He looked up. "And here comes Ming with P'Kit and P'Beam."

"Here you go, KitKat," Ming said, bouncing with excitement. "Right next to P'Pha."

"What are you guys up to?" Kit laughed, taking the seat at Pha's left while Beam settled at Pha's right.

Ming winked. "You'll find out soon. Come on, Yo. The others are waiting for us."

"See you in a few minutes!" Yo said cheerily, running off with Ming.

Kit gazed after his boyfriend, smiling softly. It was nice seeing Ming so happy and carefree. It eased the worry in Kit's heart tremendously.

"Man, wish I had a partner," Beam complained, pouting playfully.

Kit peered around Pha at him. "What makes you say that??"

"Both of you have someone to be all cutesy with. It isn't fair," Beam smirked.

Pha rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, Mr. Beam 'I only do one night stands' Baramee."

Beam laughed. "You got me."

Kit didn't laugh. He studied Beam's face when the other wasn't looking. Beam's laugh had sounded a little off, and there had been an odd emotion in his eyes Kit had never seen there before. To him, it truly sounded like Beam wanted a partner, just like Pha and Kit had. Beam...Kit sighed to himself, settling back in his chair, waiting for whatever was about to happen as Ming and Yo told them to.

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