Gloxinia and Sariel yandere headcanons

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This was a request from @JamaicaDane2. Sorry if it's bad, but I'm not used to writing yandere stuff because it's something I just struggle with. Anyways, enjoy!


He's not much of a threat to be honest.

He trusts you enough to let you talk to your friends, but not your guy friends because he sees them as competition for your love and affection.

He treats you like royalty, constantly pampering you with gifts and love even though you tell him not to spend money on you.

He's very up to date on what you like and what you hate, and he also knows what makes you angry.

If any of the other three try to use you as leverage against him to make him listen, he will flip out until you're safely back in his arms and they promise not to hurt you.

You get along the most with Tarmiel, which makes Sariel very happy as well because he's also friends with Tarmiel.

All in all not the worst yandere around, but he would die for you with no hesitation.


Gloxinia is different from Sariel as a yandere in many ways.

For starters, he will kidnap you if that means that he gets to keep you with him forever.

He does care, despite what you may think, he will gladly shower you in love and whatever you wish, other than freedom because he wants to keep you with him forever.

If you make him mad though, he will hit you and pull your hair. He isn't afraid to do so if it means that you stop doing whatever you're doing to make him angry.

That doesn't mean he likes to though, because he really doesn't. He'll apologize eventually after doing so and ask that you tell him you love him.

He gets you a bunch of cute outfits to wear, and feels very touched whenever you wear them because that means that you love what he gets you.

Like Sariel, he also is up to date with your likes and dislikes. He's also up to date with stuff you hate that he does sometimes, and drops said habits/ actions to make you happy.

He also gladly would protect you and die for you in a heartbeat.

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