Seven Deadly Sins New Father Headcanons

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He would CRY the moment he met his child for the first time.

Ban's kid would have his full attention almost all of the time.

Ban would be the one holding his child most of the time.

He would demand that the Sins and the other friends of his meet the child.

His baby would get so much love and affection from him.


Also would cry when he met his child for the first time.

He would be scared to drop the child the first time he held them.

His child would be watched over by him most of the time with the exception of the other Sins and their closest friends.

He would have introduced the Sins to the baby a few weeks after they were born.

King's child would also get lots of love from him.


He wouldn't cry as much as Ban or King, but he'd let a few tears slip.

He's going to let his (S/O) or one of the Sins hold them but he's the first one to hold the child.

Meliodas would glance at the child to make sure that they were safe every now and then, but he'd probably be more chill.

He'd let the Sins come over the day that the child was born if they wanted to.

If he's had a long day, he'll go straight to the child and hug them because he needs to see their smile if his day's been bad.


He would SOB the moment that he saw the baby.

He would hug that child so much and so often.

He'd let his friends meet the baby, and yes that does include King as well as Ban.

Helbram would be watching the kid 24/7 to make sure that they didn't get hurt.

He'd be holding the child every chance he got if he could.


Gilthunder would definitely cry when he met the child for the first time.

He would make sure that his kid was safe no matter what happened.

Gil would 100% introduce the child to Howzer, Griamore, and the others.

This man is the one holding his kid like 95% of the time.

He'll always come home from a long and stressful day of work and smile when he sees his child.


Estarossa would definitely cry when he saw the baby for the first time.

He wouldn't let them out of his sight no matter what.

Esta would definitely introduce them to Zeldris and the others.

He'd never make any sort of startling noise around the child so as not to scare them.

He'd have a very bad day at work and he'd come home only to be greeted with the eyes of his child. He'd smile and ruffle their hair before picking them up.


He'd probably only let a few tears fall because he's rarely emotional thanks to his father.

Zeldris would NEVER introduce his kid to the others until one of them found the child's room or a kid's toy on the floor or even the child themselves.

This ravenette won't let his child out of his sight no matter what the cost.

He'd try his best to not make any loud noises when he's around the child.

Zeldris would probably come home exhausted and see his child waiting for him. He'd wrap them in a hug.


This man would SOB so much when he met the child. The moment he saw the small infant he'd fall to his knees and cry.

He'd make sure to introduce them to Meliodas and the others.

Arthur would probably be more trusting of the others with his kid. He'd likely let Merlin or one of the other Sins babysit them if he was busy.

He'd probably be the one holding the child most of the time though.

If he had a bad day, it would be made 1000 times better the moment he saw his kid.


He'd let a few tears fall while denying that he was crying.

Gloxinia would 100% let the Sins and the others meet his child. ESPECIALLY Gherade.

He would let the others babysit the child, but it depends on who does it.

Gloxinia would probably dress them up in cute little onesies, especially ones that are green.

This red head would let anyone who wants to hold his kid do so.

If Gloxinia had a bad day, he'd immediately find his child and hug them.


Would 100% sob when he saw the child for the first time and hug them.

Sariel would probably be the one to let all of the Sins hold the baby at least once, including Meliodas because he's one of the only members of the Goddess Race that can tolerate him.

If he had a bad day, he'd look for his kid and hug them because he needs it.

Would definitely let Tarmiel hold the baby before Mael or Ludociel because he's his best friend.

Sariel would also 1000% let his kid have a playdate with Ludociel and Mael's kids.


He would cry a little bit, also denying that he was crying.

Tarmiel would introduce the Sins and the Archangels to his child, he'd still be cautious of Meliodas though.

If Tarmiel had a bad day, he would look for his child and hold them for hours until he felt better.

Elizabeth and Sariel are the only ones who get to babysit the baby though.


Ludociel would definitely cry. He thinks he's strong, he isn't when it comes to children.

He'd be so soft around his child and would be the one holding them most of the time.

The ones to babysit them would be either Elizabeth (Obviously) or one of the other Archangels.

If the Sins wanted to meet the baby, he'd EXCLUSIVELY prohibit Meliodas from doing so.

He doesn't trust those impure hands to even touch his child.

Mael would be one of the first few to hold the child.

If Ludociel had a bad day, he'd only need to think of his child and his day would be significantly improved.


He would also SOB the second he saw the infant for the first time.

He'd let Elizabeth and Ludociel see them after his wife obviously.

Mael would definitely let his child meet the Sins and the Archangels, but he'd be a little more cautious around Meliodas.

He'd probably be the one holding the child most of the time because he can't help but love holding them.

If he had a tiring day, he'd open the door and look for his kid and hold them for a while before his day got better.

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