Restoring One's Heart: Chapter 70 Arc 4 Saga 2

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(A/U) Thank you to all the follow's. I just realized that if you follow me you might also be interested in other things I write, so that's pretty hype. I was planning of writing a one off sort of story, just to practice my writing, but I might also not, depends on how much work I will have over the next month or so. We are very close to what are probably going to be my favorite chapters, so please be a bit patient with me! Anyway, Enjoy this chapter!

Narrator pov

Everyone walked down the hall together, as you dropped the girls and they were now all by your side as everyone could see a large door at the end of the hallway.

Illaoi: This is it... The Forge must be in here.

Miss Fortune: About time, we do this quickly and we can finally take down the Ruined Bastard!

Braum: Braum will open the way!

Braum punched open the door as everyone walked inside. The room was large with one floor. In the middle of the room was a pedestal with green glowing water in a bowl at the top. There was a ledge at the end of the platform where a huge pool of water was shown at the bottom. You all walked over the pedestal as Illaoi and Ahri looked over it.

Ahri: The power of Nagakaboros is strong here. The energy I feel... it is similar to that of the purification temple. A well of power is rising from deep below the sea.

Illaoi: Another collaboration between the Blessed Isles and the ancient Buhru. Through it has been long been struck from Buhru history. Once, I'm sure the Buhru were eager to come here to commune with Nagakaboros. But... we are not here to pray.

Miss Fortune: If not to pray then what?

Illaoi: If have spent far too long waiting for a sign, hoping to interpret the will of the Mother Serpent. I am no longer waiting. Now, I will call upon her directly.

Braum: How exciting! Will we see her?

Illaoi: She will see us. When you face Nagakaboros, all truth comes to light. Only the worthy will survive the ordeal.

Irelia: Survive?

Akali and Pyke: Another test.

Illaoi: Yes, both of you. Should we pass, the light of the Mother Serpent shall cleanse Gangplank's amulet, just as her light purified the seed in the Purification Temple.

Miss Fortune: And if we fail?

Illaoi: Lets us hope it does not come to that. Either way, we will get what we deserve.

Akali: As if we would fail. I'm pretty strong...

Y/N: True dat.

Illaoi: I will place the amulet on the alter. Each of you, reach for it... and bare your soul.

Everyone walked up to the alter and place their hand on near the amulet that was floating the water on top of it.

Ahri: I am not alone...

Illaoi: You have embraced motion. You will find your way forward. With us.

Yasuo: However this journey ends, I'll do something I haven't in many  years. I'll look forward, rather then to the past.

Miss Fortune: I guess we've all learned something.

Pyke: I am worthy.

Irelia: I will dance the path of tomorrow, my way.

Akali: I choose to be who I am, I will not forget the person I can become.

Y/N: I will always carve path to the future that others cannot. I will be the hero of the people, and their dreams.

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