The Winner: SHURIMA!

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You all have seen the Title, I don't need to tell you who won, do I???? Yes, as the title says Shurima has won the vote, which I was actually a little surprised by, but also not really. I know how down bad you guys are for Rek'Sai, but I understand, your secret is safe with me.

This is just a quick thing to tell you guys that a new chapters will be coming out a little slower then normal. I have AP testing next week and i want to try and get at least 3 or so chapters out so you guys can have something to read while I test my ass off.

This was just a quick announcement thing, so that people who don't follow me can be told about what might going on, but I do post little announcements on my actual profile, so maybe drop a follow???

Thank you for reading this short blurb and thank you for all the reads. Have a good night and a flashy day!

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