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The situation they were in was too complicated for them. And the beeping microwave was not helping them at all.

Jungkook was gripping Tae tightly by waist and locking him by meddling his leg in between others legs. Both bodies were flushed together with no space in between. Parents who were watching the scene silently took their leave.

"B-back off!" Taehyung said stuttering out of nervousness even tho he himself was unsure why he was nervous, it was not the first time they are in this position.

But when the voice spoke up near his ears, he was sure he will fall down if not for Jungkook's grip.

"You really want that pup, hmm?

Jungkook's hot breathing tickled Taehyung's neck but that was not the reason of his whimper that left his lips. It was the dominating voice that sent a shiver down his spine.

"N-no hyung." Jungkook smirked at the response and turned the other facing himself.

"Hmm, such a beautiful piece of art, it makes me want to decorate it with my marks." He murmured while dragging his fingers on Taehyung's collarbones making the other shiver visibly.

"A-Ah shit hyung no!" Taehyung exclaimed as Jungkook started leaving butterfly kisses on others neck

"Shh bub I know I know, don't worry." Jungkook assured now just brushing his lips through the collar bones.

"Can't wait to mark this as mine." He whispered leaning closure to Taehyung's lips before joining them into a messy kiss.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's biceps tightly whimpering by the way Jungkook was kissing him. Low moans leaving their lips with grunts and growls.

Soon they both backed out gasping for air, both had flushed faces with a shy smile on their face.

"Will meet you soon." Jungkook murmured to which they both nodded before closing their eyes. 

Just to open it and push each other away.

"BITCH! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY SHIELD FROM THAT BOMB!" Jungkook shouted running away from the microwave while Taehyung was in a corner rubbing his head.

"What the fuck happened? Wait...I am drooling? yuckkk!" 










They both were in school waiting for Jimin when both Mr. min and Jung came there. 

"H-hello students." Mr. Jung said stuttering a bit as their last fight was still fresh in his mind, and maybe it will stay like that forever.

"What do you want sir?" Jungkook asked not wanting any commotion as Taehyung was already getting riled up with their presence.

In both the Alphas, Jungkook was the calm one and had immense level of patience.

"We are here for Jimin." Mr. Min sad blankly making Tae scoff.

"And why is that? As far as we know in college no PDA or relationship acts are allowed." Taehyung said before Jungkook can say anything.

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