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Everyone was confused by Jungkook's words.

"What do you mean kook?" Jimin asked carefully, wanting to know the meaning behind his words. Others were silent knowing its not their matter to open their mouth in mid.

"Listen, you know, we all know, whatever that dark shit is out there, it will target us, and even if it wont, those fucking jealous asses wont stop at all. And I don't want to risk it at all. Moreover, his pregnancy can't go out. Announce this to everyone out there, that we are going on a vacation." 

Everyone agreed with his words but they were not getting what will happen after that.

"Kook, what about after vacation? You know no one will believe that you are having four months vacation." Yoongi mentioned what everyone was thinking making other's nod as well where as Jungkook's face was calm. It seems like he had planned everything.

"That's the plan hyung, vacation is just a bait, they will think we are at vacation, but in that one month of vacation, we will find another place and shift there without anyone knowing. The only person who will know about our whereabouts will be the one who is coming with us. And I know no one would, apart from him." Jungkook said pointing at Jimin at last.

They all looked at Jimin who just shrugged, Jungkook wasn't lying, he will go where the two will go.

But that doesn't mean that no one else can come.

"Chim, what are you doing? Laptop? right now?" Tae said looking at Chim, good for the two, no one else heard them. 

Jimin shushed him and motioned him to be quite and look, Tae nodded and peeked in, he gasped at Jimin's work making Jimin snicker.

"I am excited!" Tae cheered lowly making Jimin nod as well. He was also exited, lets pray things go as he wants.

About half an hour later, as they all were chatting, the hyung line in the room got a ding on their phone altogether making everyone frown, except the two snickering hyenas that Jungkook noticed from the side of his eyes.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook asked side eyeing the laughing males.

"W-We got approved for a month leave." Hobi muttered stuttering, rereading the messages.

"That's good then, what's wrong?" Jungkook said relaxing while leaning back on the head board while his hands were caressing Tae's thighs softly.

"That we never filled the application on the first place." Now this made Jungkook grip Tae's thigh a bit harder making his giggles die down.

"K-Koo." Tae called stuttering as he felt the other stiff.

"You two did it right?" Jungkook asked looking at the two who were looking down nodding slowly.


They both snapped their heads up at Jungkook to see if he was joking but he was serious about it. With a pleasing smile he nodded at the two who broke out in wide smiles.

"its good, now we all can go, wait, only if you all are fine." Jungkook and others looked at the hyungs with skeptical look.

"Well, who refuses a adventure? Not me." Jin said shrugging and eventually everyone agreed.

"Ohk, that's it! Lets inform the parents." Jimin said jumping around but halted as a question popped up in his mind.

"Where are we going?"

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