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"What happened?" Kumashi asked as they went inside the mansion where parents were waiting for them.

"Hmm, I am not sure but. It seems like Tae has gotten his first heat." 

Just as he spoke a silence fell over. Parents who were busy talking with elder snapped their heads towards Jimin as he spoke.

"Where are they?" Mrs. Jeon asked breaking the silence.

"He said he went to the farm house, the one in forest." Parents nodded settling back on the couch.

"But shouldn't he be with Jimin instead? Like they both are omega." Kumashi asked to others but flinched as Jimin shrieked.

"I don't want to be fucked by my own child! Even though I know he wont do anything but still!" Jimin exaggerated making others sigh.

"What he means is Tae is Alphian Omega, that means if he is not with his true blood then his heat will turn into rut." Kumashi's eyes went wide at that. With uncertainty in his voice he again asked.

"Even if there is an Alpha in front of him?" Mrs. Kim nodded making Kumashi's eyes wide.

"Before Lyssa took over, his Alpha was strongest, same as Jungkook's so without his omega side,  that only comes out in presence of his true blood means Jungkook he is a pure Alpha that can make any one submit with just one order." Kumashi was still surprised intaking all the new information.

"Its his first heat right?" Elder asked suddenly to which Jimin nodded making Elder think something.

"It will be good if they mark each other." He suggested to which other's were confused as to why?

"But Elder, if they mark, it is sure that Jungkook will knot him." Kumashi pointed out to which Elder calmly nodded.

"Shouldn't we stop him? knotting will lead to pregnancy and I don't think this situation is better for pregnancy when we need both of them." Elder shook his head completely denying Kumashi's suggestion.

"First of all, you can't even wander near Taehyung when he is in heat. Jungkook will not think twice before shredding you into pieces. Second, its fine for them actually the situation can be handled and it will take them just five months and it will be over. more over being marked, it will make them more powerful." Kumashi nodded and left to his room.

Other's also went to their respective rooms.









Jungkook was driving towards the farm house when suddenly the car felt hot, extremely hot that he had to turn the AC on in chilly winter.

"Fuck! Why its so hot!" He looked back at Tae who was drenched in sweat from top to bottom squirming on the seat. It was all fine until he caught the seat under Taehyung's grip melting.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He shouted making Tae whimper.

"Shh, calm down it will be alright." He drove in maximum speed and sighed as he saw the farm house.

Parking the car he went inside the house and brought a thick blanket. He opened the back seat and picked Tae up wrapped in the blanket so that he wont get burned and it will be easy to pick him up.

"Tae, pup what's happening? Tell me." He requested desperately as he took the other in their room.

"H-Hot! i-its too much hot! H-Hyung!! My bo-body seems like burning!" Jungkook panicked as Tae suddenly cried out loud bursting into tears.

"Shh, lemme arrange a cold bath for you hm." He took the burning male and made him lie inside the tub. He stripped the male making him lay naked in the tub, turning the water on and switching it to cold temperature. 

He sighed as he felt the other relaxing. As he felt the water warming up he again filled the cold water before emptying all the warm water.  

Repeating the process again and again he did it until Tae slept in the tub only. 

Sighing Jungkook brushed Tae's hair back caressing it softly. He was sitting alongside the bath tub didn't even knew when his eyes started drooping and he slept beside the already sleeping male.

Morning came in a blink, the male sleeping beside the bath tub woke up due to a loud shriek.

"Wae Wae!! What happened!!" Jungkook asked getting up but in hast he slipped landing on top of the naked male.

"Jungshit!!" Jungkook winced as the other basically shouted in his ears.

"Wait for devil's sake you lil shit!!" Tae huffed and pouted as the other took some time to see in which situation he is, poor boy just woke up.

Opening his eyes he saw Tae pouting angrily making him confuse, but then he noticed that the younger was naked, as in butt naked and he was basically straddling him.

"What a sight to bless my morning." Jungkook commented licking his lips as his lips turned up forming the dirtiest smirk on his face.

He leaned closure to the other while his both hands were supporting to the edges of the bath tub. Taehyung pouted leaning back turning to the other side giving Jungkook a clear view of his scent gland making the other close his eyes and intake a long sniff.

"Umm, I might just eat you up completely, you smell so delicious." He leaned closure sucking on the skin making Tae grip on his shoulder as low whimpers and gasps escaped his lips.

"K-Kook-ah!" Jungkook hummed while leaving soft kisses on his jaw to lips.

Their moment broke off when Taehyung's stomach grumbled making Jungkook concerned remembering last night.

"Shit! pup are you fine? Is it still burning?" He asked while cupping other's cheeks with worried eyes but calmed down as he heard other giggle before shaking his head as no.

"Fine my pup, lets feed you something." He kissed other's nose then raised up to peck other's forehead softly, he let his lips linger there for few seconds before pulling back and getting out of the bath tub. He picked the other up wrapped up in bathrobe.

"I missed this place." Tae commented while wearing his clothes that he found in their closet, Jungkook doing the same.

"Hmm, me too. Remember when we used to play in yard with water hose?" Jungkook reminded with a gleaming mischief in his eyes.

"Wanna play again?" Tae said smiling evily and who was Jungkook to say no?









"Damn, I feel bad for Taebooty."


.....Let me tell you something...don't guess my next move.....it will make me turn the story complete 180.

bye byeee~


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