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It has been a week since they started living at a completely new place with no knowledge whatsoever, luckily, they found a school near by which didn't had much teachers so Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok decided to get back to their profession as they will need money to survive and they just can't spend four months chilling around. The youngsters on the other hand were given the duty of the apartment. Cleaning and keeping it decent, making sure all the necessities are present.

Currently they all were having breakfast, the adults getting ready to leave for their work. The breakfast was a light one as they will be home by noon and got lunch packed with them.

"Tae you just can't dip your omelet into my coffee!" Hobi whined as he saw Tae trying to taste the combo of omelet and coffee while spoiling his coffee in the process. Others laughed at his condition until he started dipping the omelet in everyone's coffee.

"There! You all were laughing at my Hobi hyung, now suffer!" They all started whining but cooed as they saw his pouting angry face. His pregnancy symptoms were shown clearly on his body now, with a visible baby bump, redden cheeks, he was glowing. Whenever he went outside, he made many turn heads for a second view. Many even tried approaching but no one was successful as Jimin and Jungkook were always around him no matter what. 

"We are going now, take care of yourselves and be careful around here. Don't cause ruckus and don't fight! Am I clear?" Jin asked with a stern voice as he swung his bag on his shoulders while looking at the three teens.

"Yes hyung! Now go go, shoo!" Jin fake gasped as he saw Tae trying to shoo him away with a fly swatter. Others chuckled at the scene and dragged Jin knowing the man would sit there babying him.

They all left the house and now it was just them.

"So what do we have to do today? Vegies and meat, huh? No meat? I thought we had some left?" Both Jungkook and Tae peeked in the fridge as they saw Jimin murmuring things to his own. They were not really surprised by the sight though, knowing it was Tae who had kimchi stew at midnight yesterday, it was valid that they would not have any meat left.

"We should go and buy some." Tae suggested sighing as his leg was starting to ache due to all the standing. Pregnancy had its cons too as he would get easily tired if not in his wolf form and Lyssa seemed to sleep a lot these days as she knew there was no work for her here. They were not allowed to shift, and after getting their powers back, the wolves were also feeling a bit heavy so they all were in resting phase.

"No, not we, me. I will go and get some meat and something else too if needed, you and Kook will be at home. And if you two don't have any work, fold all the clothes neatly that are kept in other flat. It's a mess in there as no one sleeps there." Jimin ordered as he wore his jacket and pants cause being at home all day made them lazy and indecent. Everyone mostly wore shorts as they had no guest upcoming nor they went out if it was not for work. 

"Aye aye captain! Bring some snacks too, I will choose a movie!" Jungkook suggested while massaging Tae's feet who was knocked off the moment he felt slight relief in his legs.

"Sure! Will be back soon!" Jungkook nodded as he saw Jimin going and closing the door on his way out. Good for him, he don't have to get up as he was seated on floor with Tae's feet who was on the mattress beside him.

He kept massaging his feet until he realized the other was in deep slumber. He carefully got up and placed Tae in a comfortable position, covered with a blanket.

"Sleeping like an angel, as if you didn't doodled on Joon hyung's file an hour ago. Hopefully he won't get in trouble."

Jimin was in market which was a bit crowded today for some reason. He made his way through the crowd to get to the meat shop from where he bought all the time. It was hard since mainly ladies were there, pushing each other harshly. After getting jabbed 3-4 times in his stomach and chest he squeezed out of the crowd and took a breath of relief looking at the shopkeeper who was snickering while looking at him. The shopkeeper recognized him as he once caught a cat who stole her fish and tried to run, but he let it go and instead paid for the fish.

"Stop laughing Saina!" Jimin whined as he law the old lady laughing at his condition. His hair was messed up, jacket almost hanging on his body, with some smudged lipstick marks on him.

"Well you look quite messy kid. Oh! Leave all that! Lemme tell you some gossip worthy gossips!" In a second Jimin was seated with quite interest. This was something they both enjoyed. Gossiping about stuff, being a shopkeeper, she knew what was going around her, just needed someone to gossip with, and Jimin was perfect for that. He matched her level of interest and was actually intrigued with her talks.

"You know, there are some three piece men arrived in the town! It's said that they are in search of someone. They are literally jerks in my eyes though, good grace they pushed a woman aside just for stumbling in their way! If it would have been me, swear to my salmon, I would kick him to Nepal!" 

Her words made Jimin laugh so hard knowing the lady could actually do that, she was a fierce lady, maybe that was the reason she was not married, not many can handle her charm and boldness and she never settled for any less than what she deserved.

"Oh also they are so freaking dumb, you know it is rumored that they are in search of some wolves! Well, some say people while some say wolves, for me both things are dumb. Like, for a fact, you are searching for wolves in a town? In a freaking town seriously?! And looking like what? An agent fresh out of sky fall!" 

Unbeknownst to her, her words went deaf ears to Jimin who was now in deep thoughts. His heart started beating rapidly when he heard her words, if the rumors were true, there were major chances that they were the target of those 'three piece men'. He was in his thoughts when he heard something.

"Have you seen them? There are seven of them."

"Huh? Of course yes!"

Well, fuck.


Currently watching drama- bring it on, ghost....that drama got me hooked....


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