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The night went away peacefully. It was morning, Tae was dead asleep making Jimin sigh.

"Wake him up, he sleeps like a dead person." Jimin's words made Jungkook snicker, he scooted near Tae and raised his hands up but a painful cry left his lips making Jimin shock.

"What happened?" Jimin asked taking him in his arms as he stumbled back.

"H-Hot! M-My insides are burning!!" Jimin panicked not knowing what to do when suddenly Tae woke up with a jerk, gasping.

"H-hyung, T-They ki-killed m-me, y-you, ev-everyone. F-Fire, b-burning." Tae was muttering coherent words as Jungkook pulled him to his chest, he himself in Jimin's lap.

"Are you fine kook?" Jimin asked to which Jungkook nodded caressing Tae's nape calming him as the boy was still shivering.

"Bub, you had a nightmare again?" Jimin asked softly caressing Tae's back. In response he just got a timid nod with Tae's face buried in Jungkook's chest.

"We have to keep moving, oh!" Both Tae an Jungkook looked at Jimin to see him now playing with the small puppies that he brought with him. Tae was now fine, with just hiccups.

"You brought them too?" Jungkook asked chuckling to which Jimin nodded handing over one to Jungkook. There were three puppies, all brown in colour.

"Lets eat something, then keep walking, we need to find another town." Jimin suggested giving an apple  to each of them.

They all quickly finished and got up, all ready to start their journey. Thanks to Jungkook's brain, they didn't have to hold the puppies weight anymore as he suggested to make a chain for them out of their ability. So each puppy had a chain around his neck of the element that his owner had while walking beside them.

 They were now walking for last three hours, but the heat of the sun was making it hard for Tae.

"H-Hyung, ho-hot." Jimin looked at Tae and then around them, it was a barren land, no one would notice them. 

Closing his eyes he opened them again, now they had air circulating around them, preventing from feeling hot.

"Wait, I can do something about this!" Jungkook exclaimed as he saw the wind around them was hot and not enough. He swirled his hands smiling and suddenly they felt cool air surrounding them. He summoned water droplets making the air around them cold a bit.

"Wow! you t-two are so cool!" Tae said clapping his hands amused by their tricks.

"Now lets get going." Jimin commanded and the two started marching forward making him sigh but still join them in their stupidity.

Their whole day passed by walking aimlessly in one direction. It was almost dark and Jimin started to worry as now they were in complete open ground.

"We have to move fast, its getting dark." Jimin whispered looking around.

Both boys gulped at Jimin's words. They looked at him trying to match his pace.

Suddenly Jimin yelled loudly taking both of them by surprise. Looking far away they could see some houses and people there.

"There's a town!" 

This ignited a fire in them and they ran as fast as they could. Stumbling on some stones they fell on the entrance of the town. Their faces were red due to blood rush as they ran till here but nothing mattered. They are in a town, that's what mattered.

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