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"Jeon! You are again using Woo's lotion!" 

Tae's voice echoed in the whole mansion as he climb upstairs with rapid steps, almost running when he smelled the familiar fragrance of lotion and knowing Jungkook was obsessed with the lotion he was sure it was him.



"BOYS! You are getting late!" 

It was Mrs. Jeon who yelled at both of them who were just running all over the mansion, chasing each other. Although parents loved seeing all of them again in front of their eyes, their voices echoing in the mansion, they all were getting late for their university entrance exam they had today.

"Morning aunt!" Jimin greeted Mrs. Jeon as he threw his bag on the couch, looking at the two brats running everywhere with no shirt on.

"These brats." He cursed flattening on couch, giving up on them as he looked around for Woo.

"Woo is there." Mrs. Jeon who noticed Jimin's wandering eyes said, pointing towards Jeon mansion. Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Park were there with him, while she was here to pack their lunch boxes and see if they are ready.

"Oh! Oh god! We are getting late! JEONS GET DOWN THIS INSTANT!" 

Jimin started calling both of them Jeons as one Kim and one Jeon was becoming too long, so after Woo was born and Tae said he would add Jeon to his name, he started calling them the Jeons.

Mrs. Jeon flinched at the sudden call, even though it was not for her and after 10 minutes they heard pitter patter of feet, rushing down the stairs. 

Taehyung had fresh bite marks decorating his neck while Jungkook was wiping his cheeks and licking his lips trying to look presentable in front of them.

"You missed this Kook." Jimin said sweetly as he walked closure and wiped the milk droplet that was on Jungkook's throat, bobbing with every gulp.

"I-yea. I was filling the bottles, must have been due to that." 

"Milk bottles? You? Are you lactating Kook?" 

Mrs. Jeon couldn't control her laughter at Jimin's remark as she saw the mates turning pink knowing what must have happened. She asked Tae to fill up bottles for Woo as he was going out, leaving the baby with them. And Jungkook just joined in the process.

"You sure the bottles are filled? I mean, unless you were more thirsty." Jimin mocked which made Tae turn darker shade of red while Jungkook already had a comeback prepared.

"Don't worry about that Chim, he is has a lot in him. My personal cow." As he completed his words not a second passed before he felt a sharp jab in his rib.

"Cow? Bitch I will make you my horse and ride you all day!!"

Silence. A very uncomfortable silence as they all stared at Tae who suddenly realized how wrong his words sounded. His cheeks getting its red shade back as he drowned in his embarrassment feeling all the stares on him.

"Stop staring at him! We are getting late!" Fortunately, Jeon Jungkook came to rescue, pulling his mate close by his waist, as he dragged him out, without turning back, going towards the Jeon mansion to meet his son.

"Sure. late."

Outside Jungkook had his hands on Tae's waist as he didn't removed it and the other was also not bothered a bit, until those fingers started playing dirty. He felt Jungkook's fingers pulling his shirt up only to press his palm on the bare skin, caressing it softly making him shudder at the sensation.

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