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Right now they all were in front of Chanyeol who was squirming on his place due to their presence.

"Hyung, you do understand that the eldest one here is you." Jimin deadpanned at Chan's scared state making Baekhyun, Chan's mate scoff.

"Its me. I am the eldest." Jin rolled his eyes at baek's words but didn't made any comment.

"Chanie, you will open up or do I-"Chan vigorously shook his eyes stopping Baek from speaking out the words that he is suppose to say. Taking a deep breath, he slipped the words he was scared to say.

"Leviathan, she is a witch." 

Others looked at him, wanting him to continue, so he did.

"She is a witch, a dark one, build with magic. Its said that, she is the oldest one to exist, but instead of making her weak, that makes her strongest. With all the bad traits, she has one, that's baddest. She is envious, greedy. If she gets her eye on something, she wants that, by hook or crook."

"And she wants what?" Jin asked leaning close to the table almost towards Namjoon who gulped as his throat went dry by the close sight of the divine beauty.

"You all, dead." Baekhyun said as he knew Chan was too soft to say such harsh truth, that too infront of his brother, who he just met after so long.

"Woah, why? What did we even do? Like, look at us, we both spend our half of life in four closed walls, these two were cavemen and Jimin here kept getting thrown away, lets not talk about the two who are just popped out of twat!" Jin exclaimed getting all worked up at this lame reason.

"Calm down Jin hyung." Surprising everyone, Namjoon said rubbing his large palms on Jin's slender ones calming him.

"We know, but, as I said, she is greedy and envious, If she can't have it then no one can. She can't have your powers, and when you all are together, you make the most powerful force, more than her. That's what got her pissed and trail on your tails." Chan explained calmly, weighing his every word.

"But, we can't even fight, we don't know how she is intimidated by us!" Hobi said not getting why she is scared by them, who are scared of the mere humans.

"Because you all don't know your potential, what hell you can rise through your powers."

They all snapped their heads towards the new voice, it was a much older man than them, walking towards them.

"He is the oldest Vampire of our coven, Janson." Baek introduced to the old man who settled on the single couch chair.

"Um sir, what do you meant by that?" Jimin asked referring to what he said previously.

"She is powerful, destructive. Every time any such presence exists, gods choose people to vanish or erase it. This time, its you seven. You all are given such powers that no one can earn. If we mold it together, its the most powerful one, as much as it can over throw the gods up there."

Till now, they only thought they were like a proverbial sore thumb, never knew their importance in the world, now knowing what the reason of their birth is, they are too shocked to respond.

"Wow, we were born cursed." 

Jin chuckled dryly, everyone surrounding him felt their skin tingling. The atmosphere around them was now chilly and scary as they saw the white highlights in Jin's hair glowing same with his eyes. 

"That's not wha-" Janson started but got cut off by Jin's next words.

"That's what you all mean! We are born to erase someone's existence who maybe, can kill us in the process! We were born with these fucking powers, but no one acknowledged us, nor even tried to find us! Now that you have her hot on her heels, you seek for our presence!!! Do you know how much we suffered because of our abnormal birth? Do you know if we ever got the life that you all had? Do you know how many names we were called? At that time no one cared, coz you were chilling somewhere as that witch had spared you some time!"

"You see these three? They were basically going to get burnt alive! They both never knew how it is to be to live a common life in a town, we both, we were caged in four walls where we even lost the count of days we spend there!" 

They forgot the number of times thunder clashed in the sky as Jin's voice boomed in the hall. His rage caused some lightening around him that made them flinch so Namjoon created a protective barrier around the six leaving the others to face Jin's wrath.

"L-Listen, Its f-for the b-best. You all were ch-choosen by the go-"

"No you listen. Janson right? Did we said that we wanted to be chosen? No. We never wanted! Its not you who gets to have a say in this if its for the best or not! You might be the great devotee and believer of those high classed people up there, But I am not. And I can assure, nor my friends are. Cause we believe when someone gives us hope to believe them. What did they do? Nothing! They left us to face this cruel world that we are born to save, who in return just gave us wounds! Wounds, scars that are too deep to heal!"

Janson couldn't utter a single word, he was too shocked or scared as he saw the man having thunder bolts around him, eyes glowing as the sparks adorned his highlights. His whole body was charged. A single touch of his on anyone can lay them to death bed. 

It was pin drop silent, only Jin's loud breathing could be heard overpowering every sound. It was like everything was frozen when suddenly.

"I, the mate of Prince Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun beg you to help us, our people that are in danger. I am asking for forgiveness for my Mate's and coven's selfishness regarding you all. Forgive me. I was unaware about you all until a week before, But I will make sure from now on,  everyone treats you with the respect you all deserve." 

Everyone was too shocked to say something as the mate of the future king, himself a going-to-be king, fell on his knees to beg for forgiveness regarding his people's doing.

Jin quickly snapped out of his trance and pulled Baek up by his arms.

"Don't! Please. You have no share in their cruel acts, you were unknown to us, to this future. Don't beg for someone else." Jin said, now voice soft and like a crystal, soothing Baek's mind.

"So, are y-you all willing to h-help?"


why life is so messed up?


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