Chapter 201

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German's POV:

I had only a quick second to think when I decided to stand up while holding Angie's hand tightly, giving her support to stand up as well.

Everyone from the table and around stood up and bowed deeply while we headed towards the entrance together with Angie.

Near the door Angie turned back to the other, giving them a convincing smile and nod before looking back at me and we headed inside...

Inside the palace Angie let out a huge sigh of pain and tiredness before grabbing onto my arm more tightly.

- Dear god... - she moaned - Help me to my room, German... I don't know how long I can keep up...

- Stay strong! I'm here for you!

She smiled weakly and leaned on me the whole way as we were getting through the palace.

At the harem all the girls came out to see what's going on and I could see on their faces that they wanted to say things, but they didn't dare as I was near.

I lead Angie through the corridors, to her room, but she couldn't stay up anymore and she collapsed... Or she was about to collapse, but she couldn't as I was right there to hold her up.

- Agas!! - I shouted - Anyone! Help!!

Soon some agas came to help me to get Angie to her room and to her bed where she finally seemed to calm down...

She was breathing heavily which started to make me think...

- Angie... Angie, calm down... - I whispered while I was caressing her head gently - You'll be fine... You'll be fine...

- German... - she moaned - No... Don't say things that you know are not true at all...

- Angie, no... - I stuttered - Don't give up...

- If you'd feel... What I feel... What I've felt... For months and months... You'd want to die as soon as possible...

- Angie...

- German... I know what I'm saying... It's time...

This made me shake even more and nearly cry, but I was holding it back.

- Wait... Let me call the doc! - I jumped up from the bed, but she grabbed onto my hand quickly.

- Please... No... Don't leave me...

- Okay, okay... I'm not going to... I promise... - I mumbled as I sat back down to the edge of the bed - Just don't stress yourself...

- Thank you... - she sighed tiredly then after a while she spoke up again - German...

- Yes?

- Remember the first time... When we saw each other?

- Of course I remember - I smiled - I remember every moment of our life together... Everything from the very beginning... And you should know that you're my everything and you have always been...

- You're so sweet... - she smiled - We have had some hard times too...

- Definitely... But who didn't?

- True... True...

- But every time I've messed up... I regretted everything right away...

- Hm...

- You're thinking about your sister, don't you? - I mumbled.

- I do... I'm going to see her very soon... - she said while staring at the ceiling.

- Don't say that! Please...

She now looked at me and smiled weakly.

- If you'd feel what I feel...

- Angie...

- Just stay with me... This is all I want from you... To stay with me...

- I won't leave you, don't worry... - I said while still holding her hand gently - Please... Don't leave me...

She sighed then smiled at me.

- Remember? How much we argued when my sister was here?

- Yeah... But do we really want to... Remember that?

- No... You're right...

- How about the time when you gave birth to Violetta?

- Oh yeah... I remember... - she smiled - People were telling me that it's not going to be good to give birth to a girl... But then... You told me that you always... Always wanted a girl too... And this... Made me truly happy...

- Yeah... - I smiled back at her - It was one of the happiest day of my life...

- I know... And... And I'm glad to hear that... - she sighed again.

- Angie...

- Hm?

- I'll always love you... No matter if this is our last moment together... I'll always love you... You'll be in my heart... And I'll join you sooner, or later...

At this point I heard the door behind me flying open and someone came in...

I didn't know who it was, but after hearing two deep sighs I was guessing that it's Mustafa and Sümbül aga.

As soon as Angie recognized them she smiled...

- Sümbül... - she said weakly.

- Yes, sultana? - he replied immediately.

- Please, take care of everything when I'm away... - she said - Mostly Violetta...

- Of course sultana!

- Mustafa...

- Yes...?

- Remember what I told you... And what I've asked you...

- I won't forget...

Angie now looked back at me and caressed my cheek.

She wasn't speaking a word, but I knew what she wanted...

I kissed her softly and she kissed me back right away.

- Thank you for everything... For this amazing life I had... On your side... - she whispered while I was caressing her cheek.

- I thank you... For loving me the way that nobody else did...

She smiled one more time weakly before she closed her eyes and let out her last breath.......

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