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It's almost midnight, and you know that you should be fast asleep. Josh is curled next to
you, a protective hand sprawled across your swollen stomach.
But your baby keeps kicking, and no amount of shifting around, this way or that, will make her stop. you frown, lifting the sweatshirt that you had borrowed (or stolen) from Josh earlier that night.

"Baby..please, just stop kicking. It's hurting your momma." You whisper, but the kicks continue, harder than before. You can't help but let out a small whimper, squeezing your eyes shut tightly.

A sleepy Josh shifts in bed next to you, blinking his eyes open.
"Love? What's wrong?" He sits up, leaning down to press a kiss on the top of your head.
You pout, making grabby hands at him. Josh immediately complies, pulling you into his lap.

"'It's the baby. She won't stop kicking"

Josh stiffens, becoming instantly more alert, holding you closer.

"Do we need to go to the hospital? Is she coming?" You can't help but giggle at his adorable antics, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"No, you dork. She's not due for another month. But can you try to sing to her?"

Josh blushes slightly, nodding. "'Course babe. Anything for my little princess." He leans down, nudging his nose against the skin just above your belly button, sending goosebumps down your spine.

"Hi baby girl.." he whispers ever so softly, "Momma asked me to sing to you since you're being a trouble maker and kicking her. But I forgive you since I love you so much." He presses another soft kiss to your stomach, before whispering a lullaby into the skin of your belly.

You smile slightly, chewing on your bottom lip. You were nearly eight months along, and Josh had been getting more and more excited about the arrival of your daughter. He had even gone out and bought a whole wardrobe of baby clothes, and set up the crib by himself one afternoon.

You couldn't help the burst of affection swelling up in your chest, making your face soften as you watched Josh continue. This was the same boy you had met all those years ago in a little coffee shop by the edge of town, the one who had tripped over his own feet while attempting to flirt with you. That was the first time you had felt that now familiar warm feeling inside, your cheeks tinted pink from laughing at the clumsy boy. You had gone by the coffee shop every day for weeks until Josh finally built up the courage to ask you on a date.

That was four years ago, and here you are now, lying in bed with Josh singing to your unborn daughter, and you trying not to burst from how much you love them both.
You wake up the next morning to soft kisses along your neck, and a warm hand rubbing gentle circles into your pregnant belly. You roll over to face your boyfriend, scrunching up your nose as Josh nips at the tip of it playfully.
"Morning." He grins, kissing your forehead. You just groan, throwing an arm over Josh's waist.

"'It's too early for life." you say dramatically, curling into his side. Josh just laughs and pulls you into his lap, rubbing a hand possessively over the swell of your stomach. You pout slightly, nuzzling into his chest.
"Josh—-" you groan, fluttering your eyelashes at him. "'I'm hungry."
Josh just smiles fondly, "Pancakes?"
You nod gratefully, watching as Josh stands and stretches his arms out.
"I'll be back in a bit." and your heart swells just a little bit with all the love that you had for this boy.

He had been catering to your every need ever since the pregnancy test came out positive, and the realization that you were having a baby together finally set in. He would run out to McDonald's in the middle of the night to buy a Big Mac, then hurry along to the 24-hour grocery store across town for chocolate syrup and olives, just as you requested. And through everything, he never once complained. Josh always complied immediately and went out of his way to make sure you were happy.
You snap out of your thoughts as Josh comes bounding in with a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes topped with a thick syrup.

"That was fast." you chuckle, smiling at the face Josh pulls. And then, yeah, there it is again. That warm feeling spreading throughout your entire body as you watch Josh cut the pancakes for you.

Josh looks up and catches you staring, but only sticks his tongue out in order to hear that giggle that he loves so much.
After all the pancakes had been eaten (with more seductive looks and finger-licking than necessary), Josh's lips are on your stomach, blowing raspberries into the skin.
You giggle, pushing him away, "Josh—" you laugh, "cut it out!"
"It's for the baby!" he insists, laughing along with you.
"I love you." You finally say, after he's stopped motor-boating your stomach and finally let's you breathe.

"I love you more," he challenges.

"But I love you most." You huff, scrunching your nose up. Josh laughs.

And you can't help the warm feeling in your chest that's bubbling up again, making your cheeks pink as Josh flips you both onto your sides, spooning you and rubbing your swollen tummy. You thinks that maybe, just maybe, this could be what you were destined for.
Destined for a love like no other.
Almost a month later, your small, perfect baby girl is born. Tears are shed, and kisses are shared.

But you still can't help but swell with joy, because Josh is yours and you both have a perfect little baby daughter with Josh's chocolate eyes and wild head of hair.
And in the car on the way home from the hospital, you feel it again as you watch Josh light up when your daughter wraps her tiny hand around his finger.

You can't describe it, the bubbling feeling inside your chest, but you know it's deep, and you know it's real. A love like no other.

Credit to Joshdunfics on tumblr☺️

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