First day ar chipotle (part two: dinner date)

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Josh Dun imagine

You tied off your apron and took off your hat, placing them on the nightstand in your room, taking a deep breath and checking your phone for the millionth time today. You've been waiting for a text or a call, anything really, from the boy you had just met earlier today. Josh Dun had changed your life, even if you had just met him. You couldn't get him out of your mind, his smile, his voice, his laugh, his eyes, everything about that boy just drove you crazy. You started to wish that maybe he was the one who would've given you his number instead. You took the concert ticket he had given you out of your pocket, staring at it and grinning, reminiscing the couple minutes you had spent together earlier today. He had said that he liked you! Well, in a strange kind of way. Either way, he had given you a ticket to his concert and told you he had something for you later, which you were still curious about. That's when your phone rang, and although it was a number you had never seen before, you picked up almost immediately, taking a deep breath and then greeting the caller happily. "Hi this is y/n," you announced.
"Hey," a voice responded. But it wasn't just any voice. It was his voice. Josh Dun.
"Hello," you replied, a goofy grin spread across your face.
"It's Josh," he explained. "You know? The Chipotle guy?'
"Who? I think you have the wrong person," you joked.
"Haha, you're funny," he laughed. "So do you think you can make it to the show tonight?"
"Absolutely," you nodded eagerly.
"That's great. I really want you to introduce you to my friend, Tyler. I've been telling him all about you," he answered. "And I want to take you out to eat maybe, after the show. To get to know you better."
"That sounds amazing," you gasped. "I'd love to."
"Cool," he remarked. "So I'll see you then?"
"Definitely," you reassured.
"I wish I could talk to you longer, but we're starting sound check soon, so I got to go. Just after the show's done, text me and I'll come find you. Got it?" he decided.
"Sounds good. Thank you," you tried your best not to giggle. Was this really happening?
"It's my pleasure," Josh replied, and he disconnected the call, you staring at your phone and smiling.
It took your almost two hours just to decide which outfit to wear, and then about another fifteen minutes trying to rearrange your hair, and then you had to figure out which shoes to put on also. Almost every decision you contemplated for a long period of time, unsure and doubting whether or not Josh would like it. You finally decided on something simple, letting your hair down, wearing your favorite shoes. Maybe the saying was right, you thought as you looked in the mirror, less is more. You drove in your car, the ticket in your pocket, nervously tapping your thumbs on the steering wheel, anxious to go see him. You hadn't been to a lot of concerts before, and you weren't the party or crowd type, but it seemed like fun and you were excited to see Josh, so you didn't hesitate going. When you got there, you passed security, showed them your ticket, and that's when you realized what seat you had gotten. It was front row, right by the barricade, directly in front of Josh's drum set. You smiled to yourself, thinking what a lucky girl you were, how this was probably not just a coincidence.
When the boys got on stage, you could see Josh scanning the crowd for your face, and they started playing music, but you could tell Josh was sort of distracted. Was he looking for you? You shook your head, trying to focus on the music, and mostly Josh, instead of frivolous thoughts and concerns. They played some really good songs, and you almost cried during some really emotional parts, but it was during your favorite song that Josh finally locked eyes with you, his face breaking out into a huge grin, and you knew he saw you. You waved, and he nodded back, and you were sure he had seen your face. You had a good time, even finding yourself chanting for an encore when they were off stage, and when they came back, your eyes were fixed on Josh the entire time, watching him play the drums with a passion and energy that you had never seen before. You really did like him, even if you had just met him today. There was something very special and magical about that boy that made him stand out, different, almost better than all the rest.
The show finished, and you frowned, knowing that it was over, but that's when you felt something buzz in your pocket, and you remembered that you still had to go see Josh. You pulled out your phone, and he had sent you a text saying that it would be a couple minutes before he could get you, but to wait by a certain door. You sent back an okay, and then waited where he had told you to go, nervously biting your fingernails and trying not to get too frazzled. Was what you were wearing okay to go out to dinner? Did you go too crazy during the show? Was he going to not like you? That's when a security guy came towards you, and you almost walked away, scared you were going to get in trouble, but he just smiled and waved. "Hey, are you y/n?" he asked.
"Uh, yeah. That's me," you responded.
"Cool. Josh told me I was supposed to take you to the dressing room," he explained. "I'm a security guard, don't worry."
"Thanks," you smiled. You didn't expect this to happen. You followed the security guard down a couple of hallways, and then finally to a room.
"Here you go, stay out of trouble, keep the boys in line," the security guard teased.
"I will," you chuckled.
You knocked on the door, and when it opened, Tyler came face to face with you. "Hey Josh!" he smirked. "Your girlfriend is here to see you."
"Y/n!" you heard Josh shout from afar, and he raced to the door, and hugged you tight, his arms wrapped around you and catching you by surprise. You hadn't expected a hug, but he felt so strong and you felt so safe and comfortable in his arms, as if nothing could go wrong. He released the embrace, and then stepped back, grinning at you. You smiled back. You had to stop from staring at him. He was now wearing a gray sweatshirt, black ripped jeans, sneakers, and he looked really handsome. Sure, he looked amazing on stage too, and at Chipotle. Well, he always looks amazing, no matter what he's wearing, no matter where he is.
"Hey Josh," you laughed. "I missed you."
"He missed you too," Tyler told you.
"Shut up," Josh rolled his eyes. "Come in, there's a couch over there. You want a Red Bull?"
"Sure," you nodded. He handed you one, and you popped open the tab, taking a long sip.
"What did you think of the show?" he wondered.
"It was great! I loved it!" you responded. "Especially the drummer, what was his name again? Joe? James? Jake?"
"I think it was Josh," Tyler corrected.
"I was joking," you explained.
"Oh," Tyler sighed. "Well, I'm going to leave Romeo alone with Juliet for a couple minutes. Don't do anything when I'm gone. I'll keep my eye on you two." Tyler squinted his eyes at both of us, and we laughed. "Josh is mine."
"Okay, don't worry," you sighed. "He's all yours."
"Good," Tyler crossed his arms. "Don't forget that."
"Go run along and find Jenna or something," Josh shooed him out the door. "You have better things to do than tease y/n."
"Maybe I will," Tyler shrugged, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him, and Josh turned to you, a smile on his face.
"Hey, I forgot to thank you for the Chipotle earlier today, it was great. For your first day on the job, I think you did superb," he complimented.
"Thanks," you blushed.
"So? What do you say? Dinner?" he asked.
"Yeah, that sounds great," you nodded. "But I do believe you're forgetting something?"
"Am I?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Yup. You told me you had something for me after the show," you reminded.
"Oh, how could I forget?" Josh shook his head. "I'm stupid."
"You're not stupid," you defended.
"Yeah, I almost forgot!" Josh groaned.
"Forgot what?" you inquired.
"I forgot to give you this," Josh explained. He put a hand behind your head, bringing your close, and kissed you softly on your lips, quick but just long enough to be perfect. He moved away, a grin on his face, and you were almost sure you had turned completely red.
"That, um, that was..." you stammered. "Wow."
"You liked that?" he raised his eyebrows.
"I loved it," you smiled.
"Well there's more in store if you stick around a little longer," he tilted his head to the side.
"Then I'm a fool not to stay," you laughed.
"So... Dinner?" Josh wondered.
"Dinner it is," you nodded. You stood up, drinking the rest of your Red Bull, and then tossing it in the trash. Josh's hand found yours, and you were holding hands as you walked out of the dressing room, down the hallway, to whatever fancy place Josh had picked out.
"Where are you two going?" Tyler interrogated when he caught you two trying to sneak out of the arena.
"We'll be back soon, I promise," Josh explained. "Give us about an hour or two."
"Don't forget," Tyler whispered. "I'm watching you two."
"We know, we know," you rolled your eyes. Tyler winked at Josh and then walked away, leaving you and Josh there, walking out the door and underneath the night sky. You looked up at them in awe, gazing at the constellations. "The stars are beautiful tonight."
"Not as beautiful as you," Josh quickly added.
"You're amazing Josh," you sighed, walking to his car.
"You too, y/n," he smiled. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and then he opened the door for you, ushering you in. You sat down, leaning back, thinking how lucky you were to be here, with Josh Dun, just the two of you and nobody else holding you back. Josh opened his door, sliding in the driver's seat, sliding the keys in the ignition.
"I like your car," you told him. "Especially the stereo." You gazed at the set up he had installed, almost begging for him to play something, anything, just so you could hear how it worked.
"How about we listen to some music?" he suggested, reaching his hand into the glove box and happening to pull out your favorite album of all time.
"Absolutely," you agreed. He popped the disc in and the first track played, both of your faces breaking out into huge smiles. You started to think that you and Josh would be together for a very long time, and there was a certain feeling in the atmosphere that confirmed that what you were thinking was very right. Maybe it was the way he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your knee, the way you both belted out the words at the top of your lungs, how you would gaze into each other's eyes when you were stopped at the red light. Everything he did made you fall in love with him, and you couldn't wait for more nights like this.

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now