Disney (part 3)

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Josh Dun imagine

You had decided to skype family once you were back on the bus. Josh's parents were thrilled. Your parents already knew because Josh had asked you father about three weeks back if he could marry you. Abby and Ashley knew too, they kept asking about the wedding but you just laughed knowing that probably won't be for another year or so. There was only one more person to tell. Your sister Annie. You first texted her asking if you to could talk. About 15 minutes later you got a call. It was Annie, she sounded kind of pissed when you answered the phone.
"So when were you planning on telling me you left. Huh? Can't you stop being so selfish and think of others for once."
"Annie I wanted to tell-"
"No Y/N" she was screaming through the phone. You never did good with yelling and this brought a few tears to your eyes. Josh sat next to you and just gave your hand a reassuring squeeze that it would be ok. He could hear her calling you useless, selfish, slut, and all these other names. He so badly wanted to take the phone out of your hand and yell back at her,but he knew better not to interject.
After her screaming at you for about 2 minutes you finally took a deep breath and spoke.
"Annie, look I know we've had our differences but you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be. I know you have a lot of stress but i'm not your punching bag. I wanted to call you and tell you that me and Josh just got engaged. It's a really exciting time in my life right now and I would like for you and your sons to be involved in it." You stayed as calm as possible knowing you could say a few words about her but deciding against it.
"WAIT A MINUTE. YOU'RE CALLING ME TO TELL ME YOU'RE ENGAGED TO THAT NO GOOD JOSH DUN. YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING RIGHT? I'VE TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM. HE'S JUST GOING TO USE YOU AND DESTROY YOUR LIFE." You just looked at Josh as he heard the entire conversation. With that he reached for you ear to pull away the phone. He got up and took your phone with him off of the bus. You couldn't hear what they were saying but you knew Josh was mature enough to not say anything to bad to her.
Jenna joined you on the couch until Josh came back with your phone in his hand and an angry look on his face.
"She'll call you back tomorrow."He said as he handed you your phone and walked off to the bunk. You joined him after thinking about what could have been said to piss him off so much.
"Josh? Babe what is making you so pissed."You asked kind of sheepishly being intimidated by his anger.
"I just can't stand watching her walk all over you. Since I've known you it's always been this way. Babe you're such a strong person. Why are you letting her treat you this way?" You both just looked into eachothers eyes.
"I'm not really sure. It's just always been like this."
He let out a small sigh. "I can't watch you get hurt like that. I saw it in your eyes. I always do."
"Thanks Josh." You said as you climbed into the small bunk and curled up against him.
"For what?"
"Dealing with my sister for me. You're right it hurt like hell listening to her shit talk me and you. Also for not being mad for this kind of ruining our day."
"This would never ruin our day. I'll always be there for you and you better believe that because I love you so, so freaking much."
With that you two yet again fell asleep tangle with one another. You loved this man with all your heart and you loved that he was yours forever.
You phone woke you up at 2:30 in the morning. Who was calling you at 2:30am?
"Hello?"you whispered into your phone as you climbed out of the bunk over to the living room area in the bus.
There was no response just a quiet cry.
"Annie? Is that you? What's wrong?" As much as you couldn't stand your sister she was still family so you had to be concerned.
"Y/N. Josh cheated on you. You have to leave there now. I wanted to tell you before but I just couldn't."she was slurring her words which meant she was probably drinking from the time she got off the phone with josh until now.
"Annie what do you mean?" You didn't know if you should believe her or not. You knew she was just probably looking for attention because that's what she always is looking for but at the same time it would make sense if Josh did. I mean you were far from perfect and Josh could literally get anyone.
"Josh is bad news. I've always told you that. When you first started dating and I was going through my divorce he kissed me and started texting me asking if we could hook up." You heard a smile in her voice which indicated she was lying. You knew all your sisters little tricks and games.
"Why are you doing this to me? Just because your marriage failed and now you're miserable doesn't mean you have to ruin everyone else's relationships. I'm sick of this Annie. Me and Josh love each other and I'm not letting you and your games you love playing get in the way of this. I'm seriously sick of getting stepped all over by you. I don't understand what I did to you, but ever since we were kids you have done things to hurt me. I've been there for you and your boys since you and Mark split up. I moved in with you to take care of them. I gave up my life for you and those boys. Now I can't help feeling bad for them because they have you as their mother." You felt bad saying that last part but you needed to say it. You hoped it would make her realize that she is an awful person to you and teacher her kids her poor ways.
"Listen Annie if you don't support this relationship, I don't care. You need to pull your shit together though because you have 3 amazing kids to take care of. I mean it. I'm done with you. When you get your life back on track call me." With that you hung up not wanting to heard her excuses or hurtful words.
"Now that's what I've been wanting you to do for so long." Josh said breaking the silence and hugging you from behind.
"Josh did you cheat on me." You asked in an emotionless tone which made Josh pull away from you and you turned are and looked in his eyes. They were so soft and had a confused look to them.
"Did Annie say I did. Y/N I would never think of doing that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did."
"Yeah she told me you kissed her and you were trying to hook up with her. I know she was lying but I couldn't help but get upset and curious. I mean you could have anyone you want, but for some reason you chose me. A nobody. I don't really understand why though-" Josh cut you off and held up your hand that had the engagement ring on it.
"Do you really think I would give this to just anyone." he said she he gestured to the beautiful ring on your hand. "Y/N your not a nobody to me. You're my everything. I'm with you because I feel in love with you the first time I met you. Your smile made my heart melt and once we started dating I knew that you were the one. Stop putting yourself down saying I could have anyone because it's not true. I really did mean what I said. You're my one and only Y/N."
He leaned into kiss you and you smiled while kissing him. You couldn't wait to get married, start a family, and grow old with Josh. You trusted him and knew he was a great person. You were so lucky you got a loving, kind, handsome guy to fall in love with you. Josh made all your fears, doubts, and troubles disappear. He made you one of the happiest people on Earth.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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