Good behavior

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Josh Dun imagine

"Well look at you," you grinned, walking into the room as Josh fixed his tie in the mirror.
"You're looking pretty fine yourself, y/n," Josh added.
"Ready to go soon?" you asked.
"Yup," he nodded.
"You have to behave," you reminded. "Jenna and Tyler invited us for a nice dinner, and I intend to keep it that way."
"I didn't mean for that to happen last time!" Josh argued.
"Whatever," you chuckled.
"I couldn't help it!" he insisted.
"Maybe you could've just told someone instead of knocking the entire table over," you suggested.
"Yeah right," he laughed as you both got in the car and he started to drive you two to the restaurant. Last time you had gone on a double date dinner with Jenna and Tyler, Josh had spotted a bee on your fork, and you were about to put the food in your mouth when he jumped over and swatted the fork out of your hand, managing to tip over the table and everything on it in the process. It was a fiasco, something you all laughed upon now, but had thought to be a disaster at the moment. You were horrified to think that Jenna and Tyler might witness something like that again, but Josh reassured you that it was fine, since him and Tyler constantly embarrassed themselves in public anyways.
"You're the one that needs to behave," Josh narrowed his eyes.
"Oh yeah?" you challenged.
"You're always giving me those googly eyes across the table or trying to wink at me," he frowned. "It's distracting."
"Then maybe I won't do it anymore," you shrugged contently. "Since you don't appreciate it."
"Well it's distracting in the best way possible," he insisted.
"You're silly," you rolled your eyes.
"Just stay on your best behavior," Josh sighed.
"Looks who's talking," you giggled.
"Me?" he shook his head. "Nah, you're the one we need to watch out for."
"I think it's the other way around," you joked.
"Fine. How about this? Best behaved tonight gets to control food plans for the week," Josh offered.
"What? You're going to win and we're going to live off of Taco Bell and Chipotle?" you put your hands on your hips.
"No," he tried to resist a smile. "Okay, maybe."
"What defines being well behaved?" you inquired.
"You'll know what I mean," he reassured.
"What?" you raised an eyebrow as he pulled into a parking spot.
"You'll see," he nodded.
You walked in and spotted Tyler and Jenna at a booth, and you and Josh slid in across from them. You exchanged a friendly smile with Jenna as Josh and Tyler began to start talking about some new ideas for tour. You watched the two boys brainstorm before they finally agreed on a consensus, and then you all began dinner, starting off with some drinks to begin. "So how's it going y/n?" Jenna wondered.
"It's going very well," you replied, when you felt something crawl up your leg. You knew it was Josh, his fingers trying to tickle you. You reached your hand under the table and grabbed his wrist, signaling for him to cut it out, then realizing you had just missed what Jenna had just said.
"It must be pretty tiring, huh?" she asked.
"Yeah," you just agreed, unsure of what the heck she was talking about. Damn, if Josh was going to be like that, so were you.
"And how about you, Josh? After touring, your schedule must be pretty whack as well," Jenna chuckled.
"Yup it-" he jumped in his seat when you jabbed a finger in his side, and you smirked. Jenna narrowed her eyes and Josh quickly recovered. "Yup, it is."
"Okay," Jenna laughed it off, but Josh sneaked a glare at you and you just sipped your drink, when Josh's fingertips tickled your side and you had to elbow him to cut it out. You all ordered your food and you thought maybe this nonsense was done for a couple minutes, before you felt another little tickle on your hip and you had to kick Josh's foot under the table to tell him to quit it. What was up with him today?
"Hey, y/n, you should start packing some more Red Bull for Josh before he goes out on tour," Tyler hinted. "We seem to never have enough, and I think the crew eventually cuts us off after a couple packs."
"I think I can manage something," you responded with a smile, trying to resist flinching as Josh's fingers snaked up your t-shirt and crawled to your belly button, and you reached a hand under the table to reprimand him.
"Everything okay?" Jenna raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah," you and Josh quickly responded at the same time, only making things look ten times more questionable.
"You just look kind of tired," Jenna shrugged. Tired? That was the last thing you thought she would've mentioned.
"Just a little jet lag from yesterday's flight," you lied.
"Yeah, airplane rides are quite the hassle," Tyler sighed. "I'm just glad it doesn't take too long. The weather's been pretty nice to us also, I don't think we've gotten a delayed flight in a while now."
"Don't jinx it," Josh teased, and you took the opportunity to put a hand on his knee and trace little circles, watching him try to suppress a giggle as he carried a conversation with Tyler. He looked super uncomfortable, and you were about to move your hand up when he beat you to it, placing his hand on your thigh and almost making you squeal. Geez, this was going to last forever.
As you both ate, you felt a couple tickles here or there, and you almost spat out your drink when Josh surprised you with a flick to your rib, but other than that, you both had built up a tolerance to the excessive teasing and tickling under the table. Either Jenna and Tyler were too oblivious to notice or too polite to mention anything, because they just simply continued the conversation, eating their food normally and acting as if nothing was happening. Something told you that they actually didn't know, mostly because they spent their time making jokes or laughing, and not really paying attention to you and Josh's crazy antics.
By the time dessert came around, Josh was poking your leg with a fork and you had whacked his knee with a spoon, involving silverware now, and Jenna and Tyler were being extremely flirty, not even realizing what you and Josh were up to. The both of you had split a meal, and while you acted completely fine, you were basically attacking each other with the silver utensils underneath the table. Although it seemed extremely childish and immature for the situation, you couldn't help but admit that it added a level of excitement and distraction to the dinner, and you found it rather amusing.
When dinner was done and you had wrapped up your conversation with Tyler and Jenna, you all decided to go your separate ways. You were about to instantly scold Josh for his behavior at the dinner table when you realized your cars were parked right next to each other, and when you both got in, it didn't take long before you figured out the car wouldn't start. Fuck. "Looks like we'll be hitching a ride then," Josh gave a sly smile. "Probably in the backseat."
"Oh don't you dare," you shook your head. "I believe we had plenty of action back there at the restaurant."
"Come on," Josh chuckled. "Tyler will help us out."
You got out of the car and Josh explained to Tyler the situation, who instantly agreed to have you both ride in the back of their car. While Jenna and Tyler were busy singing along to the songs on the radio, Josh's hand had trailed up your thigh, resting on the zipper of your pants, and you were blushing like crazy, your hand resting on top of one of his pockets, both of you extremely cautious incase Jenna or Tyler would look behind you. "Josh," you hissed as he fiddled with the zipper of your pants. "Behave."
"I am behaving," he whispered.
"Stop it," you insisted, moving your hand closer to his crotch just to make him squirm.
"Y/n," he warned. "You're being naughty."
"As if you aren't," you rolled your eyes.
"Dude I love this song!" Tyler shouted as the next one played, something about a Bugatti.
"Isn't this the stop?" Jenna wondered, pointing out the window and turning back to look at you both, and you quickly recoiled your hands into your lap, both of you turning extremely red with widened eyes. You thought for sure she had caught you, the two kids trying to sneak their hands in the cookie jar, but she didn't seem one bit confused or inquisitive.
"Uh, yeah," you nodded as you looked out the window and the car slowed.
"Thanks so much Tyler," Josh smiled. "You're the best."
"Anytime," he laughed. "We'll get your car looked at tomorrow."
"Okay," he waved as they both drove off, and as soon as they were instantly out of sight, you shoved Josh playfully.
"Gosh, what was that for?" he gasped jokingly.
"You know very well what that was for," you folded your arms. "You were being a very bad boy."
"I thought you liked bad boys," he chuckled.
"Whatever," you sighed as you began to open up the door, but he grabbed your shoulder and whipped you around to face him.
"Where do you think you're going?" he inquired.
"Into the house," you replied. "Where else?"
"I don't think we're done yet," he reminded.
"Oh, I think we are," you reassured, opening up the door and walking inside.
"Nope," Josh argued, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to him. "You owe me something."
"Like what?" you asked with a sly smile.
"This," he explained, giving you a quick kiss. "And a week's worth of meal plans."
"Woah, hold on! You did not win at all, you were terrible," you insisted. "You poked me with a goddamn fork underneath the table."
"Who? Me? I would never," Josh shook his head. "What are you even talking about, y/n?"
"You're being ridiculous," you laughed, kissing his cheek.
"You weren't well behaved," he persisted.
"I don't think you know one bit about what good behavior is," you giggled, wrapping your arms around his waist and bringing your face up to his.
"Is that okay?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I think I might need to teach you a little lesson on good manners," you rolled your eyes, kissing his nose and walking inside the house, him following close behind.
"I'm willing to learn as long as you're teaching," he winked.
"Want to know lesson one?" you asked.
"Sure," Josh nodded.
"Don't tease me," you narrowed your eyes. "If you want to fuck me so bad, then fuck me."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he smirked.
"Maybe," you bit your lip and looked at him as he wrapped his arms around your neck and you kissed each other softly. He pulled away with a grin on his face.
"Then I think I might want to learn a couple more lessons," he chuckled. "If this is what good behavior is, then it isn't half that bad."

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

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