Blue monday (smut)

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Josh Dun imagine

You can see it in Josh's eyes from across the room; he's jealous of the way you're getting along with Tyler. It wasn't initially your intention to make him envious of your conversation with Tyler but green was a good color on him and you hoped that if you played your cards right, your night was going to be very interesting.
You take a sip from your plastic cup, grinning behind the brim as you listened to Tyler's story about one of their recent shows. In recent months, you had grown closer to Tyler after Josh explained to you how important you both were to him; so, at his request, you began to spend more time with Tyler in order to get to know him better. But somewhere along the line, you noticed a change in Josh's demeanor when you were talking to Tyler. There was something in his eyes that was different, as though he was desirous of the way you clicked with his best friend.
Tyler laughs at something that he said, causing you to laugh in kind. You feel Josh's eyes on you still, knowing that he's ignoring whoever he was talking to so he could keep watch on what you were doing with Tyler. You don't dare make eye contact with him, not yet; not until you make sure he's so filled with jealousy that it sparks something else inside of him.
"I love the way you guys perform, Ty," you say, placing your hand on his bicep. "You guys put so much heart into all of your shows, it's amazing." You give his arm a quick squeeze, before you drop your hand. Tyler grins reaching out to bump his hand against yours.
"Thanks," he replies. "Each show means the world to me, it's important that I make it special for all of them, too. They deserve it." For a moment, you forget your plan to make Josh jealous, and you hear what Tyler is saying. You've always had a great deal of respect for him because of how he and Josh treated their fans, as if they knew each and everyone of them personally.
"That's really cool," you say, biting your lip. "You guys do a great job." Finally, you look across the room to Josh; his eyes are narrowed, having completely abandoned the person he was talking to. He paces slowly at the end of the room, the grip on his beer bottle no doubt incredibly tight as he watched you.
"Are you...are you trying to make Josh jealous?" Tyler asks, getting your attention. You scoff in response, trying to mask your apparently obvious plan.
"That', I'm not."
"You are," Tyler says with a laugh. "I can tell. You're busted." You laugh, and cross your arms over your chest, lifting your eyebrows at him. "What's the deal? Why would you intentionally make your boyfriend jealous? Why are girls so weird?"
"Oh, shut up," you laugh, slapping his arm playfully, still fully involved in your own scheme.
"You're still doing it, oh, man," Tyler laughs.
"Look, a few weeks ago, I noticed that Josh gets kinda jealous when you and I spend a little too much time together," you explain. "And generally, later that night, the sex is...really good." Tyler laughs, rolling his eyes and tilting his head back. "So, I thought I could up the stakes tonight," you continue. "And make the sex even better."
"And how are you planning on 'upping the stakes'?" Tyler asks, crossing his arms. "As hot as you are, I don't want to hurt my best friend by hooking up with his girl."
"Tyler, I'm not trying to get anything like that from you, trust me," you reply, with a giggle. "I'm just looking for a little flirting. I promise you, it won't ruin your friendship. It's harmless." Tyler inhales deeply, narrowing his eyes at you; he lets his breath out in a quick huff, reaching out to take your cup from you. You keep your eyes on him, watching him down the rest of the liquid in the cup, before looking back to you.
"Looks like you need a refill," he says, stepping towards you. He bumps his shoulder against yours, gripping your wrist and yanking you to follow him; you can't help the smile that creeps up on your lips as you walk behind Tyler, him still holding onto your wrist as he lead you through the other partygoers, towards the kitchen.
Once you reach the kitchen, Tyler releases your wrist, walking towards the fridge; you keep your eyes on him as he fixes you another drink, before he crosses back to you, holding the cup out.
"I guarantee you he's fuming right now," Tyler says. "And he's gonna be walking in here any second. So, here's the last push you need." Tyler quickly leans over and kisses your cheek, catching you off guard. As he leans back, you glance over his shoulder, seeing Josh standing in the doorway of the kitchen, glaring at the two of you.
"What's goin' on in here?" he asks. Tyler winks at you, before turning towards Josh.
"Oh, hey, man," Tyler says, walking towards Josh. He pats him on the shoulder, easing past him so he could exit the kitchen, leaving you alone with Josh.
"Hey, babe," you say, grinning at Josh.
"What do you think you're doing?" he mumbles. You can see he's serious, with his jaw clenched and his eyebrows furrowed.
"What do you–?"
"Don't," he interrupts. "We're leaving. Go get in the car."
You do as he says, quickly downing your drink and making your way through the party. You spot Tyler talking to some friends as you're leaving, giving him a thumbs up. You hurry out of the front door to where Josh had parked, climbing into the passenger side and settling in.
As you sit in the silence of the car, your heart pounds in your chest thinking about what's to come. You had never intentionally pushed Josh that far before, and the fire that was in his eyes was unlike you'd seen. You hope that you didn't genuinely get him mad at you, and that your plan was working.
You spot him exiting the house, clenching his keys in his fist as he trudged towards the car. He doesn't look at you when he gets in and slams the door, simply starts the car and speeds down the street. The entire ten minute drive back to his apartment is silent, deafening without the radio on. When he parks, he's out of the car before you, heading quickly to his front door. You hurry behind him, entering the apartment after him and heading straight to the couch to await the inevitable.
Josh walks into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before he comes back to join you in the living room. He sits across from you in his armchair, taking a long chug of his water, still not making eye contact. You wonder if he expects you to speak first, but before you can figure out what to say, he starts in.
"What exactly was going on between you and Tyler tonight?" His voice is hard, steady; something you'd never heard from him before.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me," he says. "I could see it."
"We were just talking, Josh," you try.
"That's bullshit! He kissed you."
"On my cheek. It's not a big deal."
"Yes it is," he says, his voice raising. "Who knows what else he would have done if I hadn't have walked in on you."
"Josh, you're making a big deal out of nothing," you respond. "It's just Tyler. And besides you're the one who wanted me to get to know him."
"Yeah, get to know him, not fuck him!" Your eyes go wide at his words; you realize you may have surpassed the jealous Josh that you were looking for, and had truly pissed him off. You can't find any words to say, so Josh continues. "You were touching each other, and flirting all night," he fumes. "I could see it in your eyes that you were into it."
"Joshua," you say, trying to keep your voice calm. "It's not like that. I was interested in the conversation–"
"Fucking stop," he groans. "Just admit it: if I hadn't walked into that kitchen, you two would have been all over each other."
"No, Josh, we wouldn't have," you respond, with a sigh. You'd grown tired of his accusations and decided to abandon your previous plan. "I was doing it on purpose," you continue. "I was trying to get you riled up intentionally." Josh narrows his eyes at you, setting his water bottle down on the table; you watch him as he clenches his hands together, still staring at you.
"Why...what are you talking about?"
"I wanted to make you jealous," you clarify. "Over the past few weeks, I've seen the way you look when Tyler and I are get jealous. And then later on that night, when we get back here, if we had sex, it was more aggressive. I could feel like you were...I don't know, claiming me, and it was hot. So, I thought if I pushed the boundaries a little bit, then'd be even rougher." Josh blinks, his jaw clenches as he processes your words.
"So," he begins, slowly. "Because you want rough sex, you decided to flirt with my best friend at a party in front of everyone?"
"When you put it like that, it sounds shitty."
"It is shitty!" he roars, standing from his seat. "Do you have any idea the thoughts going through my head when I saw you two?! No, because all you were thinking about was how you wanted to get laid tonight!"
"Josh, stop it," you say, feeling your cheeks redden. "I didn't–"
"You didn't think?" he asks, storming around to stand in front of you. He reaches out and grabs your arms, yanking you to your feet. Your eyes are wide, staring into his that are dark and clouded; your heart is pounding harder in your chest. One of his hands slips to your throat, fingers tightening enough to apply pressure, but not constrict your airways. "Do you like Tyler?" he asks, studying your face. "Are you attracted to him? Don't lie to me."
You don't answer immediately, trying to think of what you should say; if you said no, he'd tell you that you're lying and who knows what would happen next. But if you said yes...things could get even stranger. You realize you've waited too long to respond, because you hear him let a quiet growl from his throat.
"You are into him, aren't you?"
"No, Josh, it's not–"
"You wouldn't fuck him if you had the chance?" His grip on your throat tightens as he speaks. "If we weren't together, would you be underneath him, screaming his name, dragging your nails down his back, and coming just for him?" You try to shake your head, but Josh lets out a frustrated grunt, pulling you closer to him. "You're lying," he hisses. "Go into the bedroom, and take off all of your clothes. Right now."
You bite your lip, staring back at him momentarily before you do as you were told; you turn on your heel, heading towards his bedroom. Once you're inside, you begin removing your clothes, stopping when you reached your bra and panties; you pause, thinking about what was about to happen, when Josh clears his throat from behind you, catching your attention.
"I said take off all of your clothes," he says, holding something behind his back. "I'd suggest you listen to me." You keep your eyes on Josh as you remove the remainder of your clothing, until you are naked in front of him. You begin to climb onto the bed, but Josh speaks. "On the floor," he says. You give him a quizzical look, but he crosses to you quickly, grabbing a handful of your hair, and yanking your head closer to his. "Tonight, you don't deserve to be fucked in the bed," he whispers, harshly. "You're getting fucked on the floor, like the stupid slut you've been acting like." Josh forces you onto the ground, and set on your knees, looking at him expectantly. "Face the bed," he says. "And grab the bedpost."
Once again, you do as Josh tells you, wrapping your fingers around the bedpost. You scoot your knees back, where your backside is sticking out towards Josh; you peer over your shoulder to keep an eye on him, watching him make his way towards you, kneeling beside you on the floor.
"Do you understand what you did tonight?" he asks, gripping your jaw and turning your head away from him.
"Yes," you reply.
"Tell me."
"I flirted with Tyler."
"That's right," he says. "And you know why that's bad?" You open your mouth, prepared to answer, but Josh's hand comes down hard on your backside, turning your words into a yelp. He leans in to press his lips to your ear before he speaks. "Because you're mine," he hisses, spanking you again. "And I'm gonna make sure you never forget that." He reaches out to your wrists, locking handcuffs down to shackle you to the bedpost.
"Josh, what the–?"
"You wanted it rough, baby, you're gonna get it rough." As you tug at the handcuffs, a black fabric slips over your eyes, obstructing your view; you realize he's blindfolding you as you feel it tie around the back of your head.
"You're only allowed to call me 'master' from now on, do you understand me?"
Your sexual interactions with Josh were generally vanilla, 'making love' for the most part. With the exception of the recent encounters where he was rougher, grabbing onto you harder, slamming into you more forcefully. But this–the dirty talk and the toys–was new.
"I said," he begins, grasping your throat and yanking your head against his. "Do you understand me?"
"Y-yes, master," you stutter out.
"Good girl," he responds, releasing his grip on your throat. You listen to him moving away from you, and hear him fumbling with something across the room; you don't dare speak, you just wait to see what he's going to do next. "So, I think you need to be punished," he says, as he walks near you again. "When Tyler kissed you...did you like it?"
"It was just a kiss on the cheek, it didn't–"
"Is that what I asked you?" he interrupts. "Because I'm certain I asked you if you liked it. And tell me the truth." You let out a stuttered breath before answering.
"A little," you respond. You hear him inhale sharply, and let it out slowly.
"Why? Do you like his mouth better than mine?"
"No," you reply. "No, master, I don't."
"I'll bet he can't get you off by just sucking on your clit," Josh says. "I'll bet...he has no idea how to pleasure you like I can. Do you think?"
"No, master," you say. "No one know how to get me off like you can."
"That's good," he says. "That's what I want to hear." You listen as he slips around behind you, kneeling between your spread legs. "So," he begins, setting his hands on your hips. "If I'm gonna fuck you like you need to be fucked, you're gonna have to get me hard. Why don't you grind your ass up against me? Get my cock ready to fuck some sense into you."
"Yes, master," you say, as Josh presses his hips against you.
"Let me hear you beg," he instructs. "Use that slutty little mouth for something good for once." You slowly start to grind your backside against him, loving the feeling of his jeans rubbing against your bare skin. "Start talking," he commands, slapping you hard on the backside, and making you let out a gasp.
"Please, master," you begin, grabbing onto the rails of the bed to press yourself harder against him. "Please, I need you to fuck me. I need you to teach me a lesson."
"Mmm, why? What did you do? Did you act like a little slut?" You can hear it in his voice that he's already amused by the effect he has on you, so you keep going, spreading your knees wider to grind harder. You feel him getting harder the more friction you make between the two of you, and you let out a soft groan.
"Yes, master," you say. "I'm a slut for flirting with Tyler, and letting him kiss me when I belong to you." Josh's hands tighten on your hips, pulling you hard against him, making you stop your actions.
"What did you say?"
"I belong to you, master," you repeat.
"You're goddamn right you do," he hisses, letting go of your hips. "And I can do whatever I wanna do to you, isn't that right?"
"Yes, master." You listen to the sound of him unfastening his belt, and you presume he removes it entirely. You feel him move away from you and stand up, so you wait to see what he does; before you can say anything, you feel a hard pop on your backside, followed by a stinging sensation and realize that he just hit you with his belt. "Jesus," you groan, tugging hard at the handcuffs.
"How many smacks do you think you deserve?" he asks, the sound of the belt slapping together in his hand echoing through the room.
"As many as you want, master," you reply, hurriedly.
"That's right," Josh retorts. "Because after that little stunt you pulled tonight, this is about what I want, not about what you want." He smacks you again with the belt, this time even harder; you moan, wrapping your fingers around the railings, and dropping your head forward. "Fuck," Josh mutters. "I love that sound. Do you want more? You want your master to keep spanking your ass until it's raw?"
"Yes, please," you whine, feeling the wetness already dripping between your thighs. You arch your back, sticking your backside out more for him.
"You love getting your little ass spanked, huh?" He finished his sentence with another smack of the belt; you whimper, your eyes begin to water from the pain he was causing you, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't loving every second of it. "Answer me," he grunts, smacking you again.
"Yes!" you call out. You brace yourself for another blow, but it doesn't happen; when Josh's hand gently begins to rub his hand over your backside, you jump at the contact, not expecting something so tender.
"Mmmm, I'll bet this stings, huh?" he asks, fingers caressing where he had just been abusing. "We're gonna have to take care of that later. I'm not even close to being finished with you yet."
"Yes, master," you mumble. You feel him abandon you once again, and he fumbles with something across the room before moving back towards you.
"You know what I love?" he begins, as he's reaching beneath you. "I love when you're on top of me, riding my dick like a little slut. I love how you look above me like that. But I've always wanted to watch you from a different angle, so I got an idea when I was doing some shopping." Josh takes hold of your hips, guiding you lower until you felt something brushing against your folds. "I found a company that custom makes dildos based off of a kit where you make a mold of one at home," he explains. "So I made a mold of mine, and had them put a suction cup on the other end, that way you can stick it to the floor and fuck yourself on my dick, even when I'm not here."
"Excuse me?" He grabs a handful of your hair, yanking your head back.
"Master," you correct.
"Good girl," he says, letting go of your hair. "Now, you're gonna ride this dildo, and I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the show."
You feel Josh's hand slide between your thighs, fingertips stroking over your folds; gently, he opens you up enough to let you settle down on the dildo beneath you. A moan escapes your lips at the feeling of being filled up after Josh had been teasing you. He lets out a quiet groan, and you hear him move away from you, settling down somewhere on the floor where he can watch you.
"Start riding it, baby," he commands. "Show your master how hungry you are for his cock."
Your hold onto the bedpost, setting on your knees where you can move better. Slowly, you start to ride it, lifting up to pull off of it almost entirely before burning it deep inside of you once again. You hum softly, tightening your grip on the bedpost.
"Feel good?" Josh asks.
"Yes, master," you answer. "It feels amazing."
"Does it feel better that my dick?" You stop your actions, uncertain of how to answer his question. "You'd better keep riding it," he commands. "Fucking bounce on it." You resume your movements, quickening your pace; you can't help the whine that escapes your mouth as you make certain to take it all the way each time. "God, you look fucking cheap," he mutters, as his voice grows near. "I love that you don't even ask questions, and you'll do whatever your master tells you to do, no matter how degrading."
Josh's hand comes in contact with your backside, rubbing for a moment as you continuing to bounce up and down on the dildo. His fingers tighten, clenching you to move along with him, forcing you down harder each time. Josh pulls his hand back and brings it down hard on your already sore backside; you groan at the contact, urging you to move even faster.
"Little slut," he mutters. "I should put you on a leash so I can keep my eye on you." He spanks you hard again, then rubs his fingers soothingly over the area. "That way, you're not running off and hitting on other guys," he continues, his hand coming down hard on you again . "You want me to treat you like that, or are you gonna behave?"
"Yes, master, I'll behave," you whine.
"Fuck, you're riding it pretty hard," Josh chuckles. "You want it bad, huh? You want a taste of the real thing, don't you?"
"Yes, master." You nod your head, wishing that you could look at him and get your hands on him.
"You're listening so well." While you still bounce up and down, you listen to Josh moving around at your side, before you feel him slipping in between your arms. He slips the tie from over your eyes so you can see him kneeling in between you and the bedpost, his face centimeters from yours. "Mmmm," he hums, tilting his head forward to kiss you roughly. His kiss is forceful, sloppy; he moans softly into your mouth, before pulling back and watching the hungry look you give him as you slam yourself down rougher on the dildo. "Fuck, you're such a good girl," he whispers, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. "I'm gonna give you a little taste." He stands in front of you, pressing his back against the bedpost; he unzips his jeans, slipping his erection out. He gives you a quick wink, and pulls the tie back over your eyes to blindfold you once again.
You know what to expect, so you open your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him. You hear him let out a quick chuckle, before you feel the tip of his member slap against your tongue. Josh hums softly, rubbing his erection along your tongue before pushing it into your mouth. Your lips wrap around him, beginning to suck on the head as you continue to move your hips along with the actions.
"How much of a slut are you?" he asks, his voice cracking. "Taking a dick in your mouth and one in your little pussy at the same time. My girl's a little whore." One of his hands slips to the back of your head, grabbing a handful of your hair and pushing your mouth over his length even more, making him hit the back of your throat. You gag slightly, your hands grasping the bedpost firmly. "Would you rather have Tyler's dick inside of you like that?" he mutters. "I'm sure you'd love that, from the way you were practically humping him tonight."
You whine, still gagging on his length. He keeps himself pushed inside of you for another moment, until he slips out of your lips, leaving you choking and desperate for breath. He hums softly again, his hand still holding onto the back of your head.
"Here's what's gonna happen," he whispers. "I'm gonna bend you over the foot of the bed, and fuck you until you forget about Tyler, and remember that you belong to me."
Josh moves from between your arms, and you listen as he crosses the room; he returns a moment later and you feel him uncuffing you from the bedpost. He snatches you up by your arm and tugs the tie from around your eyes to hang around your neck. When you look back into his eyes again, you see the smirk that's forming on his face; he spins you around and forces you to bend over the foot of the bed.
"Stay just like that," he says, pressing his hand to your lower back. You don't move, setting your palms on the bed as you await what's next; Josh moves away from you, stepping to the side of the bed, to make sure that you could see him. He keeps his eyes on you while he tugs his shirt over his head before working the rest of his clothes off. "You think you're ready for me?" he asks. "That pussy's probably dripping." You bite your lip and grip the sheets beneath you, wishing he would stop teasing and just start. "What is it?" he asks, walking back to stand behind you. "Oh, you want me to fuck you now? You don't like it when the tables have turned and you're the one being teased, do you?" He places his hands on your hips, rubbing gently.
"Josh, please, just–"
"What did you just say?" Josh hisses, grasping the end of the tie that was now around your neck. He yanks, pulling you back slightly, the tie constricting your breathing; your eyes go wide, making short gasping sounds as you struggle to breathe. "I'm your master, and you're to refer to me as such," he mutters, his voice darker than you'd ever heard it. "Do you understand me?" You nod furiously, expecting him to release his hold on you, but he instead slips himself into you to the hilt, making you squeeze your eyes shut and struggle to make a sound. "Fuck, you're so wet and so tight," he mumbles, wrapping the end of the tie around his fist again so he can pull you into a standing position with your back against his chest.
"P-please," you croak out, cutting your eyes up to look into his.
"You belong to me," Josh says. "Don't you ever fucking forget that." He finally releases his hold on the tie and pushes you to bend over the bed once again. You choke for air, closing your eyes and arching your back as Josh begins to thrust into you.
"Mmm, fuck," you rasp, fisting the sheets. Josh holds onto your hips, pinning them hard to the mattress; you hear him grunting with each thrust, plowing you into the bed. "Oh, God, fuck me," you groan.
"What, baby, are you about to come?" he asks, the teasing apparent in his voice. "Already?"
"Yes, master, please don't stop. Fuck me hard." Josh's hands grab onto your backside, taking it in handfuls and forcing all his weight down to press you even deeper into the mattress. His thrusts become even more violent, slamming into you and pushing you over the edge.
You're moaning Josh's name, your voice sounding unlike anything you've ever heard; you're certain it's all coming out in a scream because of the force that Josh is pounding into you with. You can feel yourself dripping down your thighs, and you know that Josh does too, because chuckles that turns into a moan.
"So fucking sexy," he pants, not giving up on his relentless pace and force. "I think you can do it again. Don't you?" Your stomach is tense, your muscles on fire, and your orgasm is still coursing through your body.
He lets go of your backside, leaning back and slowing his pace until he stops, buried deep inside of you. At first, you're glad for the reprieve, but then you miss the movements, craving more; you glance over your shoulder looking at Josh. One of his hands hangs at his side while the other is fisting his hair, looking down between your bodies.
"Fuck yourself on my dick," he commands. "Earn it." You begin to bounce back against him, trying desperately to get him back into you with the pace and force that he had set previously, but you cannot emulate it. You can't help but whine. "C'mon, baby," Josh chuckles. "You can do better than that. "Work for it, like a good girl."
You moan out, working back against him, getting him deeper inside of you every time. Josh's hand tentatively sets on your hip, as though he's uncertain if he wants to let you continue your movements. Finally, unsatisfied with your actions, he lets out a growl, and once again pins you to the mattress.
"My little whore," he mutters. "You know just how to get me all twisted up, don't you? Fuck." He keeps pounding into you at an impossible speed, making your head reel and your stomach turn in knots. You know your second orgasm is coming, and your knees are buckling beneath you from the overexertion. "Come again, baby," he whispers.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come!"
"Yeah, and who's the only one who can make you come?" he pants.
"You, master!"
"Say my name," he commands, slapping you on the backside, making your already tender skin sting. "Let the whole neighborhood know who you fucking belong to!"
"You, Josh!" you scream. "I belong to you! Fuck, I'm coming!" You moan out a string of expletives, your second climax tearing through you and completely wrecking what was left of your muscles. You bury your face in the mattress, allowing yourself to scream as loud as you could while Josh continues to thrust.
He quickly moves to set his hands on the bed beside you, getting better leverage to get even deeper and harder, which you didn't think was possible. Your body feels like it's engulfed in flames at the overstimulation, and you simply drop all your weight onto the bed, letting Josh use you up.
You hear him let out a deep grunt, along with some cursing of his own, panting your name and telling you how good it felt. Josh thrusts a few more times, finishing inside of you until he slowed his pace to a standstill.
It feels like forever before Josh slips out of you, rolling to sit beside you and collapsing onto his back. He tugs you to scoot higher up the bed to lay in his arms, and you generously allow his help, unable to do so on your own.
"It seems like you were right," he says. You tilt your head up, looking into his eyes to try to understand what he meant. "I definitely didn't know I was capable of that...but holy shit, I was so fucking mad, it brought out a different side of me. I have no idea where that came from."
"Jealousy," you whisper. "Like you said, I was right."
"Yeah, you were," he mutters. "But don't ever let me catch you flirting with Tyler again, or next time, I won't take it so easy on you."

Credit to trashy-extras on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum