Bad timing (part 3)

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Josh Dun imagine

As Josh, Jenna, Tyler and yourself piled into a black SUV, you began driving, the streets of New York passing you by in a blur of colors. You were caught up in the lights but were jolted out of your thoughts by Jenna's voice.
"[Y/N]? Are you even listening?" She laughed.
"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking. What were you saying?" you stammered on your words.
"I was just saying how awesome I think it is that you are here! Now maybe Josh will be more focused." She smiled at Josh and you swear you saw him blush.
"Hey now. I still never missed a beat!" Josh joked back with her.
The conversations continued and when you realized Tyler was caught up looking at things on his phone. You finally asked what was wrong.
"Oh... It's just..." He was pausing between words, "Maybe just stay off twitter for a while." Before you could say anything Josh was grabbing Tyler's phone.
"Crap!" He blurted out. "[Y/N] someone snagged a picture of us and it is everywhere. I am sorry. I didn't even think about it. I just..." He took in a deep breath before continuing. "This is the part of all this that I hate, and I wish I could have shielded you from at for at least 24 hours."
You put on a smile and spoke softly, "The fans know who I am and there have been speculations of us since before you and Debby were a thing." You laughed at the memories from before. "It is different this time because it is real."
You thought back to 8 years ago when the rumors flooded the internet and amidst the kind comments there were nasty ones that threated you. Before you struggled with depression and anxiety due to your friend being gone and it seemed that the people of the world knew exactly what to say to break you. You had overcome this, for the most part, but still couldn't help but wonder what they were saying this time around. You were overcome with emotion you just cleared your throat and decided to yourself that you didn't want to know. Josh grabbed your hand as if he were reading your thoughts and squeezed it in reassurance. About that time you pulled up the next hotel and made your way inside once more.
Once you were all checked in you made your way up to the room, this time there was only one bed and that made you laugh again. The two of you got things into their place and began climbing into bed together.
"What's your game plan, Mr. Dun?" You searched his face for answers and when he didn't respond, you spoke again. "For us. Are we making this public, keeping it private? What is the plan?"
He smiled at you and kissed you on your nose. Well, Miss [Y/L/N], I think that a decision we should make together. What are your thoughts on it?"
The smile on your face faded and you turned over so that you were no longer facing Josh and you turned off the light by your side of the bed. "Honestly, I don't care. People are going to say what they want no matter how much privacy we want." You signed and shut your eyes tight. "I mean, like I said before, I've been dealing with your fans just as long as you have. They have their opinions and nothing is going to change that."
He wrapped his arms around you and scooted you as close as possible to him. "What is we just don't comment on the matter at all? Like people can take their pictures and post them for the world to see and it is what it is. We won't hide anything, but we also won't officially confirm anything. It will be fun!" You could picture the smile he had on his face by listening to his voice.
"Let's do it!" You turned back over and were greeted with a soft kiss.
"Tomorrow I am going to take you out! But for now, I want you to get some rest because it is obvious how tired you are." You opened your mouth to argue with him and as if he were reading your mind again he spoke up. "We have the rest of our lives to continue what we started earlier, and as much as I want..." He stopped and cleared his throat before continuing. "You are absolutely beautiful, [Y/N], but I don't mind waiting. We both could use the rest."
You smiled even though he couldn't see you and planted one final kiss on his lips.
"I'm already getting used to this." He said as you flipped over again.
"Goodnight, my love." You said and almost immediately fell asleep in his arms.

Credit to jwdun17 on Tumblr

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