Struggles (part 3)

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Josh Dun imagine

You were 36 weeks pregnant and couldn't wait to be done with the it. You were huge, hot, and you couldn't even shave your own legs. Josh did it for you along with helping you get dressed and undressed. You were so tired and felt like a huge nuisance having to get help with most things. Josh told you all the time that he didn't care taking care of you. He told you he rather take care of you so the babies could stay inside as long as possible. With multiples and it being a high risk pregnancy you were put on bed rest basically so the babies would stay as healthy as possible and to not put more stress on your body.
It was early in the morning when you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You quickly woke up Josh fearing the worst and memories of the night almost 4 years ago flooded back to you.
"Hey it's okay. The babies are fine. You said you felt them kicking a half hour ago. Try and get some sleep. This is probably some early signs of labor. The doctor warned you this was most likely to happen." he said calming your nervous.
"Okay, you're right. First I have to pee though." you said, struggling to get out of bed due to your size.
You waddled to the bathroom and you heard Josh chuckle, probably at how you walked.
You went to pee, but instead a gush of water fell from you.
"Josh." you called for him knowing that your water just broke.
He was next to you in seconds. "I think my water just broke." you said.
"D- does that mean it's time?" he stuttered.
"Yeah Josh. It's time. It's finally time." you felt like you were about to cry.
"Okay. I'll help you to the car and I'll grab the last minute stuff. How do you feel?" he was fanatic.
"Josh, honey slow down. I'm gonna call the hospital and see if we can come in and you need to breathe okay?" he nodded his head and grabbed your phone for you.
"Yes, hi my name is Y/N Dun and I'm 36 weeks with twin and my water just broke. I was wondering if I should come in now or wait it out a bit, my midwife told me to call the hospital when this happened." you explained.
Once off the phone you went to Josh who was sitting on the bed and his leg was bouncing up and down. "Yeah, it's time. They're ready for us, but you need to relax a it Josh." you said.
Josh breathed for a minute before leading you out to the car and went back in to grab last minute things while you sent out a quick text to family and close friends that you were on your way to the hospital. It was 3 in the morning and you were shaking with excitement.
"You ready for this?" Josh asked while starting the car.
"I've been ready for almost 5 years. I can't go back now." you said and he leaned over and kissed you before driving.
Once at the hospital they hooked you up to all the machines. Due to the fact that you were high risk and pregnant with twins you were going to have to get a c-section. They were going to wait until 10 am to start, allowing your body time to process it was in labor.
"Josh get some sleep. We're in the hospital nothing will go wrong. This is probably the last chance at sleep you'll have for the next like year." you said trying to calm your fidgeting husband.
He sat back on the couch and closed his eyes trying to not freak out. He was about to be a father and you could tell he was a mix of nervous and overly excited.
You took a four hour nap and when you woke up Tyler and Jenna were there.
"How's it going?" Jenna asked.
"Great we're about to get these princesses into the real world. What time it is?" you asked.
"Jut about 8. 2 more hours and they'll be here." she said excitedly.
"I know. Josh is freaked out a bit, but I calmed him enough so he could sleep some." you said gesturing to Josh who was sleeping on the couch.
"Good it's probably the last he'll get in a while." Tyler added from the corner of the room.
They stayed with you until 9 when a nurse came in to prepare you for surgery. You woke Josh up so he could be aware of what's happening.
"You could have woken me up before." he said.
"I didn't want to. You looked cute sleeping." you said.
"Okay honey, we're gonna wheel you back in a few minutes and get those babies out. Josh you can put the gown on and we'll call you back when we're all set up." the nurse came in to explain.
Before you knew it you were laying face up on a table with Josh whispering in your ear about how amazing and beautiful you are. You felt some tugging then heard a cry which made you cry.
"One baby down, one more to go." you heard a nurse say.
"Y/N it's real, there's no going back." Josh said with tears in his eyes.
"I'm aware." you said and then you heard a second cry.
"A and B are here." Josh said kissing you.
After a few minutes two nurses came over to show your girls.
"They're so perfect." Josh said
"They are. Both healthy and beautiful." one nurse said.
You couldn't hold them yet and you weren't going to be able for another hour or so due to the fact that you were being stitched up currently. They took the babies away to the nursery. You told Josh to go look after them just in case anything bad were to happen.
"You did amazing Y/N." Josh said kissing you before he left.
You were happy knowing that Josh was with the babies while they got you ready to go back to the room.
When you got back Jenna and Tyler were there with Josh.
"How you feeling now mom?" Tyler asked.
"Surprisingly great, but I wanna hold my babies." you said.
"So do I, but I wanted you to be the first so they're bring them here now." Josh said and the room door opened and two nurse came in with the babies in their beds.
Jenna let out an 'awww' when she saw them.
The nurse put one in each of your arms and tears started to roll down your cheeks. "I waited so long for this and it's better than I could ever imagined this feeling." you said.
"They're beautiful Y/N. You did it and I'm so proud of you." Josh placed a kiss on your forehead and looked down at his daughter's in his wife's arms.
After a few minutes you told Josh he could have his turn and you never saw him smile so big while crying when he got to hold them.
"Which one is which?" Tyler asked.
"The bigger one is Aria and the smaller one with the slight bruising is Braylee. They said the bruises are from the lack of space and her sister kicking her since week 16." you said.
The rest of the day was spent with your newborn babies and people were in and out all day visiting.
"How are you going to tell them apart they look so similar." Ashley commented while holding Aria.
"Well Aria is slightly bigger and Braylee is bruised. Other than that I have no idea." Josh said.
"We'll have to write a and b on their foreheads until they can tell us who they are." you joked.
"Good thing they look like you Y/N. I wouldn't want to have two girls who look like me." Josh said.
"Josh they look like you too. You were an adorable baby. Who knows maybe the next will look like you." you told him and his eyes went big.
"You want another?"
"Not for a long time, but yes." you said and Josh released a breathe.
You were so happy to have family around throughout the day. Just seeing everyone happy to see the tiny humans brought so much happiness to your heart.
You stayed in the hospital for the next 4 days with them until they were sent home.
"You ready for this?"Josh asked as you packed up your things in the hospital room.
"Well we can't go back now." you joked. "We can handle this. I've been looking forward to this for years."
"And now we have 18 years ahead of us." Josh said and kissed you on the cheek.
"Sorry to interrupt, but the girls are all ready to go home. A nurse will help you outside when you're ready." a nurse told you.
After putting the last few things in your bag Josh got you a wheelchair. You still were in a lot of pain seeing how they basically cut you open to deliver the babies. Two nurses helped carry the car seats out while Josh pushed you. He helped you into the car before taking the babies from each nurse and setting them in the car. When he finally got into the driver's seat you looked over to him and smiled.
"You know what this means, right?" he said.
"Yeah. It just got real. We're parents." you kissed his cheek and he started driving.
At the hospital you had the nurses help when both babies were crying, but now it was just you and Josh. He had one baby and you had the other. He was an amazing help and although you were both exhausted, when you snapped at him he just took it. It had been one week since they babies came home and you were in the living room napping on the couch. Josh had told you to enjoy a nap and he would take care of the girls. You graciously accepted his offer and passed out on the couch. When you woke up the house was silent. You took in the peace before looking around for Josh.
You peaked into the nursery careful to not make noise in case the babies were sleeping. You saw Josh rocking in the rocking chair with one of the babies. He was whispering to her as she made small noises. It warmed your heart seeing him so relaxed with his daughter.
"You're beautiful little Braylee. Yes you look just like mommy. You girls are very lucky to look like her. She's such an amazing mom and I hope you turn out just like her." he said and kissed her small head.
Aria started to cry so he stood carefully, laid Braylee down and picked up Aria.
"Look at you probably jealous, always taking space and time from your sister." Josh said. "Or did you poop. Eww this one stinks. Do you think we should go wake up mommy for this one?" he joked then laid her one the changing table. "There you go. See I got this whole dad thing down." he said after changing the diaper.
"Yes you do. I told you would do just fine." you walked into the nursery and he was a bit startled by your sudden presence.
"I know and thank you. Not just for believing in me, but for them." he said. "I only met them a few days ago but I love them so much." he said.
"How old are they?" you asked realizing the days all seemed like one due to lack of sleep.
"I think it's the 24th. So 8 days old?"he said.
"No the 24th was 2 days ago, I think. Aren't they 10 days old?" you said.
"I'm so tired I don't even know. If they are I'm gonna cry."
"Why?" you asked concerned.
"My babies are growing up so fast." he faked cried.
"They're not even 2 weeks old Josh. We still have 18 years."
"You're right 18 wonderful more years." he said and kissed you.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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