Halloween party

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Josh Dun imagine

As you approach the door of your friend's house, you can already hear the thumping bass of the music blasting from the speakers inside. What she had described as a "little Halloween get together" had clearly spiraled out of control, not that you didn't expect it. She's always had a way of inviting one too many people to any social event she hosted.
You and Josh walk hand in hand through the doorway, not bothering to knock, and it doesn't take too long for you to spot Y/F/N, scantily clad in a "cat" costume that looked more like glorified lingerie. You and Josh had gone a more traditional route than most young adults do on Halloween, opting to go as Jack and Wendy from The Shining, as opposed to some sort of sexy ensemble. Not that you really cared what anyone else wore, that's their choice, you just preferred a scarier look.
You walk over to your friend for a quick hello, but before you know it, Josh is pulling you toward the makeshift dance floor in her living room.
Now, neither you nor Josh knows anything about dancing, but he never fails to make you laugh as he twirls you around exaggeratedly and shakes his hips to the beat.
After a few songs, you both begin to feel a little parched, so you head over to the drink table to scope out your options. Of course, you see a table filled to the brim with every type of liquor under the sun, plus soda, tonic, and various other drinks you couldn't even identify. You and Josh took a cab here and planned to take one back, so you figure it's alright to have a few drinks.
"What do you want, babe?" Josh asks, grabbing two red Solo cups from the tower that sits in the corner of the table.
You eye the sickly red jungle juice swirling around in the punch bowl, knowing that literally anything could be in the toxic mix, and instead request a simple rum and Coke. Josh is all to happy to oblige, mixing one for himself as well. (A/N: I really don't know if Josh drinks, as I've seen people who say he does and people who say he does not, but for the purposes of this imagine, we'll just say he does)
You also snag a few snacks from the table to sweet treats and munch on them as you and Josh walk around chatting with friends. Josh steals probably half the food you grab, but you don't mind, of course.
After you spend some time talking with friends, you and Josh are roped into a game of Truth or Dare that one of your friends is starting. As soon as the game starts, it becomes apparent that no one will be picking truth, so you go around the circle trading dares. You end up having to take a body shot off of Josh (which, to be honest, neither of you were complaining about) and, on a more unpleasant note, having Jello poured into your bra. Josh got off pretty easy, only having to remove his shirt and do a headstand for one minute.
You noticed Josh getting a sluggish around midnight, the endless rum and Cokes he and you had been sipping all night certainly weren't helping, but it was pretty clear he was ready to call it a night, even if he didn't admit it. You said goodbye to your friends, and smiled as Josh nearly fell asleep on your shoulder on the cab ride home.

Credit to twentyonefics on Tumblr

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