Love Birds

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Josh Dun imagine

You and Jenna stood on the side of the stage while Tyler and Josh played their show, the crowd just as enthusiastic as always.
The two of you smiled at fans waving to you and danced and sung along to the songs, it was a great time.
Several times you caught Josh looking at you, which made you smile even more widely than you had been. You even saw him wink at you, causing you to blush and Jenna to laugh beside you.
Josh was adorable and beautiful at the same time. You loved seeing how hard he drums and the determination in his eyes, and the sweat glistening off his glowing skin, but most of all his smile that makes your heart melt.
"I don't think he can keep his eyes off you," Jenna said into your hear.
You blushed, making Jenna laugh again.
After the show, Josh came up to you with his arms outstretched.
"Ew no Josh, your all sweaty!" Before you could stop him he pulled you into a tight hug, your cheek against his sticky chest.
"Yuck," You laughed, but hugged him back anyway.
You pulled away and looked at his wide smile, face crinkling up.
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, you dork," You reached up and pecked his lips.
"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, still smiling wide.
"Of coarse I did, it was amazing as always," You smiled back.
"You guys are making me sick just looking at you," Tyler teased, coming up from behind and quickly kissing Jenna.
You and Josh rolled your eyes.
"What's up with you today?" You said when Josh couldn't keep his hands off you on the way to the bus. Whatever it was, you didn't mind it at all.
"What? Can I not show affection to my girlfriend just because I love her?" You raised an eyebrow but Josh just leaned down to kiss you. You smiled half way through the kiss, thinking about how affectionate and sweet Josh has been today.
"C'mon, love birds!" You heard Jenna chuckle from the door of the bus, and you and Josh pulled away.
Josh put his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes before heading to the bus.
"Why are you guys so sappy all of a sudden?" Tyler playfully smirked when you entered the bus.
You rolled your eyes and ignored the question.
"I think i'm headed for bed," You stretched your arms.
"Already?" Josh made puppy dog eyes at you.
"A girl needs her beauty sleep," You smiled, pecking his lips.
You slipped into more comfortable clothing and got into your bunk.
Though you were tired earlier today, you sat in your bunk with your eyes wide open. You couldn't sleep, and everyone else had gone to bed.
You fiddled with your thumbs and tried to get comfy in the small bunk. You wish you had someone to talk to.
Just then you heard a quiet knock on the wood and Josh's voice.
"Y/n, you awake?"
"Yea," you whispered back.
Josh opened the curtain and you saw his smiling face.
"Can i come in?"
"Of coarse, Josh," You smiled.
"Sweet, i also brought ice cream," He climbed into the small space and leaned his back on the opposite side of you.
"Ice cream?" You giggled, though you were glad. He knew you loved ice cream.
"Yep!" He smiled, opening the lid and scooping up a bite with a spoon.
"Did you not get me a spoon?"
"Guess we'll have to share," he quietly chuckled.
"Fine. Gimme a bite," He scooped up another bite and fed it to you.
You sat in silence, feeding each other ice cream for a few moments. It was a comfortable silence.
"You are beautiful, y/n, you know that?" Josh looked to you with a smile and loving eyes.
You were lucky for the darkness as you blushed, but looked into his mocha eyes, seeing galaxies within them.
He leaned in and kissed you, putting his hands on your hips, and you put his around his neck.
When you pulled away Josh put his forehead against yours, and smiled brightly at you, looking deeply into your eyes.
"I love you so much, Joshua Dun."
"I love you even more, Mrs. y/l/n."
You climbed into Josh's lap, the tub of ice cream rolling out of the bunk, and Josh put his muscular hands around you, pulling you into his chest.
"Can you sing for me?" You whispered, not wanting to ruin the silence.
"Hey, singing is Tyler's thing."
"Yea, but that doesn't mean your voice isn't lovely as well," you giggled.
"Okay, i can't turn you down," He kissed your head and starting singing, rubbing shapes into your back.
Before you knew it, you fell into a comforting sleep.

Credit to tyjo-and-jish-imagines on Tumblr

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