Crinkly smile

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Josh Dun imagine

Tyler and Josh have been your two best friends since high school, and you love them both (Maybe one in a more romantic way, but that doesn't matter. It'll never happen). But ever since their band Twenty One Pilots got big, they've been traveling the world.
Sure, you're happy for them, you really are. You just hate how you have to go months without seeing them, but you guessed you should be lucky you were still in touch and still best friends.
Luckily, they were getting back from tour tomorrow, and you were excited as ever.
That night you couldn't sleep. You're mind was buzzing and still wide awake, not being able to sleep with all your excitement, knowing you'll finally meet up with Josh and Tyler at Taco Bell tomorrow.
Finally, you were able to fall asleep listening to old voicemails from Josh. You would never admit it, but his voice always helped you calm down.
You slowly opened your eyes the next morning and stretched, yawning.
You turned to check the clock. You quietly moaned. You still had to wait awhile until you got to see the boys.
You had gotten up and made yourself some coffee when your phone went off. You smiled when you saw it was from Josh.
Josh: 'Hey y/n! Just got off the plane. I'm meeting with my family then me and Ty will be on our way to see you!'
You: 'Sweet! Can't wait to see you!'
Having nothing else to do, you whet up to get dressed and found yourself trying to pick the best outfit. Something cute but casual.
The clock had seemed to go as slow as possible and it was complete misery, but now it was time to go. You quickly grabbed your phone and headed out the door.
When you got to Taco Bell and finally spotted the boys, you ran up to them and they both engulfed you in a huge hug.
"Hey guys! It's so nice to finally see you again," A big smile is plastered on the face.
"Hey y/n, it's great to see you too. How had you been?" Tyler asked.
"I've been pretty good, how about you guys?"
"Good as always," Josh smiled, his face crinkling up, making your heart flutter. You couldn't help but notice how cute it was, and with his sparkly eyes.
You must have been staring for just a moment to long, becuase you heard Tyler playfully snicker beside you.
"You two look so in love, It's making me sick" He teased, and you felt your cheeks grow hot.
"Oh, shut up Ty," Josh elbowed his ribs. You could have sworn you say Josh blush.
"Just saying," He laughed back, and you couldn't help but laugh also.
While you ate and talked, you realized how much you had missed Josh's soft and bright mocha eyes, and his beautiful yellow hair. Was it weird that you also loved the shape of his nose? It was cute.
"I personally think you two would be a cute couple." Crap. Tyler must have noticed you staring. Wait, had Josh also been staring at you?
"Very funny, Tyler," You said, but a red still spread across your face.
After you were done eating, you all decided to go Josh's place and hang out.
"What do you guys want to do?" Josh asked when you flopped down on the couch.
"Oo, i have an idea," Tyler started, "How about we play truth or dare?"
You laughed. "Really? That's the first thing that pops into your head?"
He just shrugged. "Why not?"
You all agreed.
Now it was Tyler's turn to ask you for a truth or dare, and you said truth.
"Y/n, do you have a crush on anyone?"
You took a moment to think about what to say.
"Yea, i guess i do..."
"Is it anyone in this room?"
"Hey, only one question per truth!" You probably said a little too loud, and Tyler almost couldn't stop himself from laughing.
Later, It was Josh's turn to be asked by Tyler, and he chose dare.
"Josh... I dare you to confess your feelings to whoever you have a crush on by the time we go to bed tonight!"
"What?" Josh's face crept with red as he grew flustered.
"You heard me," Tyler smiled.
"O-okay..." He seemed unsure.
You couldn't help but wonder who he'd be confessing his feelings for tonight. It was probably some really pretty, rich girl, who obviously wasn't you.
"You alright, y/n?" Josh asked, concerned. He must have seen your face fall.
"O-oh, yea! Of coarse," You plastered a fake smile on your face.
You hated yourself for it, but you felt a bit bummed out the rest of the afternoon, and you couldn't shake it.
When the sun had set and the sky was dark, you all went outside and sprawled out on the grass to watch the stars. They were gorgeous, dotting the sky everywhere. You had always loved the stars.
At a couple points, you could have sworn you saw Josh staring at you. But it couldn't have been, could it?
You decided to ignore it. It was probably nothing anyway, and you'd end up upsetting yourself if you found out it was truly nothing.
"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back," Tyler hopped up off the ground and left.
You and Josh both knew what he was trying to do, and you could feel a slight warmth spread across your face.
After a few moments of silence, Josh sat up.
"H-hey, y/n, you know how Tyler dared me to confess my feelings for whoever i had feeling for earlier?"
You say up as well.
"yea, what about it?" You said, your eyes growing wide.
"Well... your the one i have feelings for, a-and if you don't feel the same way, i understand. But i love the way your eyes light up when your talking about something you love, or how in a full room of people, your smile is always the brightest. I just can't get over how beautiful you are..."
You sat there, jaw slightly opened. You couldn't believe what you had just heard.
"Josh... I-i.."
"Oh, you don't feel the same, im so sorry. I'll just go inside now," He quickly got up but you called him before he could start waking back to the house.
"Josh, wait! I do feel the same, i really do! I love how your face crinkles up every time you smile and your cute nose, and everything about you! Please don't go," you grabbed his arm and he turned around.
You both looked into each other eyes, and Josh hesitated as he got closer. You leaned in and your lips connected perfectly, his moving against yours in harmony. You savored each moment.
You were disappointed when he pulled away, but quickly forgot about it as you got lost in his eyes.
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, you dork," You smiled widely, and this time, it was a true smile. Josh had finally filled the last piece of your heart.
Suddenly, from the doors of the house you heard Tyler's voice.
"I knew it i knew it i knew it! Yesssss! I knew i could get you together!" He throwed his fist into the air and started dancing.
You felt the heat spread across your face and you couldn't help but laugh, and Josh ran his fingers through his hair, smiling that adorable, crinkly smile of his again.
You loved both Tyler and Josh very much. And yes, one definitely more romantically than the other.

Credit to tyjo-and-jish-imagines on Tumblr

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