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Josh Dun imagine

You were sitting between Josh's legs, leaning comfortably against Josh's chest in front of the small campfire he built and talking about, well, anything.
"I think that's Orion." Josh bent to whisper in your ear and pointed a steady finger to the dark sky above.
"Is it really?" You asked with a smile.
"I have no idea," He confessed.
You both erupted into a fit of giggles at Josh's bluff and you tilted your head to catch a glimpse of his beautiful smile. His eyes were creased and his nose scrunched in his signature laugh. It was absolutely adorable and you loved it.
You craned your neck and stretched yourself upwards to gently peck a kiss at the tender flesh on Josh's throat. "Tell me something you do know," You whispered against his warm skin.
"I know I can make a better s'mores than you," He teased.
"Oh really?"
He bent down, touching your noses together before he softly pressed his lips to the corner of your mouth, dangerously close to your lips. It was quick, his lips disappeared almost as they touched your skin. "It's a fact."
"Okay Mr. S'mores king. Let's find out."
Josh smirked, a sweet devilish grin and reached into the backpack beside him. He pulled out a bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers, and a Hershey bar. He placed the items in your lap before standing and walking to a tree nearby. He tore two sticks off of the lowest handing branch and returned with a skip in his step. You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips at his adorable behavior. It was as if the two of you had met all over again.
"This is yours," He stated as he held one of the sticks in your direction.
"You're on drummer boy."
He smiled at the nickname but it quickly vanished as he sat down beside you and began tearing into the ingredients. He passed you a marshmallow and places his own at the end of his stick. He took one last look at you, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before he gave the okay.
"If mine is better," He began. "Which it will be, then I get bragging rights /and/ I get to kiss you."
"When /I/ win, I get to wear your beanie." You emphasized your confidence by reaching over and tugging his beanie down to cover his eyes, which only made you both laugh.
"I can tell you something else I know."
You leaned into his side and rested your head on his shoulder, trying to be as close as possible while still holding your pride. "What's that?"
Josh looked at you and then back to the marshmallows over the fire, and you swore you could see a small frown on his lips. "When we start this tour, I'm really going to miss you." His voice low and dripping with sadness; you could hear the pain. "I'm going to miss waking up to you singing in the shower," He sighed. "I'm going to miss movie nights and fighting over the last Oreo. I'm gonna to miss going to Starbucks the most."
Starbucks? You cocked your head, furrowing your brow and nudging his arm.
He could see the confusion on your face and he smiled sadly. "You say you never want anything, but you always drink my coffee." He began toeing the dirt in front of him. "And eat my food. I don't mind, but it won't be the same without you."
"Can I tell you something that I know?" You asked softly.
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tugged you closer to press a kiss to your forehead. "Only if it's about me," He teased.
You rolled your eyes. "Josh."
"Off to a good start," He chuckled.
You nudged his ribs playfully. "I definitely know I'm wearing your beanie tonight."
You pulled away from Josh's hold and withdrew your marshmallow from the licking flames. You placed the branch between your knees with the marshmallow hovering in front of your face while you tore into the Graham cracker packaging. You took a large cracker and unceremoniously cracked it in half, crumbs falling into your lap. The Hershey bar was next. You opened that with your teeth. Josh got a small kick out of your methods, but he remained quiet while you broke two chocolate squares off the bar. You messily began preparing your s'mores, ignoring what Josh was doing with his marshmallow beside you.
When you both finished putting your snacks together, you turned to face each other with grins on your faces. Josh held his proudly between his thumb and middle fingers while you held yours with two hands. Josh's smile widened when you met his eyes. "You're gorgeous, but mine is better."
"The only way to know is to taste them," You argued.
"Mine first," He begged, scooching closer to offer you a bite of his treat. He held it close to your lips and allowed you the first bite.
The chocolate melted as soon as you chewed. The marshmallow crushed between the crunchy Graham crackers in a sweet mixture of sugar. But you weren't going to let Josh know his s'mores tasted good, so you shrugged your shoulders. "It's okay."
"Okay?" He demanded. "It's great!" He called before he shoved the remainder of the sandwich into his mouth. "Delicious!" He said around chunks of Graham cracker.
"Gross," You teased with a light shove of his chest.
You finished chewing and offered your sandwich, taking the first bite yourself.
"Hey!" Josh snatched the s'mores from your hand. "Not your turn." He popped the rest into his mouth and rapidly chewed to try and taste it before you could, even though you had already chewed it first.
His eyes widened and his smile faded. "Oh man this is better than mine." He slowly slid his beanie off his head and offered it to you.
You took it with a triumphant 'ha' and immediately put it on.
"Damn," He sighed. "You look so cute."
You smiled. You weren't exactly sure where you and Josh stood in terms of a 'relationship' but you really wanted to kiss him. So you crawled closer and sat between his legs again, gently draping your arms around his neck. "You know Josh, I actually think /your/ s'mores was better."
Before you could get the rest of your proposition out, Josh wrapped his arms around the small of your back in the same instant that he surged forward and pressed your lips together. It was soft and you could feel him smiling into it, and you knew right then that you had him. Josh Dun was all yours.

Credit to thecutofmylove on Tumblr

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