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Josh Dun imagine

It's been 8 months since you left your previous boyfriend, Will and considering the 3 years of mental, emotional, and physical abuse he put you through, you were doing great.
"So are you coming tonight?" Tyler asked when he called you.
"Yeah, I plan to. Why are you so eager for me to be there?" you asked your best friend since 4th grade.
"There is someone I want you to meet. You guys are seriously perfect for each other." he said.
"Tyler, I don't need you to set me up with anyone. I can find people on my own."
"Clearly not good people. Shall I even bring up Will?" he said. Tyler always hated Will from the beginning and Tyler was always there for you when he hurt you.
"Shut up. I'll see you later." you said your goodbyes and hung up.
Tyler was really protective over you, you two were basically like siblings. So this guy he wants you to meet must be really special.
After getting ready for the party it was time you head out.
Once getting to the party you were greeted by a really excited Tyler.
"Y/N! How you been?" he asked pulling you into a hug.
"Great. But enough about me, how are you."
You two talked for a while before a guy with bright yellow hair caught your eye from across the room.
"Hey who's that?" you asked Tyler pointing to the man with yellow hair.
"Oh that's Josh, the guy I wanted you to meet. He's the drummer for my band."
"Oh. Why have I never met him before?" you asked because you've been to plenty of their concerts but never saw him.
"Y/N don't forget Will never let you see me the entire time you dated." he pointed out.
"God do you ever let go of things?" you joked.
"No. Now do you want to meet your perfect match or not?" he said grabbing your wrist and it made you jump. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"No, It's okay. I just get shocked when people grab at me." you said looking to the floor.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." you said looking up to see the Josh was walking your way.
"Hey Tyler, who's this pretty girl you're talking to?" Josh asked Tyler.you blushed and looked down to your feet before looking up again to see Tyler with a smirk on his face.
"This is my very best friend, Y/N."
"Oh wow real nice Tyler, didn't know you had another best friend." Josh joked. "So you're the famous Y/N Tyler talks about all the time."
"Really, he does? Hopefully all good things." you said.
"I'll catch up with you two love birds later." Tyler said then walking off.
"Lovebirds? I think that was kind of fast to label." you said admiring Josh's face.
"Well from everything Tyler has told me about you, I feel like I've known you for years."
For the next 2 hours or so you two flirted back and forth.
"It's getting kind of late, I should probably get going soon." you said once the conversation started to die.
"Come on the night's still young. Come dance with me." he said standing and offering a hand.
"Okay, why not." you said letting him lead you to a place to dance to the music.
While dancing and talking you saw a familiar face looking at you from afar. It was Will, he looked angry and your anxiety kicked in.
"Y/N are you okay?" Josh asked but you could barely her him. You just stood there staring at Will.
"Hey, Y/N is that your ex?" Josh asked and it pulled you from your stare.
"How did you know about him?"
"Tyler told me." he said. "Let's go somewhere else, okay? I'll get someone to get him out of here. You're safe with me." he said leading you away to another room.
"Thank you Josh." you said sitting down on the couch in the new room.
"No problem. I just texted a friend and he's taking care of him. You don't need to worry." he said placing a hand on your knee. You looked up into his eyes and you couldn't stop looking into them.
They were soft and kind looking, unlike the mean cold ones you were use to.
"This might be totally out of line, but can I kiss you?" Josh asked and you nodded.
The kiss was like nothing you felt before. There was an unfamiliar feeling behind it. Love maybe?
You pulled away for air and you both smiled at eachother.
"Y/N?" Josh said taking your hand in his.
"You're beautiful and this might be too soon, but you make me feel something different from anything I've ever felt before." you blushed as he spoke.
"Josh it's never too soon to confess your feelings." you said leaning in and closing the gap between your lips and his.
"Thank god. I thought you would think I was a freak or something."
"How could I think you're a freak. You're so kind and might I add very handsome." you said making him blush.
"What do you say I take you on a date? This weekend you, me, and where ever you want to go."
"That sounds very lovely."
You exchanged numbers and you realized it was getting a little late.
"I really should get going now. I have work in the morning." you explained.
"I'll walk you to your car, I should head out too." he said standing and taking your hand in his again.
He lead you outside to your car where he held onto your hand for a while and looked into your eyes. You did the same. Something about those big brown eyes were so captivating to you.
"I had a really good time. Thank you." you said placing a kiss on his cheek and letting go of his hand.
"I did too. I'll talk to you later." he said moving so you could get into your car.
You sat in your seat and closed the door before rolling down the window.
"Bye Y/N." Josh said placing a kiss to your forehead.
"Bye Josh." with that you drove away with a huge smile on your face. You heart was seriously melting. God Josh was so nice. You couldn't believe you spent so much time with that asshole named Will, when there was a perfect man out there named Josh.
Once you pulled into the parking garage of you apartment building you heard your phone go off.
It was a text from Josh
From Josh
Had a really good time. Call me tomorrow after work so we can work out some plans for that date you promised me. Good night beautiful.
Received 11:57pm
To Josh
Will do. Good night Josh.
Sent 11:58pm
There was that familiar melting of the heart you were feeling earlier.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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