Hourglass part 1 (smut)

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Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph imagine

You feel movement in the bed next to you, rousing you from your sleep; with a deep sigh, you roll onto your side, draping your arm over Josh's waist and resting your head on his chest. You can tell from his breathing and his heartbeat that he's fully awake, but you're still half-asleep, too tired to speak. His arm slips around your back, tucking your firmly against his side. You feel his fingers rubbing circles on your arm, so softly you start to drift back to sleep.
"Can I ask you something?" His voice is gentle, but slightly gruff from just having woken up himself. You let out a quiet grunt in response to his question. Josh sighs, staying quiet for a few moments and it makes you think he changed his mind about his question. "If you could...sleep with anyone, who would it be?"
"You," you reply, nuzzling against his chest.
"I mean besides me," he retorts, squeezing your arm. You inhale deeply, letting out your breath in a quick huff before you answer.
"Tyler." You don't even think about your answer, it just comes out; when Josh goes quiet, his hand ceasing it's rubbing of your arm, you realize what you had just admitted to. Your eyes shoot open, suddenly completely awake; you can hear Josh's heart rate accelerating, and yours does the same. Finally, you lift your head, looking up at his face; he's staring at the ceiling, his jaw clenched. "Josh," you say. He lowers his gaze to you, staring into your eyes. "I didn't–"
"It's okay," he interrupts. "I asked." You bite your lip, trying to think of something to fix the fact that you just admitted to your boyfriend that you would sleep with his best friend. "You're attracted to Tyler?" he asks, slowly.
"I...uh..." You trail off, thinking of the way to word your response so you don't make the situation worse.
"Just say it, I don't care."
"He's attractive," you reply, carefully.
"And you'd sleep with him if you had the chance?"
"It's not like that, Josh," you answer, turning to lay on your stomach and resting on his chest. "I'm not saying if Tyler propositioned me, I'd say yes. I'm not that much of an asshole." Josh laughs, closing his eyes and turning his face away from you as if he was trying to hide his amusement. You giggle as well, reaching up to turn his head back to you. "I love you, Josh Dun," you mumble, rubbing your thumb across his bottom lip. "Don't you forget that."
"I love you, too," he replies, playfully biting your thumb. You chuckle, inching higher up so you could kiss him softly. "I know you're tired, baby," he continues, muttering against your lips. "Go ahead and lay here a little longer, I'll go get breakfast started for us."
Josh slips from the bed, heading towards the kitchen. You stretch out in the bed,cuddling up against the pillow that he was just resting on. With a sigh, you replay the conversation that you had just had with your boyfriend. You're curious as to where the question came from, and also somewhat concerned with the fact that you replied so quickly with Tyler's name.
You listen to the sounds of Josh preparing breakfast, your head still spinning with questions about what Josh had said. Unable to shut off to go back to sleep, you get out of bed and head to the bathroom to start your day. After showering, getting dressed, you make your way into the kitchen, seeing Josh just finishing with his cooking.
"Aw, you showered without me?" he asks, pouting. You laugh softly, sitting down at the bar; you watch as Josh fixes a plate for you, setting it down on the counter in front of you.
"It looks good," you say with a grin. Josh fixes another plate, coming around to sit beside you at the counter. You both begin to eat in silence, just the sound of your silverware gently scraping the plates as you eat. You decide to break the silence and find out more about the question Josh had asked you. "So, what was up with that question earlier?" you ask, your voice low. Josh doesn't stop eating, but sighs through his chewing.
"I don't know," he replies. "It just...came into my head. I guess I was just curious. I suppose I didn't expect you to say Tyler."
"Did I say Tyler? I'm pretty sure I said that older brother on Shameless, the one with the blue eyes. I'd definitely bang him." Josh almost chokes on his food, setting his fork down and trying to clear his throat; you can't help but laugh at the way you caught him off guard. When Josh finally catches his breath, he glances as you shaking his head.
"Thank you for that," he says. "Look, baby, I don't care that you said Tyler. It just surprised me. Do you mind if I ask you why you said him?" You think hard for a moment, forking some eggs into your mouth as you try to find the right words to describe what you found attractive about Tyler. "You can say it, I promise I'm cool with whatever you say," he adds.
"I don't know, he's just...there's something fascinating about him," you say. "He's...attractive, I guess it's...Josh, I think you're underestimating how uncomfortable this is for me, and more than anything I want this moment to end." Josh tips his head back, letting out a hearty laugh at your words.
"I'm sorry, I know I just tried to tap into one of your dirty little secrets about wanting to fuck my best friend," he says. Your cheeks redden at his words, but you try to hide your embarrassment.
"Oh, shut up," you say, finishing your food and standing from your seat. "I've gotta get ready for work." You walk to the sink and clean your dishes; just as you're about to turn around, Josh comes up behind you, and boxes you between his arms, and pinning you in place. "Josh," you warn.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Josh whispers in your ear. "I just wanted to know." You wiggle enough in his arms so you could turn to face him, and as soon as you do, Josh presses a kiss to your lips. You can feel him deepen the kiss, a soft groan rumbling in his throat; his hips press forward against you, pinning you harder against the counter.
"Josh," you reply, moving from his grasp. "Like I said, I've gotta get ready for work, and I don't need you getting torqued up. You're gonna make me late." Josh groans at your words, dropping his hands to his sides.
"Fine," he sighs, moving around the kitchen to clean up the cooking mess. You shoot him a quick look before heading back to the bathroom to finish your morning routine.
Your entire work day dragged by, and when it was finally time for you to go home, you were worn out. You ran your hand through your hair, pushing it from your face as you pulled into your driveway; you noticed Tyler's car in the driveway next to Josh's. You think nothing of it, knowing that Tyler and Josh have band practice every day.
Making your way up to the front door, you unlock it and step inside, flipping the deadbolt when you closed it behind you. You drop your keys on the foyer table, and hang your bag on the hook. You make your way through the house, finding it uncommonly quiet; you peek your head in the door leading to the basement where the boys practiced, but didn't hear anything.
"Josh?" you call out, with no response. You head through all the rooms of the house, and don't find them. With a sigh, you head towards your bedroom, slipping your hoodie off as you enter the door. You're slightly startled to find Josh and Tyler sitting on the edge of the bed, talking as you walk in. "Um, okay," you say slowly.
"Hey, baby," Josh says, standing from his seat. He walks towards you, pulling you into a tight hug and pressing a kiss to your temple. When he lets go of you, he steps to your side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"What's going on?" you ask, looking from Josh to Tyler. "I mean, I know what the kids on the internet say about you guys, but I thought that was just fangirl fantasy."
"Shut up," Josh laughs, bumping against you. As you look back between them once again, you finally realize what is happening.
"Wait a minute, is this about the conversation we had earlier?"
"I know you're always wanting to finding new things to do in our relationship," Josh begins. "And this morning, I was thinking that maybe this would be something you'd be interested in trying." You look towards Tyler, who is biting his lip and looking back at you with a look you had never seen from him before.
"You want to..." you start, but find your mouth going dry. You swallow hard and try again. "Are you suggesting a threesome?"
"Well, not exactly," Josh says. "I thought maybe I could watch." Your breath catches in your throat, and you feel something pooling in your stomach.
"You wanna watch while Tyler fucks me?" The words come out of your mouth in a way that you didn't expect; instead of sounding curious, like you'd intended, your voice is huskier, needy. You know the two men hear it too; you can feel Josh tense up at your side and you see the smirk spread across Tyler's lips.
"Uh, yeah," Josh breathes. "I mean, only if you want to."
"We don't want you to be uncomfortable," Tyler speaks finally.
"I'm not uncomfortable," you say. You glance at Josh, noticing the look in his eyes; you can tell he's very keen on what he's suggesting. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" you ask, softly. "You're gonna watch your best friend fucking me, treating me like only you do."
"Fucking tease," Josh hisses, narrowing his eyes at you. "I'm okay. You're okay?" You nod your head, swallowing hard as you see Josh beginning to smirk. "Then you're all his," he whispers, nudging you towards Tyler. You hesitate momentarily, but when you see the look on Tyler's face, it sends an ache through your core.
"Come here, beautiful," he whispers, holding his hands out towards you. There's a slight tremble in your hands as you grasp his, allowing him to tug you to stand between his open legs. "Josh said you've thought about fucking me before," he mutters, placing your hands on his shoulders. "Is that true?"
"Yeah," you whisper. Tyler groans quietly, sliding his hands up the sides of your shirt. He bunches it up, urging your to help him remove the material from your body.
"And why is that?" he asks, dropping the clothing to the floor. "Tell me." His hands drag down your skin, fingertips like feathers; you can't help the shiver that runs up your spine at his touch. You glance over your shoulder towards Josh, seeing him leaning against the dresser, hands gripping the furniture. He nods his head at you, a grin on his lips.
"It's okay, baby," he says. "Do whatever Tyler says."
"You heard him," Tyler says, getting your attention. You look back to him, feeling his hands grasping your hips. "Tell me."
"When I watch you guys play," you begin, fingers fisting at the shoulders of his tank. "And your shirt comes off, I can't help but think about how it would feel to get my hands all over your body."
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, allowing you to pull his shirt off of his body. "C'mere." He snatches you quickly onto his lap, where you're straddling his thighs; his hands roam up your back pulling you closer. "Go ahead and touch me," he says. "Josh says you like to leave scratches, is that right?"
Tyler pulls you in for a hard kiss, his hand gripping a handful of your hair to hold you in place as he forces his tongue into your mouth. You moan into the kiss, slipping your hands between your bodies to let your fingers touch his skin. You hear him inhale sharply, sitting up straight to give your hands more access to his torso. You slide your arms under his, wrapping your them around his frame; you catch him off guard when you dig your nails into the soft skin of his back.
"Mmm," he grunts, breaking from the kiss. "God, do you feel how hard you've got me already?" You grind yourself down against him, creating friction between your bodies. "Josh, why didn't you tell me she's a little tease?" Tyler asks, his voice trembling slightly.
"I knew you'd figure it out eventually," Josh speaks from behind you. Once more, you turn to look at your boyfriend, seeing him palming himself through his jeans. "Keep your eyes on him," Josh insists. "He's in charge tonight, not me."
Something about Josh's words jolt through your spine, giving you the extra push to allow Tyler to take charge of you. Your turn your attention back to Tyler, studying his face for a moment, before you tilt your head forward to whisper in his ear.
"Do you hear that? I'm all yours tonight, daddy."
"Ohh, fuck," he groans. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever heard. You never told me that she's got a fucking daddy kink, Josh." The grip he has on your hair tightens, pulling your head back to bare your throat to him; his mouth latches onto your neck, teeth scraping along your skin.
"It was never something that I was into," Josh mutters from the other side of the room. "Didn't do anything for me. But for some reason, hearing her say it to you..."
"It sounds really fucking good doesn't it?" Tyler mumbles against your throat. He tilts his head to glance at Josh, chuckling softly. "Look at your boyfriend," Tyler whispers. "He's loving this." You look at Josh, seeing his jeans undone, hanging open; his hand rubs at the bulge in his briefs, a small smile on his face as he watches you.
In one quick motion, Tyer stands up and tosses you onto your back on the bed. Without missing a beat, he reaches for the button of your jeans, roughly unfastening them and yanking them down your hips, along with your panties. In what feels like the blink of an eye, you're lying naked before your boyfriend and his best friend.
"God, baby girl, you are fucking beautiful," he mutters, fingers deftly unfastening his own jeans. "Play with yourself for me. Lemme see you get that pussy wet so daddy can get deep inside of you tonight."
You do as you're told, spreading your legs open wide enough to give Tyler and Josh an eyeful of your already wet core. The way they both stare at you makes your insides twist with nerves and arousal; you let a soft moan fall from your lips as your fingers slowly begin to rub your clit. The two don't take their eyes off of you, Tyler now completely naked and Josh tugging his member free from his briefs.
"How wet are you right now?" Tyler murmurs. He steps towards you, his fingertips make contact with your entrance, sending a shiver through your entire body. His fingers press into your opening, sliding into the tightness with a small grunt. "Damn," he hisses. "I know my boy Josh fucks you good every night, but you still work to keep this pussy tight, huh? " You nod your head, unable to pull out any words as Tyler's fingers are slowly pumping into you.
"Please," you whine.
"Please what, beautiful?" Tyler leans over you, pressing his free hand to the bed at your side, resting all of his weight on it as he continues to finger you. His eyes are on your face, watching you struggle to find the words. "Tell me what you're begging me for," he adds.
"Please just fuck me, daddy. I wanna feel your dick inside of me, making me come for you." Tyler cracks a smile, raising his eyebrows at your words; while his fingers still work into you, Tyler glances back to Josh, muttering something you couldn't understand. You lift your head to see Josh's hand pumping over his length, free hand gripping the furniture he was leaning on.
You're pulled from your gazing at Josh when Tyler removes his fingers from you. Looking back to Tyler, you whine pathetically, which causes him to chuckle. Josh hands a condom to Tyler, who kneels down on the bed between your legs; ripping the condom open with his teeth, he rolls it over his length. He looks up at you, his gaze quizzical as if he's trying to make certain you're still comfortable with what he's doing. As soon as you nod your head, Tyler pushes himself inside of you to the hilt.
"Holy shit," he breathes, inching higher up on his knees as he grasps the tops of your thighs. He tugs your body closer to his, pressing himself against you and grinding gently to create friction against your clit.
"Fuck her good, Ty," Josh calls out. "Don't hold back, she fucking loves rough shit. Isn't that right, baby?"
"Mmmhmm," you groan, wiggling your hips against Tyler. "Please, daddy." Tyler smirks at you, tugging his hips back before slamming back into you fully; you gasp at the sensation, closing your eyes and pressing your head back against the mattress.
He begins a slow pace, agonizingly slow, but each thrust more forceful than the last. Your hands are gripping the sheets below you, fingers curling and knuckles white. You're not close to your climax, but Tyler is already making you tremble from his actions. You need him to move faster and even harder, but your breath continues to catch in your throat, making it impossible to speak. All you can do is lift your head and look up at Tyler.
"Does that feel good, babe?" Tyler breathes, a sideways smirk on his lips. His fingers tighten on your thighs, pulling you to meet each of his slow thrusts. "Talk to me. I know you like to talk dirty, Josh tells me how fucking filthy you get."
"Please fuck me faster, daddy," you whisper. "I need you faster."
"Oh, yeah?" Tyler grins, pushing into you all the way and stopping. "Beg me harder, I don't believe you."
"Please, I want you to make me scream," you moan, releasing your grip on the sheets and reaching for Tyler's forearms. Your fingers tighten around his arms, feeling his muscles tense. "Please, Tyler," you whine. "Fuck me hard with your big cock, please, daddy."
"Mmm, my big cock, huh?" Tyler echoes your words. He lets go of your thighs, snatching up your wrists; leaning over your body, he pins your arms on the mattress above your head. "You sure you're ready for that?" he whispers, nuzzling against your cheek. "I might be a little rougher than you're used to."
"Quit teasing and just fuck me," you groan, grinding your hips against him.
"You don't get to tell him what to do," Josh chimes in. You glance over to him, watching how his hand is still slowly stroking himself. Even from a distance, you can see how dark his eyes are; he's loving it as much as you are. "You can beg him," Josh added. "You sound so fucking pretty when you beg."
"Please, stop teasing me," you mumble. "Please, I'll be a good girl for you, daddy. Please just fuck me." Tyler chuckles, his grip on your wrists tightening; he yanks his hips back and thrusts them forward again just as hard.
He starts a new pace, much faster and even harder, getting deep inside of you with each push. Your back arches off of the bed, pressing your hips against his movements in an effort to get some attention on your clit. You let out a moan of Tyler's name, struggling against his grip on your arms; he notices your effort to free your hands, and chuckles.
"What's wrong?" he asks, breathlessly as his movements became quicker. "You wanna touch me, babe? Tell me."
"Yes, daddy, please," you groan, struggling to keep your eyes open. "Can I touch you?" Tyler drags his bottom lip between his teeth, shaking his head; you whine again in response, which only fuels Tyler on even more.
"I like having this control over you," he mutters. "You look goddamn sexy writhing around like this."
Tyler grips both of your wrists with one hand, lowering his free hand down between your bodies to tease your clit. A jolt rocks your body with the new sensation, a breathy moan tearing at your throat; you wrap your legs around Tyler's waist, trying to pull him deeper inside of you.
"Oh, you think that's gonna help you, huh?" he mumbles. He quickly lets go of you, pulling out of you and pushing you to lay on your side.
Before you realize what's going on, Josh crosses the room towards you, holding something in his hands; he takes your hands, tugging them towards the headboard. You lift your head, watching as he uses his belt to restrain your wrists to one of the rails. When he pulls back, you tug at the belt, but find yourself unable to move.
"There you go, Ty," Josh chuckles. "Now you can fuck her how you want." Josh smirks at you, smacking you on your backside. He walks to grab a chair from the corner of room, dragging it closer to the bed facing you. As you feel Tyler laying behind you on the bed, Josh leans back in his chair, slowly working his hand over his length again. "Is daddy making you feel good, baby?" Josh asks.
"Mmmhmm," you groan, twisting against the belt on your wrists. "So good."
Tyler presses up behind you, hooking his hand under your thigh and angling your leg so he could slip back inside of you. He bites down on your shoulder, muffling a groan that falls from his mouth. You let out your own groan at the feeling of Tyler inside of you at a new angle. He starts thrusting into you again, resuming his previous pace; he's hitting the spot deep inside of you that makes your body begin to tremble.
"Josh, how sexy does she look right now?" Tyler asks. You keep your eyes on Josh, who is stroking himself as his eyes take over your body.
"Really fucking sexy," Josh replies. "She's tight, isn't she? God, I can picture it right now, how good she feels." Josh tips his head back, eyes slipping closed and bottom lip pulling between his teeth.
The sight of Josh pleasuring himself while Tyler was inside of you was pushing you closer to your climax. You could feel it twisting in your stomach, and as if Tyler could read your mind, he let's go of your leg and starts rubbing your clit.
"You close, huh? You gonna come?" he asks, a teasing edge in his words.
"Uh-huh, yes, daddy!" you call out, feeling your orgasam about to rip through your body. You're moaning, trying to slam your body down against his movements to get your climax. Just as you're teetering on the edge, Tyler quickly pulls out of you and stops rubbing your clit. You let out a long whining groan, hearing Tyler laughing at your agony of your release being withheld. "Fuck you," you whine.
"Ooh, watch your mouth, babe," Tyler laughs. "Better yet..." He trails off, pushing himself back inside of you, and slowly pumping into you again. "Josh, why don't you put her mouth to good use," Tyler suggests, a grin apparent in his voice.
"I like how you think, Ty," Josh says, standing from his seat. You watch him closing in on you, kneeling on the bed in front of you and wasting no time shoving himself into your mouth.
Tyler and Josh set a pace, both slamming into you at the same speed. Your whole body is on fire, skin burning and insides in knots. You're close and they can both tell from the sounds of your muffled moans and quaking body. Tyler continues to bite along your shoulder, rougher than before, leaving marks. Josh is holding onto your head, pushing in as deep as you could take him; you watch him press his fingers to your clit, helping Tyler get you off.
When your climax hits, Josh pulls from your mouth, allowing you to release the moans and screams of pleasure that accompany your actions. Your eyes are squeezing shut, drowning in the feeling that both men were giving you. You look up at Josh, giving him a pleading look to let him know you want him back in your mouth. They continue their pace, and within moments they're both climaxing as well, filling the air with their beautiful moans of pleasure. You can almost orgasam again at the sounds tearing out of their mouths.
Josh takes a step back, allowing you to swallow and lick at what he gave you. As your body begins to relax, Tyler pulls out of you, letting out a contented sigh. You close your eyes, replaying the experience in your mind. You still couldn't believe it actually had happened. A few moments later, you feel your wrists being released from their restraints, and open your eyes to see Josh unfastening the belt.
"Here we go," he whispers, dropping the belt to the floor. He uses a wet rag that he had retrieved from the bathroom to clean you up. Your body is exhausted, but you look at your hands, noticing the bruises already circling your wrists. "Where you think you're going, dude?" Josh asks Tyler. You glance over your shoulder, seeing Tyler grabbing his clothes. "Get back in the fucking bed."
You roll onto your back so you can keep your attention on both men. You watch Tyler pull his briefs on before he climbed back into bed with you. Josh then stripped down to his own underwear before joining you and Tyler. They both rolled onto their sides, looking at you expectantly.
"Wow," you say, finally, your voice raspy. They both laugh at your comment; Josh cups your cheek, turning your face to his so he could kiss you.
"Looks like we left some marks on you," Tyler mumbles, tracing his fingers over the bite marks he left on your shoulder. "I'm sure you left scratch marks on my back, too."
"That's okay," Josh says, laughing. "Next time we're gonna have to try it a little differently, see what else we can accomplish." Your breath catches at his words, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"'Next time'?" you mutter.
"Oh, yeah," Josh laughs. "Trust me, we're gonna wear you out. You okay with that?"
"Absolutely," you whisper.
"How about you, Ty, you good with it?" You lift your head from Josh's neck turning your attention to the other man; he's grinning widely, reaching out to pull you into a kiss.
"I'm definitely good with that," he mutters against your lips. "I'd like to see what other fun we can all have."

Credit to trashy-extras on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now