Roman Holiday

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Josh Dun imagine

"Hey Y/N, you look nice" Josh said as you opened the door for him. You placed your hands at the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. You could feel Josh's lips pull up into a smile as he kissed you.
"You smell nice" he said while his lips slightly brushed against yours.
"Well, between the two of us, it's my mom's perfume. I stole a bit of it" you said in a low whisper, not wanting to wake your parents. Even in the dark, you knew for a fact that Josh was grinning down at you.
It was a little past midnight and you had convinced Josh to pick you up for a late night rendezvous. Yes, your parents were aware of Josh, but they weren't aware of your relationship with him.
Something about sneaking away at night was thrilling. It was the first time you were doing it, but it felt like you were in a movie.
"We should get going" you said quietly, grabbing your jacket and slipping it on. Before you knew it, the stair lights were turned on and you heard footsteps approaching.
"Y/N!" Your father yelled from the top of the stairs. You and Josh froze.
"Dad?" You asked, startled and surprised that he was awake.
"Where are you going?!" He shouted. You were frozen in fear. You had no idea what was going to happen. You weren't really the rebellious type so the concept of getting in trouble was foreign to you.
The next half hour was a mess. Your father yelled at you as you stood by the front door, which eventually woke up your mother. Josh held your hand the entire time, giving it a squeeze from time to time as reassurance that he was still there.
Your father was raged with anger, the fact that you had the audacity to sneak out and with, and I quote "that pathetic boy from across the street." He got so mad that his fist went through the wall which is the opportunity you needed. While your father was attending to the hole he created in the wall, you quickly grabbed Josh's hand and ran through the front door. You heard your father and mother call your name, but you never stopped.
The two of you had no idea where you were heading, but you weren't planning on stopping anytime soon.
The path that the two of you followed was slowly leading to a fenced off area which you noticed to be a swimming pool. It was after hours so it was closed to the public.
You sighed, not knowing where you would go. You couldn't go home.
Josh came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in so your back was pressed against his chest. You sighed and unwrapped yourself from his embrace. He furrowed his brows as you turned to face him. You grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, leaving you in your black bra.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
Rather than answering his question, you slipped off your shoes and unbuttoned your jeans, sliding them off as well. You grinned at Josh as you walked around the fencing, to the opposite side of the city pool. You took a deep breath and dove in.
Josh ran to you as you reemerged from the water. Your hair was slicked back from the water and your eyes were glistening under the moonlight.
"Are you coming?"
Josh hesitated but soon stripped himself and joined you. The two of you splashed each other with water. You couldn't stop the giggles that were leaving your lips.
Josh swam towards you and stopped in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, but when you looked into his eyes you could see the fear.
"Hey,'s going to be fine. Just don't look back" you whispered as you pulled him in and kissed his chlorine covered lips.
The next four weeks consisted of the two of you running away on an adventure. After your little trip to the city pool, you two went by his house and grabbed his car and drove off. Just like in the movies.

Five years ago, you had run away with a boy who had huge ambitions and lots of hair dye.
You could remember it as if it were yesterday. And seeing him today, bumping into him, brought back all the memories.
"Wow, Y/N, you look great! How long has it been?" Josh asked with a smile on his lips. He may have smiled, but you knew that he was just as uncomfortable as you were.
"Hey, thanks, uh–five years, I think" you replied, exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding, followed by an awkward laugh.
A few awkward seconds of silence went by.
"Well, it was good seeing you" Josh said with another uncomfortable grin.
You nodded your head as Josh took a step past you to walk away.
"Wanna grab coffee?" The words came out of your mouth before you were even able to process it. Josh stopped in his tracks and turned to you.
"Uh–yeah, sounds good" Josh said while he scratched the back of his neck, followed by a light chuckle.

Your adventure with Josh was completely reckless and spontaneous. You drove from city to city, slept at multiple motels, ate a bunch of junk food, lived life with no rules. Neither of you had any idea what you were doing, except that you were doing it together.
" have you been?" You asked as you and Josh waited for your coffee at a table in a local café. The entire situation was so awkward, why did you think this would be a good idea?
"I've been good, how about you?"
"Yeah, life has been okay" you said with a slight nod.
"So... twenty one pilots has really taken off" you said, trying to move the conversation along.
You noticed a change in Josh's eyes.
"Yeah, its been great! I can't believe that I get to play the drums for a living" Josh said with a genuine, excited smile. Josh continued talking about music and it was easy listening to him. It made the coffee date less awkward.
Soon enough, the two of you were exchanging funny stories and were laughing just like old times.
"So, I should get going" you said once the two of you calmed down from laughing at a story that Josh was telling. Josh smiled sweetly at you.
"It was really great seeing you, Y/N" he said as the two of you stood up from the table. Josh held open the door for you as you stepped out of the café.
The two of you were going opposite ways, guess that was the end of your reunion. Josh paused for a moment but then pulled you in for a hug. You instinctively wrapped your arms around him.
Being in Josh's arms felt safe.
When the two of you pulled away, you felt nostalgia looking into his brown eyes. Confidence washed over you as you stepped on to your tippy toes and gave him a peck on his cheek. Josh smiled at your action as you blushed.
You and your old-time soulmate said your goodbyes and parted ways. You climbed into your car and turned on the engine. Rather than driving away, you sat there for a few moments, reminiscing about the past.
You remembered the times when Josh and you would sit in his car and share intimate moments. It's as if you could imagine the weight of his ribs as he lied between your hips in the backseat.
The worst part was remembering the way Josh's face crumpled when you broke up with him and the image of the tears in his eyes the first night that the two of you slept without one another.
The breakup was hard, but both of you knew it was for the best. You couldn't be reckless forever.
But that's the problem with breakups. They can be messy and they can be hard and all you'll be left with are memories.
But at least you have those. And no matter what, even though you didn't know where you were running to, you never looked back, because you had Josh with you. And at the time, that's all you needed.

Credit to royalserendipity on Tumblr

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