Bad day

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Josh Dun imagine

You didn't know how your day could get any worse. You guess you could've started to expect it when you overslept by half an hour and weren't able to fix your hair this morning. Or when your car wouldn't start for a solid 20 minutes. Or when you got stuck in traffic. Or when you spilled coffee all over your white blouse. But the cherry on top of your already less than perfect day came when your boss asked you to step into his office for a chat less than 5 minutes after you arrived.
"I told you before, you can't keep missing deadlines if you want to be in charge of this project," your boss scolds, clearly upset with your recent work.
"I know, and I tried my hardest, but so much of it was out of my control," you plead.
You had been slaving over this project for months, and none of the people you were supposed to be working with were pulling anywhere near their weight. it stressed you out beyond belief, but you cared about it too much to give up on it. Your boss was fed up, and frankly, so were you, but there wasn't really anything you could do about it.
"I'm taking you off this," he says with a sigh.
"Wait, I promise I can make it work if you just give me a little more time," you say, and you can feel the knot in your stomach growing tighter. This was everything you had worked so hard on for so long. It was your ticket to bigger, better things, and it was unraveling before your very eyes.
"Y/N, no, you clearly can't handle it right now. Maybe I'll reconsider in a few months," he states with finality.
You don't want to reply out of fear that you might actually start crying.
"You know what, why don't you take the rest of the day off and relax. You're no good to us here if you can't control your stress. We'll start you on a new project tomorrow," your boss continues and it feels like he's only twisting the knife.
You simply nod your head, and try frantically to collect your work and your dignity from your boss's desk.
You hear the door to his office shut behind you as you walk out, hanging your head as you hurry back to your desk to collect your things and go home.
The walk to your car seems longer than usual, due to the growing blister burning itself into your foot from your heels. And to make matters worse, halfway through the parking lot the gray sky opens up in a torrential downpour.
You almost have to stop yourself from laughing at the cliche nature of the situation, but as your makeup begins to run and the frigid water soaks through your clothing, it starts to seem less funny.
You finally make it to the safe haven of your car and drive home as quickly as possible.
You finally pull into the driveway of the small home you shared with your boyfriend, Josh. It was one of the rare stretches of time when he was actually home, and you couldn't be more grateful. You're not sure you would get through this day without him.
You walk defeatedly up to the front door and into the warm house. The smell of coffee lingers in the air from this morning, although it's only 9:30, it's plausible that your boyfriend has brewed several more cups since you left.
You can hear his footsteps coming down stairs as you walk over to set your keys and purse on a side table and slip your shoes off.
"Babe? I didn't expect you home so soon. Everything alright?" he asks, but as he approaches you, he can plainly see that everything is not alright.
You shake your head "no" slightly but you don't get a word out before he pulls you tightly into his chest and you let a few tears slip out onto his shoulder and try, to no avail, to suppress the sobs starting to bubble from your throat.
"Shh, whatever happened, it's gonna be ok," he tries to console you as he runs his fingers up and down your spine soothingly.
You would be content to just stay like this forever, in his arms, where nothing was bad and everything was warm, but he eventually loosens his grip.
"We should get you out of these wet clothes," he says softly and you nod.
He takes your hand and you walk down the hall to your bedroom. He sits you on the bed and goes over to your dresser, rummaging around for a minute before coming back to you with a pair of sweatpants and one of his sweaters. You take them and he turns and leaves the room so you can change.
You blush slightly and a tiny smile finds its way to your lips. He's seen you naked endless times, but still gives you privacy to change.
You slip into the dry clothes, tying your hair into a bun on top of your head. You pick up the wet clothes and make your way down the hall to the laundry room, but Josh intercepts you, grabbing the clothes from you.
"I got it," he says with a smile. You let him take them, not having the energy to argue. You turn to go wash your face in the bathroom, but Josh stops you and leans down to capture your lips is a tender kiss. It doesn't last long, but it warms your body even more than shedding those wet clothes did.
"I love you, you know that, right?" he says, his forehead resting on yours. You nod.
"I love you, too," you say. He smiles, and turns to go put your clothes in the dryer.
You walk down to the bathroom and splash some hot water on your face, rinsing the rest of your makeup down the drain. You take a few deep breathes as you dry your face and walk back out to find Josh.
He's in the kitchen, his back to you as he fixes something on the counter. You sit down at one of the bar stools on the island, laying your head down on the cold granite. A few minutes later, he sets something in front of you. You lift your head to find a mug of steaming tea, just the way you like it. You wrap your hands around the hot mug, feeling the warmth spread through you as you take a sip.
"Thank you," you say, your eyes growing heavier by the second.
"Of course, love," he pauses. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You really didn't. But, he deserved to know, so you nod slightly as you feel the lump grow in your throat again.
"You know that project I was working on?" you say softly.
"Yeah, you've been working yourself to the bone trying to get it done," he nods.
"Yeah, well my boss took me off it, then told me to go home because I couldn't handle my stress and I just worked so hard and I'm so tired," you can't hold his gaze as you loose your composure and a tear slips down your face as the day's events come crashing down on you like a wave.
"What a tool. I'm so sorry, babe," he walks around the island and pulls you into a hug again.
You welcome it, but shrug it off after a minute, not wanting to cry anymore.
"It's alright," you assure him, trying to swipe the tears away.
He doesn't say anything, but you can see by the look in his eyes that he knows you're lying.
"Can we nap?" you ask.
He chuckles softly, probably because it wasn't even 10 a.m. yet and you already wanted to take a nap.
"Of course we can," he says.
As you start to stand up, he scoops you up into his arms and starts off to your bedroom before you can get another word in.
"Josh, you don't have to carry me," you say through a small laugh.
"No, you have been through enough today. Let me take care of you," he says with that brighter-than-the-sun smile.
He lays you down on your bed and you both climb under the sheets. He pulls you close and wraps his arm around your waist and you nuzzle into his chest, drifting off the sleep.
You wake up to an empty bed and the smell of Pine Sol and lavender, the clock reading nearly 3:30. You certainly hadn't meant to sleep for that long, but boy did you need it. You stretch your arms above your head and look around your room to see that it's been tidied up. Your eyebrows furrow and you climb out of bed to find your pink-haired guy.
You poke your head in the bathroom to see that it's also been cleaned thoroughly. As you walk toward the kitchen, the whole house smells fresh and clean. You finally find Josh in the kitchen, seeing that he's also gone out and bought flowers that now sit in a vase on the counter. He turns around from where he was wiping down the counter.
"Josh, you didn't have to do all this," you say with a smile.
"I know, I just wanted to do something nice for you. I know I don't do nearly as much cleaning as you do," he trails off.
"Still, thank you," you walk over and kiss him. You both smile as you pull away.
"I also got us reservations at that Italian place downtown that you like, but we don't have to go if you'd rather stay in," he says.
"No, I'd love that. Thank you," you say and his smile widens.
You excitedly turn away and rush down the hall to shower. Once you've done that, you go into your room and pick out a low cut deep red dress you know Josh loves, pair it with a pair of velvet black pumps and go back into the bathroom to do your hair and makeup.
You dry your hair and put it in soft curls. Your makeup is pretty standard, with a bold red lip to match your dress. You grab a black clutch, put in some fake diamond earrings and go out to the living room to find Josh.
He's sitting on the couch on his phone, dressed in a white button down with a black tie and black slacks. He looks up from his phone when he hears your heels and smiles when he sees you, standing.
"You are incredibly beautiful," he says as he walks over to you, taking your hands, "now, and always."
He leans down and kisses you sweetly, but you stop him before he can do anything else, not wanting to ruin your lipstick.
He holds one of your hands as you walk out of his car, the rain having stopped hours ago, keeping your fingers laced with his as he drives downtown.
You have a lovely dinner together and Josh tells more stories from tour and talks about all the new ideas Tyler has been coming up with for their next album. You could never get sick of watching the way his eyes light up when he talks about his music and his fans. It's enough to make you smile, no matter how bad your day was.
You sip wine and talk about everything and nothing for hours on end, and you wish you could live in this night for ever, but eventually the waiter tells you the restaurant will be closing. Josh pays the tab, with protest from you, and you exit the restaurant with Josh's arm around you, walking down the city streets in a pleasant wine haze, avoiding the puddles from the days' rain.
As you walk back to your car, a busker plays the trumpet on the sidewalk. You both stop to listen for a moment, and you slip a five into his open case. Josh grabs your hands and starts dancing with you to the smooth jazz tunes. He spins you around, making you laugh and smile like you thought you might never be able to do after the day you had. He pulls you close and sways you back and forth as you get lost in his brown eyes, and it feels like no matter what else goes wrong in your work life, you would always have him.
He stops dancing after a minute and pulls a box out of his back pocket. Your heart skips a beat.
"I was gonna wait until our anniversary to give this to you, but it seemed like you might need it today," he says softly as he slowly opens the box, turning it for you to see.
In the box sits a gorgeous diamond necklace. Not too gaudy or huge, but simple and clean, just how you liked. You breathe a slight sigh of relief. You wanted to marry Josh someday, that, you knew, but you didn't think either of you were ready for that step yet.
"Josh..." you say, "it's amazing. You didn't have to, though. It's too much."
"Nothing is too much when it comes to you," he says.
He nudges your shoulder slightly so you'll turn around. You oblige, and he cautiously puts the necklace on you, taking a minute to clasp it, but once he does, you turn back around.
"Looks even better on you than I imagined," he grins.
You kiss him slowly, deeply, with your hand on the back of his neck and his around your waist. His lips still taste a little like wine, and you can't get enough of it.
"Thank you for everything today. I'm sorry I was such a pain, you probably had things to do," you say softly, once you pull away.
"Darling, I was happy to do all of it. And I would do it even if you hadn't had a crap day. Nothing I had to do could've been more important than you. You are always my priority," he assures you.
"You're too good for me," you say with a smile, and he just shakes his head and smiles.
"Someday, I'll finally convince you that nothing is too good for you," he says, kissing you again.
After another minute, you break apart and walk hand in hand back to the car. Once you arrive home, you both change into more comfortable clothes, and you drift off, comforted by the thought that no matter how dark the day, he would be there to bring a smile back to your face.

Credit to twentyonefics on Tumblr

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