Struggles (part 2)

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Josh Dun imagine

You had your first appointment today after finding out you were pregnant. When you go the IVF treatment the put two fertilized eggs, only expecting one to actually mature. When searching for a heartbeat your heart raced remembering the last time you had to do this. When you heard the sound of what was like a train you knew it was a heartbeat. You looked to Josh who was smiling really big. He kissed you and squeezed your hand.
"There they are, two strong heartbeats." the nurse said excitedly and both you and Josh's mouths dropped.
"Two?" you asked completely shocked.
"Yes, two strong heartbeats. Congratulations you guys." she said.
"Two babies Josh. We're having twins." you squeaked.
"I know, this is amazing. I told you this would be worth it." he said kissing your hand.
After the appointment you went home and let it sink in that not only were you having one kid, but two. You felt pretty good and you didn't care if you threw up every morning for 12 weeks straight, because you were having the kids you always wanted. At 14 weeks pregnant you decided to tell your friends and family. You were having a big party on a Saturday evening with both families and close friends. It wasn't unusual for you to have a party, but you hadn't had one in a while due to how busy the band was.
"Can we have your attention over here. Y/N and I just want to say something real quick." Josh announced. "Thanks for coming and hanging out again. We haven't done this in a while and were so happy to have everyone here. I just wanted to thank all of you for the supporting me and Tyler with the band and keeping us going." Josh said.
"I wanted to say thanks for being with me and Josh threw the past few years with our struggles with pregnancy. You all mean so much to me and I'm grateful everyday I have amazing parents and that I married into a family that loves me so." you said then looked to Josh who was smiling down at you as you spoke.
You nodded your head signalling for him to tell the big news. "We also wanted to say that soon we will be welcoming a new addition to these parties." he said and everyone burst into cheers.
"Actually what Josh means in 2 additions." you added and he laughed.
"Oh yeah I forgot that." he laughed at himself.
The excitement grew bigger and then you were surrounded with questions.
"I'm 14 weeks along and they say everything looks good, but I'm considered high risk because of my past and the fact that it's twins. They'll most likely be deivered at 36 weeks opposed to 40." you told some of the people who came to ask you questions.
"Y/N this is amazing, I'm so happy. I'm gonna be an aunt." Jenna said hugging you.
"I know. These babies are going to have so many loving aunts and uncles. I'm just excited for them to get here." you said.
"Are you gonna find out the genders?" Ashley asked you.
"Yeah I definitely."
"Good, if there's a girl in there the name Ashley should be one of the names." she said making you laugh.
"I'll think about it." you said.
"Or you can name them after me." Tyler said walking up to you.
"Even if they're girls?"
"It's a great name for both genders." he said and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm glad you're happy, you deserve these little things that will soon keep you up all night, cry all day, and poop on you. I know how hard you've tried to get here." he said.
Tyler had always been a great friend. He was there for both you and Josh the past 4 years.
"Thanks Ty. Don't tell anyone, but the name Tyler might make an appearance if there is a boy." you said.
"Like I said works for both genders." he said before walking away.
After many congratulations, goodbyes, and well wishes everyone was one was gone and you finally had your house back to yourselves.
"Ready for bed?" Josh asked as you put the last dish into the dishwasher.
"Definitely. I'm so tired." you said leaning you face into his chest and taking in his warmth and scent.
"Soon you're gonna smell like poop and vomit. I can't wait." you said and he wrapped his arms around you.
"Soon I'm not gonna be able to do this." he said picking you up bridal style and bring you to the bedroom.
"Careful Josh, I got precious cargo in me." you laughed as he put you down on the bed and hovered over you to kiss you.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you too." you said kissing him again.
"So I heard that you want to find out the genders, when can we do that?" he asked standing up and undressing to get into pajamas.
"I believe soon. I think you can get them done at 16 weeks." you said putting on pajamas also.
"Good, I'm excited to see what like things are growing inside of you. Then maybe we can think of names and stop referring to them as A and B." he said pulling back the covers and climbing into bed.
You climbed in beside him and kissed him before speaking. "Shame, I was really hoping we could forever refer to them as A and B." you joked.
"Whatever. Goodnight, I love you." Josh said.
You were so tired just a few minutes ago, and now all you could think about was nutella. "Babe are you asleep yet?" you whispered.
"No, is there something wrong?"
"No, but yes. Can you go see if we have nutella?" you asked with a puppy dog expression.
Although he couldn't see you he knew it was there. "I already know we don't have any. Can you wait till the morning and I'll pick some up? It's almost 1 in the morning."
"The babies really want it now though."
"Ugh fine. I'm only doing this because I love you and A and B." he said getting out of bed.
"Thanks babe." you said.
You fell asleep before he got back from the store. When you woke up in the morning there was a jar of nutella and a spoon on your nightstand. You smiled at how much he cared, enough to get out of bed at 1 am and go buy food that you were craving. Many trips to the store at early hours of the morning occurred throughout the rest of the pregnancy.
You were now 17 weeks and today you and Josh were going to find out the gender of the babies.
"Are you ready to find out what A and B are?" Josh asked, still referring to them as A and B.
"So ready. We haven't really talked about it much, but what do you want?" you asked out of curiosity.
"Two healthy babies. You?" he asked helping you out of the car.
"Wow I have to top that answer. In all honesty I want 2 girls."
"Well we are definitely having either two girls or two boy, because they're identical." he said.
"That's so crazy, not only are we finally pregnant but were having identical twins." you said with a smile.
"I know it's crazy to think we're almost half way."
"I'll be happy once we make it past 19 weeks." you said, referring back to your miscarriage.
"We will. The doctor even said all things look amazing for a person with your past." he said comforting you. When you finally got back to the ultrasound room you got butterflies or what you thought were butterflies.
"Okay, so we're finding out the sex today correct?" the nurse asked.
"Yes, we're super excited." Josh said smiling.
The nurse put the gel on your bare stomach and then started the machine. The picture was projected on the screen in front of you and Josh. "Do you feel them moving?" the nurse asked.
"Not yet, I don't think." you said.
"Well they're moving right now. This early on it feels like you have the butterflies."
"So that's what I was feeling." you said shocked.
"Yup and baby A right now is kicking baby B. Already some sibling rivalry." the nurse said and Josh laughed.
"Does that mean we're gonna be breaking up a lot of fights when they're older?" he joked.
"I don't know twins have a special bond." the nurse said.
"Okay now everything looks good, we're gonna peek at some private areas." she started to move the device around until she found what she was looking for.
"Congratulations guys it looks like you have here two healthy baby girls."
"Yes." you cheered silently.
"Are you happy?" Josh asked you.
"Through the moon." you said.
You went home and shared the news with your close friends and family. Everyone was so excited for the two of you, knowing how long you've wanted this for.
When you pasted the 19 week point in the pregnancy you and Josh celebrated.
Jenna and Josh's sisters threw you baby shower when you were 28 weeks pregnant.
You were starting to get big and uncomfortable and you still had 10 weeks to go. The cribs got delivered today and Josh was setting them up as you rocked in the rocking chair that Jenna got you at the baby shower.
"It's starting to get real." you said.
"I know. The closer the time gets the more I'm getting anxious." Josh said finishing the last piece on the first crib.
"You don't need to be anxious, you're going to be an amazing father."
"Am I though? I mean I'm already dreading putting this second crib up. Y/N we're going to have two of everything." he said.
"I'm very aware of that." you said pointing to your big belly.
"I'm gonna miss that big belly. I'm gonna miss singing to them and playing the drums for them and feeling them kick me away. When they get here they're gonna hate my voice, cry when I drum, and they're gonna kick me and it's no longer gonna be cute." he said and you could see he was making himself nervous.
"Josh breath babe. You're going to be just fine. I'll be there with you the whole time. You're gonna be a wonderful, loving father. You know how I know that?"
"How?" letting out a breath he was unaware he was holding.
"Because you're the best husband I could ever ask for and you were raised by the best parents. You'll be fine. Don't be scared of these little humans." you said standing and walking to where Josh was opening the next box.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and he turned so he could kiss you.
"Something I'm not going to miss about this is being able to hug my wife, not just her shoulders. This belly gets in the way of everything." he joked.
"Are you saying the kids are already getting in the way of us." you joked and Josh laughed when he kissed you.
"They're troublemakers already." he added making you laugh.

"I think we're almost ready for these kids to come." Josh said walking into the kitchen where you sat on your laptop.
"How so? We still need so much for the nursery and did you forget we don't even have names for them yet?" You pointed out.
"You're right. Have you thought of anything yet? We have t-minus 7 weeks until they arrive." Josh said excitedly.
Ever since you gave him that little pep talk he's been so excited for the day to come that he gets to hold his daughters for the first time.
"I thought of a few ideas, but nothing worth sharing. I still like A and B." you joked.
"We need inspiration." he started. " Let's go someplace where we can just take the peace in and think."
"The park?" you offered knowing that's where you often find yourself when you need time to think.
"Sure." he said kissing your forehead and heading to grab the car keys.
Once at the park you went to the spot you always go to release the balloons for William.
"You know this year when we come to release the balloons were going to have 2 month old babies girls in our arms." Josh pointed out.
"Do you remember what I said last year? I asked him to send us a little sibling and 2 months later we got just that, but 2 times that." you said.
"I know it's probably bad to say, but if we had William then we wouldn't be having twins and I feel like there is some sort of reason he didn't make it. Something about these girls will be special." he said.
"It's not bad to say. I feel the same way. Like maybe we didn't have him is because A and B are a better fit for this family."
"Still referring to them as A and B. what if we named A with an a name and B with a b name so we can call them that for the rest of their lives." Josh suggested.
"I actually like that idea. Any suggestions?"
"How about you come up with one a and one b and I come up with one a and one b that we both like, then we ask someone we trust to pick the names?"
"Look at you so many great ideas. I say we have Tyler and Jenna decide for us." you added.
The next hour was filled with name ideas that started with A and B. Your final decisions were Addison and Brylee and Josh decided on Aria and Brookelynn. You had called Tyler and Jenna to tell them what the options were. They said they would call you back with their decision because they needed time to think about it.
The next day you got a call from Jenna.
"Y/N is Josh there?"
"Yeah, were at the baby store picking out some things for the nursery. Did you guys pick names?" you asked eagerly while putting the phone on speaker.
"Yes we did. I want to start out by saying I was honored to be chosen to pick these-" Tyler started trying to be funny, but Josh cut him off.
"Stop Tyler and tell us." he said.
"Okay for baby A her name we think should be Aria, because it has a meaning in music. Then for baby B he name should be B Braylee because it's just so adorable. Do you like our decision?" Jenna said cautiously.
"I love them thank you guys so much. Aria and Braylee are going to have the best aunt and uncle ever."
"I'm glad you like them. Call us later." she said then hung up.
"Well now that they have names are we closer to having them?" Josh asked.
"So close, yet so far." you joked.
"They still have to get out, remember. That's the hardest part." you added, while continuing to shop.
"I'll be there the whole time, you have nothing to worry about." Josh said and for the first time this pregnancy everything was the realist it was going to be.
You were about to have two kids in just 7 weeks or so.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

Authors note:

Should I post a few stories tonight? I like to update.

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