Convinced with a kiss

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Josh Dun imagine

You spotted him across the hall as you went down the stairs, grinning. He was wearing a red tank top, black skinny jeans, and the new sneakers you had bought for him a couple weeks ago. Sure, you had already seen what he was wearing this morning, but damn, did he look hot. "Hey," you smiled as you approached Josh's locker after the bell rang.
"Hey y/n," he greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. "How'd your day go?"
"Fine," you responded. "I think I flunked the Biology quiz though."
"It's okay, I think I did too," he chuckled.
"So I was wondering what you had planned tonight..." you hinted.
"I thought we were going to hang out," he reminded.
"We are," you nodded. "I just, was wondering if you had anything planned."
"I don't know," he shrugged. "Anything sounds good to me, as long as you'll be there."
"What a flirt," you rolled your eyes.
"Nah," he laughed. You took off the hat he was wearing and fixed it on your head.
"I think I look better in it," you joked.
"Whatever," he smirked as he put on his backpack and stole back his hat. "Let's go."
"Your house or mine?" you inquired.
"I don't know," he gave you a sly smile. "Your house has the better television and sofa."
"But your house has the better food and better privacy," you whimpered.
"Y/n!" Josh exclaimed, but you both burst out laughing.
"Okay, how about this," you suggested. "We'll go to my house and watch a couple episodes-"
"Can we cuddle?" he interrupted.
"Yes, we can cuddle," you giggled. "Anyways, we can go to my house and chill for a little bit, and then maybe go to your house later for dinner and snacks."
"Can you spend the night?" Josh raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I think my mom's working late shift," you agreed. "Why? What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know," he smiled innocently. "Maybe I actually did have something planned later tonight."
"Joshua!" you cried and you both chuckled again. "Anyways, what do you think?"
"Sounds like a good idea," he nodded.
You got in his car and he drove to your house. On the ride there, he played some of your favorite Panic! at the Disco songs, and you both sang along. One of his hands were on the steering wheel, the other on your knee, and you had rolled the windows down, letting the music blare as loud as you could. It was a good thing Josh liked loud music like you did. You pulled up into the driveway and he turned down the music and rolled up the windows, giving you a quick kiss on the nose before you walked to the door.
When you got in the living room, you both sat on the couch and you scrolled through Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" you wondered.
"Sex in the City!" he laughed.
"No," you shook your head and giggled.
"How about Titanic? We can watch the nude scene," he teased.
"Oh shut up," you rolled your eyes.
"Okay, okay. How about Stranger Things?" he suggested.
"That sounds more like it," you decided. You searched for it and clicked on an episode, easing back into the couch, Josh's arm wrapped around you. There were some instances where you jumped, and he would laugh, giving you a quick kiss, and you would settle down a little bit. It didn't take long before you gradually rearranged yourself so that you were basically laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist, your fingers tangled in his hair, your head tucked underneath his chin, your legs settled in between each other's, his stomach pressed against yours. The episode ended and you were both way too comfy at the moment to get up off the couch, so you just sat in silence.
"I love you," you sighed happily.
"I love you more," Josh joked.
"Do you now?" you raised an eyebrow, lifting yourself off of him and he sat up, you basically sitting in his lap.
"Yup," he nodded.
"I don't think so," you argued. "I think I love you more."
"Well how will we ever find out?" he wondered.
"I don't know," you smirked. "You tell me."
"Maybe I will," he winked. He leaned closer, your faces only but centimeters apart, and he smiled before pressing his lips to yours, kissing you softly, your hands pulling his shirt off and roaming his bare chest, your fingers tracing his muscles, his tongue slipping into your mouth, your bodies so close but not close enough. He pulled away, leaving you both to catch your breath, and stared at you, a thoughtful expression on his face, and then he closed his eyes. You looked at him, confused.
"What's wrong?" you inquired.
"Nothing, I just..." his voice trailed off.
"Just what?" you asked, placing a hand on his chest gently.
He held your head with both of his hands, leaning forward to kiss your lips gently, and then pulled away. "We'll finish this later, okay?" he wondered.
"Sure," you nodded hesitantly. "Is everything okay?"
"I um, I think I forgot to put something away," he stammered. "Uh, you know last night?"
"How could I forget?" you chuckled.
"Well, I don't think I put away the box. I got up late and I was in a hurry and I totally forgot and I just-" he ran a hand through his hair and your eyes widened.
"Wait... The box?" you raised your eyebrows. "As in the box of condoms?"
"Yeah," Josh cringed. "Geez, I don't think my mom is home yet. We can hurry, see if we beat her."
"Well why would she even be in your room?" you questioned.
"It's laundry day," he groaned. "That means not only will she be in my room, but she'll be searching through the stuff in my room too, looking for stray socks and t-shirts on the ground."
"Damn," you frowned. "Well, let's get going then."
"This isn't good," he murmured. You crawled off the couch and he picked up his shirt, slipping it back on, and you turned off the television. You both got in his car and this time didn't blare the music and didn't sing along, rather, put the playlist on shuffle and let it play quietly. You glanced at Josh, seeing the fear and worry in his eyes as he drove, and you placed a hand on his shoulder, so he took that arm off the steering wheel so you could hold hands. He was nervous, and you sort of were too.
You had left a great impression on their family when you had gone to dinner with them, and having Josh as a boyfriend meant bonding with his family too. Sometimes you'd go to his house and they would take you out to eat or have a barbeque in the backyard, and you'd always be able to hold a conversation with his mom and dad. You were good friends with his mom, and always updated her on how Josh was doing in school, and she was so sweet she even insisted you called her Laura instead of Mrs. Dun. To think that she might discover a box of condoms in Josh's bedroom, it made you embarrassed. She would probably ask questions or lecture you, or even yell at you. She usually wasn't one to yell, but you wouldn't be surprised if she could after today. You felt the tension in the air as Josh drove down the road to his house and pulled into the driveway, only to reveal that his mom's car was already there.
"Shit," you cursed. "What do we do?"
"Well maybe she just got home," Josh tried to stay optimistic, but the shakiness and wavering in his voice proved otherwise. "Maybe she hasn't gone to my room yet."
"Come on," you tried to gather up whatever dignity you still had left. "I'm sure it can't be that bad."
"Yeah, but I lie to my parents a lot," he bit down on his lower lip. "If they find out about this, they might find out about other stuff. I just don't want you to get hurt, y/n. I don't want to have to break up with you or have my parents yell at you or think you're not good enough or you're a bad influence. I love you, so much, and I don't want to loose you. You mean so much to me. I can't imagine living without you. To think that my parents could possibly want to take you away from me, I can't let that happen. You know?"
"Josh," you put a hand up to cup his cheek. "I'll be right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere, no matter who tries to take me away, I will fight forever just to be with you. I promise." You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay," he took a deep breath. "Let's hope things go way better than we expected."
Josh and you walked up to the front door and he opened it up with the key in his pocket, and you both walked in. Laura wasn't to be found, but as soon as you both entered and shut the door, you heard her voice. "Is that you, Joshua?" she inquired. You and Josh exchanged a look and he closed his eyes tight before replying.
"Yeah, it's me," he responded. "I've got y/n over, too."
"Can you both come here for a second?" she wondered. You followed Josh to the kitchen, where she was sitting at the dinner table, the box of Trojan condoms in front of her, her arms folded, and a disappointed look on her face. Josh stared at the scene for two beats too long, and you felt yourself instantly turn red, both of you freezing in place. "Why don't you both sit down and explain yourselves?"
Josh exchanged a glance with you and then slowly pulled out a chair, ushering you to sit down, and then pulled one out for himself, the two of you sitting across from his mom. "Um..." Josh was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say.
"I'm waiting," she cleared her throat, arms still crossed, looking at the two of you. You wanted to shrink, hide in a ball, jump off a cliff, something, anything, to just get you and Josh out of that situation. You were completely covered head to toe in embarrassment, all your confidence disappearing as she stared at you, and you instantly felt a sickening feeling in your stomach.
"Well uh, you see, um," Josh stammered, trying to gain composure. You put a hand on his knee underneath the table, letting him know it was okay, trying to comfort him, and he took a deep breath before starting again. "We're teenagers."
"Of course you are," his mom narrowed her eyes. "I already know that." He racked his brain to try and think of something else to say, but nothing came to mind.
"We're teenagers who make mistakes," Josh added onto his sentence, and she just stared at him blankly.
"And?" she prodded.
"And we're very sorry," he also included. "We don't know what we're doing, we're irresponsible, we're too young, and we're um, we're really sorry."
You kept quiet as Laura glanced at you, thinking it was smarter to stay silent than add anything else and make the situation worse. You already felt miserable, and you didn't want to feel twice as bad.
"Anything else you'd like too add?" she inquired. "Y/n maybe?"
"Uh," you glanced at Josh and then at her, tensing up. "I'm sorry, for disappointing you, and for letting you down, and for being a bad influence on Josh."
"Don't-" Josh began to instantly argue with you, but he caught himself, realizing that this wasn't the time or place. You rubbed small circles on his knee, letting him know it was fine, and he bit down on his tongue, instantly wishing he hadn't said anything at all.
"Did you want to say something else, Joshua?" she asked.
"No," he shook his head. "I'm good."
"I thought you were about to say something though," she insisted. "Care to share you thoughts?"
You looked at him and he looked at you, opening his mouth and then shutting it, rethinking his decision. "I was just um, I was going to say that y/n isn't a bad influence on me," he confessed. "Y/n is the best thing that ever happened to me. It wasn't y/n's fault, it was mine."
"So you take the blame for this?" she wondered.
"Yeah," Josh gulped.
Your heart was racing, unsure of what to do. You felt so out of place, so scared and guilty and absolutely embarrassed. "Well it's good to know you two use protection," she gave a light smile. "But I don't want to see these in my house anymore, understand?"
"Yes 'mam," you replied.
"Yes mom," Josh answered.
"Good," she unfolded her arms and pushed out her seat. "You two behave from now on, okay? I don't want to be finding any more strange boxes in my son's bedroom, understand?"
"Yes," you both responded quietly.
She walked away, probably to her room, leaving you and Josh at the kitchen table, your fingers still tracing small circles on his knee. As soon as she was out of sight, Josh let out a huge breath, running a hand through his hair and leaning back in his seat. "Whew," he whispered. "I thought I was dead for a second."
"Me too," you admitted.
"You think she'll ground me?" he turned to face you.
"I don't know," you shrugged. "Probably."
"Eh, my dad would probably talk her out of it," he nodded his head slowly. "Look, I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean for this to happen. I should've been smarter."
"It's not your fault," you put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't ever blame anything on yourself."
"But it was my fault," he argued.
"No it wasn't," you shook your head.
"Do I need to kiss you again to convince you?" he raised an eyebrow.
"You're so silly," you rolled your eyes.
You both chuckled, but when you laughter died down, you both glanced at the box of condoms still on the table. "Uh, you going to take those home?" he wondered.
"Hell no," you scoffed. "I would get killed."
"Well where are we going to keep them?" he asked.
"Josh," you giggled.
"No, really. Like, what are we going to do with those?" he inquired.
"Fuck, don't ask me," you laughed.
"Whatever, we'll figure it out later," he decided. "For now I believe we have something to finish."
"Didn't your mom just tell us to behave?" you reminded.
"What does she know?" he chuckled.
"You're a bad boy," you narrowed your eyes. "You're going to get me in trouble."
"Will that be a problem?" he questioned.
"No," you replied. "I love getting in trouble with you."
"Do you now?" he winked.
"Come on," you tugged on his arm. "Let's go to your room."
"I thought you just told me you didn't want to," he whispered.
"Well what if I do now?" you shrugged.
"Let's go," he rolled his eyes and scooted out his chair, grabbing the box of condoms and walking you to his room, where you sat on his bed and he locked the door, putting the box in the back of his dresser.
"So are we going to be needing those right now or no?" you winked.
"No," he instantly answered. "Then I would for sure get grounded."
"Another time," you reassured.
"Whatever," he laughed, sitting on the bed with you and then tackling you into the pillows with a hug, both of you falling back into the mattress, him on top of you, kissing your neck and making you gasp.
"Josh," you grinned as he snaked his hands underneath your shirt, rubbing your back as his lips traveled to your shoulder.
"Hmm?" he wondered between a kiss.
"Come here," you told him, lifting his head up and kissing him on the lips passionately, then pulling away to both of you smiling. "Let's try not to get caught."
"Why would we get caught?" he smirked. "The door's locked."
"Well what if they hear us?" you reminded.
"I'll keep you quiet," he whispered in your ear. "I promise."
"You can't promise that," you shook your head and grinned.
"What if I could?" he challenged.
"Nah, I don't think I could control it," you murmured with a sly smile.
He leaned in close, and then stifled a laugh, looking into your eyes. "Why do I always have to kiss you to convince you of something?" he laughed.
"Because it's more fun that way," you explained, pulling his lips towards yours, the rest of the night still waiting for the two of you. You loved him so much. You didn't know a single person as amazing as he was. Yeah, Josh was sometimes a little bit of trouble, but he was always worth it. You wouldn't trade him for the world.

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now