Overprotective sunshine (smut)

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Josh Dun imagine

"I said I'm not interested" you said to a guy that managed to have you cornered in the bar.
"Oh, come on just your number or maybe we could go round the back?" He held the top of your arm, getting in your face biting your ear slightly.
"Dude, get the hell off her" Josh pushed him off you and he backed off.
"Jesus I was just being nice to her" he spat and walked out.
"I'm so sorry" Josh said running his hand on your arm and handing you a drink.
"It's not your fault, I just seem to attract assholes. Thank you for the drink." You said taking a sip.
"You're welcome 'y/n' I don't understand how someone as sweet as you can keep attracting people like that" looking you in the eyes, making you melt.
"Thank you, but I'm not that amazing, anyway aren't we meant to be getting you a girl tonight?!" Trying to change the subject from what had just happened. You'd known Josh years and tonight was meant to be a chilled night out with him. He'd broken up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago and you were trying to send him out on the pull.
"I'm not feeling it anymore and I don't want you to be harassed further, maybe we could head back to mine" he said.
"Honestly Josh, I'm okay, we can stay if you'd like don't stop on my account." You smiled and held his arm trying to get him to perk up.
"I'd much rather watch a film with you" he insisted.
You were kinda happy he said that, you didn't want to spend the rest of the night on edge waiting for another douchebag to talk to you, or worse.
"Welcome to my humble abode" Josh said opening the door and bowing to you.
"Josh, I've been here before" you laughed.
"I know but I thought I'd be gentlemanly"
"Well then, thank you kind sir" you said curtsying and winking at him.
"Make yourself at home, I'll grab everything" he said closing the door.
You plonked yourself on the sofa and took your shoes off curling up.
Josh walked into the room armed with supplies. "Right, blanket" he threw it on your head making you laugh "check. Chocolate" he took a bite "check. And wine" he poured you a glass "check".
He jumped on the sofa next to you and you pushed the blanket over him too, as you moved your body into his.
"Comfortable there?" He asked sarcastically as you continued to move yourself next to him pushing your head under his arm so it went around you.
"Very" you replied ignoring his tone.
The two of you couldn't decide on a film so you just put on a tv show about people's weird injuries as background noise.
"Thank you for tonight Josh" you looked up at him.
"You don't have to thank me, you are the best company" he stroked your hair.
"No, I mean thank you for sorting that jerk out and for being so amazing, I'm sorry I didn't find you a girl. I'm a shit wingman" you laughed at yourself.
"y/n, you don't have to thank me, I care about you. You are so beautiful and amazing and deserve the world, you really do. And it doesn't matter that you didn't find me a girl. I don't want to find a girl. Because I think I've found the woman of my dreams" he looked at you deeply and held your chin up with his finger, you close your eyes and he titled your head. Your lips meeting softly, fitting so perfectly like they were meant to be together.
His hand rested on the back of your head. You climbed over so you were sat on him, the two of you still entwined in a kiss.
He pulled on your lip with his teeth as you broke the kiss leaving you with butterflies in your stomach.
"Do you want this? Do you want to do this?" He asked.
Without hesitation you replied. "I've always wanted this, yes"
As the last bit of sound left your lips he picked you up and took you to his room.
You fell on his bed, he took yours and his own clothes off, leaving you both exposed to each other. He kissed down your neck, biting subtlety. The room was filled with heaving breathing as your bodies moved together. He moved in at out of you in perfect rhythm to yourself. He made your body feel amazing. Thrust after thrust, kiss after kiss, more tension built up inside of you, more pleasure.
He pushed your legs up higher and hit deeper, you were close.
Your stomach had knotted and you could already feel yourself beginning to lose it. He continued to pound as the best orgasm of your life hit you. You nails went into his back and your body convulsed onto his, you screamed like never before, his name followed by 'fucks' and 'don't stops'.
You could hear your bodies meeting each other in the brief silence between the two of you as Josh became close. His moans were quieter, but passionate he whispered things you wouldn't want anyone to hear into your ear with a growl as his body had enough and he came. He collapsed onto you.
You sweaty body's stayed joined together as you blacked out and both slept soundly.

Credit to ofmiceandbandsmut on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now