A big question (the problematic proposal)

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Josh Dun imagine

As soon as Josh stepped through the door and sensed what was going on, his eyes grew wide. You just stared at him, unsure of what the hell to say honestly, and Tyler seemed like the only one who actually was able to function. "Okay guys," he gave a weak laugh. "Um, let's have a talk Josh."
"Y/n-" Josh spoke your name and you just stared at him with that blank expression on your face, still paralyzed and confused.
"Um, well uh..." you stammered, trying to fumble to the right words to say but it was as if someone had stolen your vocabulary and you were just left with blank pages of a dictionary.
"Look," Tyler sighed, going over to you and putting both hands on your shoulders. "I'll talk to Josh, you just calm down. It's okay." He walked you over to the door, leaving Josh bewildered in the dressing room, and showed you where to sit down in the hallway. "I'll be back soon, okay? It's going to be fine. Just stay here. Don't go anywhere."
"Thanks," you let out a shaky breath and watched as Tyler left. What was he going to say to Josh? What if Josh didn't want to marry you anymore? What if Tyler was lying and it really was actually a secret after all? Isn't this going to push back their performance time? Questions swirled around in your mind and you instantly felt struck with guilt, knowing this was all mainly your fault. If you weren't snooping around or going through his stuff or didn't walk through that goddamn dressing room door then maybe this wouldn't have happened. Way to fuck things up, y/n. You groaned and buried your face in your hands, trying to regain composure.
You didn't know how long it was. You actually started to contemplate whether or not the boys would even return back until you finally saw Tyler round the corner, and you stood up, ready to face Josh, but he wasn't there. "Uh, hey y/n," Tyler gave a faint smile.
"Where's Josh?" you wondered.
"He's um, he's okay. Don't worry. I just needed to talk to him for a little bit," Tyler reassured. "Please, he's just sort of uh, making new plans."
"What?" your face fell. "I didn't mean to-"
"No, gosh, that's not what I meant," Tyler shook his head. "Sorry, geez. That came out wrong, didn't it? I meant like, he's just frazzled. He's still going to marry you, don't worry. He loves you more than anything, y/n. He's just trying to still surprise you."
"So what does that mean?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Well I'm not supposed to give away any major details," Tyler admitted. "However, I think I'm allowed to tell you that it won't happen tonight."
"I didn't want to ruin it," you frowned. "I'm sorry. He must've worked so hard to plan it all. I feel terrible."
"No, don't feel bad," he shook his head. "Please, you're fine. Josh actually sort of planned this."
"Huh?" you asked.
"He had some backup plans incase things went wrong. I just think he didn't actually plan on you figuring out the whole scheme. I guess I sort of let the cat out of the bag," he cringed. "But anyways, don't worry. Just, he told me to make sure you weren't nervous or scared. He wants to make sure you know he loves you, and he's sorry he kept stuff from you, but it was just him trying to be sweet and failing."
"He doesn't need to try to be sweet," you rolled your eyes. "He just is."
"I know. It's because he's compromised mainly of sugar," Tyler laughed. "Red Bull and cereal and Oreos and junk food and he still looks like a freaking body builder."
"I love him," you sighed. "Is he okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't you break a sweat over him," he told you. "He's doing fine."
"Am I allowed to talk to him or is that prohibited?" you teased.
"I think so," Tyler nodded. "I know he wants to see you."
"I want to see him too," you agreed.
"Well come on," Tyler extended a hand and lifted you up off the ground. "Let's go take you to your Prince Charming."
You walked down the hallway and looked for Josh with Tyler, but he was nowhere to be found. You called him, because you knew for sure he wouldn't go anywhere without his phone, but surprisingly he didn't pick up. You both checked the rooms and hallways and even sent some people outside. That's when you both heard the noise. "Drums!" you both exclaimed at the same time, running towards the stage where Josh was loudly hitting his drumsticks against the cymbals and working up a sweat. You were about to go get him, but Tyler kept you back.
"Just watch him play for a little bit," he whispered. "He's letting out his emotions you know. About you."
"He kind of looks a little angry," you chuckled.
"Nah, it's passion," Tyler argued. "He's passionate about you. More than you could ever know."
"Yeah but I think he's still angry," your laughter died down, letting Tyler know you weren't actually joking. "I'm sort of afraid to talk to him. I don't really know what to say."
"Maybe you don't need to say anything," Tyler shrugged.
"Stop, we're not going to start kissing all of a sudden on the stage," you rolled your eyes, thinking he intended it to mean some cheesy joke.
"Really?" Tyler narrowed his eyes. "I did not mean it that way, goodness. I meant like, just give him a hug or something."
"Oh," you realized. "I guess that works too." Josh stopped playing the drums, throwing his drumsticks on the floor and putting his head in his hands.
"I don't know," Tyler sighed. "I mean, you know the boy as well as I do. Just work your charm."
"Thanks Tyler," you smiled. "You're the best."
"I know I am," he beamed.
"Whatever," you giggled, shaking your head and watching as Josh met your eyes as you walked towards him. The intense look in his eyes dimmed, turning soft and gentle, and he looked at you and took a deep breath as you approached. "Hey."
"Hey," he responded. "So uh-"
You raced towards him, wrapping him in your arms and holding onto him tight, pressing your heart to his bare chest and listening to the beat, and you slowly felt his arms wrap around you and hold you. You closed your eyes tight and then released the hug, looking up at him. "I'm sorry," you sighed. "I love you."
"Don't be sorry," he shook his head. "I love you too."
"Look..." your voice trailed off. "You know, how about we start over? Pretend it didn't happen, okay? No explanations, no excuses, no having to be embarrassed or confused or anticipating something to come."
"Well that's the thing," Josh rearranged the cap on his head. "It did happen. And we can't rewrite the past, and we can't unremember something, and we can't have awkward moments like this is our relationship. So I actually just want to talk about it, even if it's just for a little bit. Just a second or two. Because I need to let you know something. It's important."
"Okay," you nodded.
"So Tyler said he already told you, but I intend on marrying you, y/n. I love you so much, more than you will ever know, and I intend on loving you until the day I die. I know it sounds kind of cheesy, like something out of a love poem or a romantic comedy movie, but it's true. I absolutely love you, and I want to love you every single day of my life as long as you'll let me," Josh explained. "This wasn't exactly how I intended you find out, but everything happens for a reason, and I guess this happened for a reason, so be it. I'm not proposing to you right now, but know that I'm ready, and don't be nervous or scared or anxious, because you'll know. It's not going to be a secret anymore. I'll let you know when the time comes. Okay? I just, I love you. So much."
"Josh," you closed your eyes and hugged him again. "I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you. And I'll always love you. It's not going to change. So don't worry. You don't need to warn me or give me a hint, I'm ready. I've been ready and I always will be ready. I love you, and I want you to know that whatever plans you have made, it's perfect and it's fine and it doesn't really matter. I don't need confetti or a special song or a crowd of people or a candlelit dinner. As long as I have you, and as long as you ask that question, it's the perfect proposal. It doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing or who we're with or why we're there, it's just you. You're all that matters to me. And I really hope that one day you'll realize that."
"You're going to make me cry y/n," Josh laughed. "Stop making me have feelings."
"Look who's talking," you chuckled, rubbing your eyes and staring up at him.
"Goodness," Josh took a deep breath. "That was... That was good to get off my chest."
"Yeah," you nodded and smiled.
"How about we get some tacos? You, me, and Tyler too?" he suggested. "Kind of a celebration thing?"
"Tacos?" you put your hands on your hips. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about food," Josh whined.
"You just ate not too long ago," you chuckled.
"But don't you feel Taco Bell whispering your name, y/n?" he insisted with a grin. "I think I do."
"It might be calling my name, but it sure isn't calling yours," you crossed your arms over your chest. "Joshua, you've got a show to play soon."
"But-" he began but you shushed him with a quick kiss on the lips.
"Play your heart out and maybe there will be Taco Bell waiting in the dressing room when you get back," you winked.
"I like the sound of that," he agreed.
Little did he know at Taco Bell you spent about ten minutes searching through the hot sauce packets to find the perfect one. Sure, it was kind of cheesy, but it was a joke. And you thought Josh would appreciate it. It was the one he had given to you the first time you two went on a date, and it had been a joke at the time, and you hadn't given it much thought, but now after the events of today, you decided it was appropriate and perfect. You got back just in time for them to start playing, and you stood on the side stage exchanging winks and smiles with Josh the entire time. When the show was over and Josh came off stage, you handed him his Taco Bell bag full of food. "Here's a little something extra for you," you winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Best part," he grinned. You handed him the sauce packet from your pocket and he looked at it and smirked.
"Marry me?" you read it aloud and he looked at you and rolled his eyes.
"Of course," he responded. "How could I ever say no?"

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

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