Age gap

230 2 0

Josh Dun imagine

Josh stared at you as your thumbs floated above your phone screen. You bit your bottom lip and scrunched your eyebrows. You looked up, moving your eyes back and forth running scenarios through your mind.
"Just post the photo Y/N," Josh cut the silence.
"I can't."
"Why?" Josh asked, yearning for a breakthrough, and slightly annoyed because this had been going on for about twenty minutes.
"You know why," you replied.
"Yes, because you're (age gap between you two) years (younger/older) than me," Josh said.
"So, what?" josh inquired, "as much as the fans want to be a part of our relationship they're not, and I'm not going to stop loving you if people freak out or think it's weird."
You looked back down at the photo on your phone, it was a cute picture, you and Josh cozied up on the top of a mountain, holding coffees, the wind blowing your hair slightly in front of his face but not enough to hide his brown eyes. The comfortable chill in the air was nearly palpable even through a screen.
"It is a good picture," you laughed.
"I know, and we've already been dating for about four months so I think it's time we put the rumors to rest. The more you wait the more people make things up."
Your thumb circled in the air around the "share" button on Instagram.
"Let me just edit it a little more,"
"Oh my gosh... you're killing me babe!" Josh threw his hands in the air, slumping back into the couch the two of you were sitting on. He threw his head back on a pillow and his next words gritted through his teeth, "Darling... I love you... Just post the photo." the "darling" was less out of admiration and more out of 'I'm using this word to keep my anger from spilling out of my mouth'.
Before you even knew what you were doing you posted it, you hit share, you threw your phone across the couch, and covered your mouth with your hands. You stared at the phone you just chucked, as if it were nearing an explosion. Josh lifted up the phone, and looked at the screen, and back at your face. He smiled and squinted his eyes trying to read your silence.
"You did it... lots of likes already," he laughed.
"Don't tell me," you said.
"You don't have to read the comments if you don't want to, but you do have your notifications on, which you should probably turn off. Plus all of them look nice so far."
"Fine tell me."
"Are you su-..." Josh began.
"No, don't."
"Y/N... calm down, you know the clique is supportive. You get negative remarks here and there, but not nearly as much as the good ones."
You put out your hand signaling for him to hand your your phone, you grabbed it from him as if it were alive, carefully wrapping your fingers around the metal monster. You began to read some of the comments, heart rate up and breathing escalated.
"You're so pretty!"
"Thanks for making Josh happy!!"
"the ship has sailed."
"<3 <3 <3″
"Awh!!!! I love this!!!"
Those were just some of the comments left on the photo in the first three minutes. Josh tried to grab your phone from you before you saw the negative ones but unfortunately your eyes hit it like a dagger and your eyes started to well up.
"He could do better, plus he looks like he could be her (dad/son)"
You started crying, Josh moved closer to you. He gently took your phone from your hand, read the comment, locked the phone and set it face down on the table. He began to rub your back with a gentle force, causing your body to rock back and forth, lulling you with shushes. You laid your head on his lap, muffling words into his jeans that consisted of you knowing you shouldn't have posted it.
"It's going to get better babe, this was probably a surprise to them and they're acting on their thoughts without adjusting to the situation."
"What if it doesn't, what if they hate me forever," you said between gasping breaths.
"They wont, and if they do...well... so be it, because I am going to love you forever."
You looked up at Josh with eyes like a puppy, the same eyes that were spilling out tears began to clear up, "Forever?" you asked.
"Yes, Y/N... the age between us, the comments... they mean nothing to me, but you mean everything to me. I'm not willing to let that go."
The edges of your mouth curled up and you began to cry again, but this time a different kind of cry. A cry of relief, a cry of happiness, a cry of purpose. You sat up on your knees, wrapping your arms around Josh's neck, he settled his hands on your back. Your phone lit up with more notifications, but you just held on tighter.

Credit to spookyjoshdunimagines on Tumblr

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