My heart

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Josh Dun imagine

*Reader POV*
You sighed as you sat on the sofa, flipping through the channels as the tour bus traveled down the highway. You spent a couple minutes trying to find something good to watch before you finally gave up and decided to just go to Netflix. You found one of your favorite TV shows and hit play, easing back into the couch and popping open a tab of Red Bull, taking a long sip and then watching as Tyler entered the room. "Hey y/n," he waved, flopping down beside you.
"Hey Tyler," you smiled. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," he replied. "How are those photos coming along?"
"Hmm?" you asked. Sometimes you forgot your true purpose of touring with the two boys. You were their designated photographer, meant to put together videos and collages, taking snapshots of their shows, interviews, and just them being the silly musicians they are.
"Nothing," Tyler just chuckled. "What are you watching?"
"Oh, just an old show I used to love," you responded.
"That's cool," he nodded. "I see you stole one of Josh's Red Bulls also."
"How do you know it's Josh's?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I saw you take it from his fridge," Tyler narrowed his eyes. "Doesn't take a genius to figure that out."
"Ah," you just agreed slowly.
"You guys have been getting pretty friendly lately, huh?" Tyler insisted.
"We're just friends," you rolled your eyes. "And he told me I could have one if I wanted to."
"Where is he anyways?" Tyler asked.
"I think he went out skateboarding," you explained.
"Sounds like Josh," Tyler grinned.
"Yeah it does," you giggled. You got up from your seat, walking towards the door.
"Hey where you going?" Tyler inquired.
"Don't worry I'll be back," you reassured. "Just a quick bathroom break."
*Josh's POV*
Josh let the warm water flow down his back, sighing with relief as his muscles loosened up, breathing in the humid steam and relaxing. After a long hot skate, there was nothing he loved more than a nice shower. He turned off the water and stepped out, taking a towel and wiping his face off, when he felt a strange breeze behind him. He turned around to see your face, and you turned completely red. "Uh, y/n..." Josh stammered.
You froze, unsure of what to do as your eyes roamed Josh's body, his athletic build and gorgeous inked arm, defined chest and beautiful legs, as well as... "Holy shit," your lips decided to instantly work. "I'm so sorry." You began to close the door when he protested.
"Um-" he called out and you opened the door a little bit, but decided to look away. "Sorry. I should've locked it."
"I didn't hear the water running," you apologized.
"It's uh, it's fine," Josh laughed nervously. He tied a towel quickly around his waist and then opened up the door, coming face to face with you. "I should've known better."
"It's not your fault," you shook your head. "I was just being dumb."
"You're not dumb," Josh argued. "I think you're-"
"Y/n!" Tyler shouted from the couch a hallway away. "You have to check this out! This episode is sick!"
"Um, I guess that's me," you blushed.
"Okay," Josh bit his lower lip. "Uh, how about we act like this didn't happen?"
"Sure," you chuckled hesitantly.
"Y/n!" Tyler called again. "I think someone's going to die!"
"I got to go," you cringed. "Um, bye."
Josh was left there at the doorway, closing the door and locking it this time, leaning against the wood and closing his eyes. "Dammit y/n," he cursed under his breath. His heart fluttered at the thought of being so exposed, completely naked, and to have you walk in on him, it all just made him flustered. Sure, he thought he liked you, okay, he loved you, but he knew you would never feel the same way about him. He was a geeky, hair dyed, tattooed, ear pierced, punk drummer, and you were just the best friend photographer who happened to tag along on the tour. Yeah, you guys were tight, and Josh definitely thought you were cute, but he never had the heart to confess his feelings. And neither did you.
*Jenna's POV*
She snuggled up against Tyler, her arms wrapped around him that night as everything was quiet and calm. The traffic noises had quieted down, the moonlight sifting through the window blinds, and the bed was barely big enough for the two of them. Tour buses weren't the roomiest, but Tyler was so warm and comfy though, and the blanket wrapping around them was fluffy and perfect. Tyler was humming a soft tune of a song, stroking Jenna's hair with one hand and his other pressed against her back. That's when they both heard the sound, like a gasp. Jenna stirred and Tyler sat up, both of them looking at each other. "I should go check on Josh," Tyler decided.
"What about y/n?" Jenna suggested.
"Okay, you go check up on y/n, I'll go find Josh," Tyler explained.
"Got it," Jenna nodded. She crept down the hallway and knocked the door to your room lightly. "Y/n? You awake?"
"Yeah," you admitted, sitting up in bed and taking a deep breath. "Just a weird dream."
"You want to talk about it?" Jenna offered.
"Well, only part of it is a dream," you admitted. "The first part, uh, it kind of actually happened."
"In real life?" Jenna raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah," you whispered. "I don't know what to think of it."
"Well you can tell me anything," she reassured, putting a hand on your leg and sitting down on the bed beside you. "I promise I won't tell the boys."
"I just-" your voice caught as you attempted to explain the situation. Did you really trust Jenna with this? Yeah. She was trustworthy and so sweet, and a really good friend of yours too. Maybe she could help you sort these confusing thoughts out. "Earlier today, something strange happened."
"Okay," she nodded slowly. You both heard a weird noise, and whipped your heads around to look at the door, which you swore had just moved, but you shrugged it off and kept talking.
"I thought the bathroom was empty, so I opened up the door, and uh," you looked away. "Josh was just finishing up from his shower."
"Oh," Jenna stated uncomfortably.
"He was naked, and I felt extremely embarrassed, and I was about to go, but he uh, he talked to me for a little bit," you explained. "I apologized and we said we'd act like nothing ever happened, but um, I had a dream last night and..."
"And?" Jenna persisted.
"We kissed," you confessed. "And we did some other things too. In the dream."
"Do you like Josh?" Jenna asked.
"Maybe," you admitted. "I mean, I thought he was hot originally, but after what I saw earlier, I was really impressed."
"Josh is a nice guy," Jenna agreed. "I like my Tyler though."
"Tyler's a sweetheart," you smiled.
"He is," she chuckled. "Well, it's not uncommon to have those kinds of dreams actually. Especially after the events today and everything that had happened. Much less, you like him, so it's not completely obscene."
"Really?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Yup," she reassured. "You want to know something else?"
"Sure," you shrugged.
"I think he likes you back," she insisted.
"Me?" you laughed. "Nah, I don't think so."
"Why not? You're amazing y/n," Jenna complimented. "I'm sure Josh loves you."
"I don't know," you shook your head.
"Whatever," Jenna sighed, sliding off the bed and walking towards the door. "We'll see how things work out in the end. Get some rest."
"I will," you told her.
"Thanks for sharing, I hope my thoughts helped," she grinned. "He loves you."
"Yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes. "Thanks Jenna. You're the best."
"No problem y/n," she winked, closing the door. She walked down the hallway and back to the bed, where Tyler was... gone? She assumed he was probably talking to Josh, most likely about y/n. Jenna secretly wondered whether you and Josh had the same dream maybe. She was completely positive you two had liked each other, and to think that maybe the events earlier today would bring you two together, it made her excited. Josh had been alone for way too long, and you were perfect for him, or at least, that's what Jenna thought. She pulled the blanket over her, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep before Tyler could get back to bed.
*Tyler's POV*
As soon as he heard you start to wrap up your dream, Tyler darted down the hallway, running to Josh's room to tell him what he had heard. Tyler had initially meant to just check up on Jenna, but he had caught a couple words of their conversation, especially about the dream and the shower incident. Tyler was never good at keeping secrets from Josh, especially when they pertained to Josh himself. Tyler knocked on the door gently, and Josh, who was surprisingly awake, opened the door. "Hey," Josh greeted. "Why such a late visit?"
"I've got to tell you something," Tyler explained. "It's huge."
"Uh, okay," Josh decided. The two boys sat on the edge of the bed. "What's up?"
"Well I just overheard Jenna and y/n talking," Tyler began. "Y/n mentioned something about a shower incident earlier today."
"Oh, that thing," Josh laughed nervously. "It was nothing, really."
"Not to y/n it wasn't," Tyler chuckled. "Y/n thought it was great."
"What?" Josh's eyes widened.
"Loved it," Tyler added. "There was a sentence with your name in it as well as the words hot and impressed. How about that?"
"You're lying," Josh half joked. He couldn't believe it. You had said that about him? No way.
"Y/n had a dream about you too," Tyler included. "Some kissing and other stuff. Apparently you're pretty impressive in people's dreams too, Josh."
"Shut up," Josh chuckled. "Y/n really said that about me?"
"I swear," Tyler nodded. "I heard it with my own ears."
"That's crazy," Josh shook his head. "What do I even do?"
"Make a move," Tyler suggested. "Y/n already thinks you're hella hot, I'm sure y/n also would love to have a little bit of the Joshua Dun experience as well."
"Joshua Dun experience?" Josh chuckled. "What the heck is that?"
"You tell me," Tyler smirked.
"You're being ridiculous," Josh rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," Tyler sighed. "Suit yourself. But when y/n walks in on you naked again, you should fill me on the details maybe. Just saying."
"Nah, I don't think so," Josh laughed.
Tyler left the room and walked back down the hallway, to reveal Jenna soft asleep in the bed, curling up beside her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hey babe," he whispered. "Sweet dreams."
"Hmm?" she murmured, half asleep.
"Love you," Tyler grinned, kissing her head and closing his eyes. Maybe Josh would get lucky enough to have someone to cuddle with at night one day too. He deserved someone who loved him, and you seemed like the perfect candidate. Tyler thought you were the best match for Josh, especially after everything that had went down today. And although he sort of felt a little guilty for ratting you out, he knew it was for the best. Because little did he know, it was just enough to finally get Josh to come to his senses and make up his mind about you the next morning.
*Reader POV*
You woke up the next morning and went to the kitchen, everyone a little too quiet. "Ready for the show today?" you inquired.
"Yeah!" Josh and Tyler responded at the same time.
"They seem pretty enthusiastic," Jenna laughed, glancing at you.
"The ride's been too long," Tyler complained. "I'd rather take a plane."
"Nobody takes a one hour flight, Tyler," Josh rolled his eyes.
"I do," Tyler argued. "Less potholes that way."
"You're being silly," Jenna chuckled, handing them both boxes of cereal. You sat beside Josh, who rested his hand on your knee, and you snuck your hand down to hold his, your fingers intertwining. Maybe all of that nonsense Jenna was saying yesterday might've actually been true.
"I'm excited for the show," Tyler grinned.
"Me too," Jenna agreed. "It should be a good turn out."
You all ate breakfast and had a quick chat about tonight's venue and the past shows they boys had played there. They had both finished their cereal and Tyler was trying to throw Reese's Puffs in Jenna's mouth across the table when Josh squeezed your hand and released his grip. "Uh, I gotta go check something," Josh explained. "I think we're almost out of Oreos. Want to come with me, y/n?"
"Sure," you smiled.
"Can't the crew pick that up if we need them?" Tyler raised an inquisitive eyebrow, a little too playful to be serious.
"I want to go check on it myself. It's just in the back of the tour bus," Josh argued. "We'll be back soon."
"Have fun," Jenna waved you off.
You both walked away, and as soon as you were out of sight, Josh led you to his bedroom, where you both sat on the bed. "Look, about yesterday-" Josh began but you put a finger to his lips.
"You don't need to say anything," you shook your head. "It was my fault, I was being dumb. I'm sorry."
"No," Josh shook his head. "That's not what I was going to say."
"Oh," you were caught by surprise. "Um, what were you going to say?"
"Well, I actually wasn't going to say much," Josh admitted. "I think it was a little more of this."
"A little wha-" you began to ask but his lips met yours and he kissed you, and your eyes grew wide before you realized what was going on. You closed your eyes and delved your lips into his, opening your mouth and granting his tongue entrance. Damn, he was so gorgeous. He pulled away and you both caught your breath, grinning and laughing.
"What do you think?" Josh inquired.
"I liked that," you responded. "A lot."
"Did you?" he smirked.
"Yup," you nodded. "I wouldn't mind if you happened to do it again."
"Hmmm," Josh gave a sly smile as he leaned in and kissed you again, this time more reckless and daring, his lips trailing down your jaw before he pulled away. "Like that?"
"Yeah," you smiled. "Just like that."
"Do you love that?" he wondered.
"I love you," you confessed. "If that counts."
"I think I love you too," he nodded slowly, before kissing you again, his hands trailing up your back and his tongue tracing your lower lip. He moved back and gasped for air, and then chuckled, staring up into your eyes.
"Why'd it take you so fucking long?" you asked.
"I don't know," he shrugged.
"I had to see you naked before I could kiss you or what?" you teased.
"That's the standard protocol," he joked.
"Maybe I have a standard protocol too," you winked.
"What might that be?" Josh raised his eyebrows.
"I think I could use a cuddle buddy tonight, if that's okay with you," you suggested.
"I'd love that," Josh replied. You kissed again, and again, and again, until you were both out of breath.
"Damn, I love you so much," you sighed as you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest.
"I love you too," Josh whispered, running his hands through your hair. "I'm just glad I finally came to the realization." There was a long pause before you spoke.
"Tyler told you, didn't he?" you wondered.
"Maybe," Josh confessed.
You both burst out laughing, pressing your foreheads up to each other and staring into each other's eyes. "Well thank heavens he did," you smiled. "Because I don't think I could've waited much longer."
"Me too," Josh agreed. "You've always had my heart, y/n."
"And you've had mine," you kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey, did you two find those Oreos yet?" Tyler hollered, knocking on the door.
Josh and you stared at each other, faces turning bright red, and then burst out into laughter. "I love you Josh," you whispered.
"Love you too y/n," Josh murmured, kissing you lightly on the lips and pulling away with a huge grin. "Now let's go get some Oreos."

Credit to thepatricktreestump on Tumblr

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