Bad timing (part 1)

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Josh Dun imagine

You were friends with Tyler and Josh from the band Twenty One Pilots. It was a weird coincidence that you met them, they were playing a show in your town and your friend was forcing you to go to the concert with her, but the day before, you ended up stopping for coffee and were greeted by a guy literally running you over, you soon found out that it was Tyler Joseph. He was picking up coffee for his friend, the one I now know as Josh Dun. Tyler invited you to lunch with the two of them to make up for the little incident. You agreed to lunch and hit it off. A few more times of hanging out and soon the three of you were inseparable. And since Josh and Tyler were on a break from touring, you got to spend all the time you wanted with them.
"I don't know, Josh, something about this whole thing seems weird to me." You watched as Tyler was blatantly hitting on a girl at the bar you were all at.
"What's weird about it? Tyler likes girl. Tyler asks girl out. They date. Seems normal to me." Josh laughed and rolled his eyes at your comment.
"You know how I feel about him..." He cut you off before you could finish your thought.
"Yeah, I do. You like him and think that no one is good enough for him." He rolled his eyes again. "If you aren't ever going to tell him, then that is your own fault!" He practically yelled at you and downed every bit of his drink at once. "I'm..." He paused, "I'm just going to go." And with that he ran out of the bar leaving you to fend for yourself as Tyler was clearly taking this girl home.
Several weeks past and Tyler was still head over heels for this girl, Jenna. The worst was that you had to sit back and watch it all happen and there was nothing that you could do about it. Josh had been different with you ever since the night at the bar and honestly you just felt like you were losing both of your friends in different ways. Tyler must have felt the distance between you all because he planned a night in with just the three of you.
When the night came, you, Tyler and Josh all sat at Tyler's apartment and ate pizza and watched movies, then Tyler broke the moment with a simple statement.
"So, I am asking Jenna to move in with me!" He was so excited and I could tell that I was about to break.
"That's great. So great. I just, I have to go." You hugged Tyler and left his apartment.
You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you couldn't stay there anymore. It was raining and you were trying not to cry. You knew Tyler was happy and that is really all you cared about, but it still stung a little. Suddenly, you felt a pair of familiar arms wrapping you up and covering your body with a bigger jacket. You looked up and saw Josh coming to your rescue.
"I feel like this friendship is fading away and I know this is really bad timing, but I have to do it or I may not get a chance." He spoke and then his lips crashed into yours. You weren't thinking about anything except that moment. Josh had a way of making your mind clear and it wasn't until this moment that you realized why. When you two broke apart, your face must have shown your thoughts.
"I'm sorry. I know I haven't been a very good friend lately, it is just that it is so hard to see the way you look at him and know that those feelings aren't for me. You deserve the world, and I know it is hard for you to watch Tyler give that to someone else, but please know that if you give me a chance, I promise to give you that. I'm... I am just so sorry, I..." You cut off josh before he could continue.
"Josh, please shut up and kiss me again." You said and without hesitation he did.
You felt him smile into the kiss which made your heart flutter. When you broke apart from the kiss, you both looked up and laughed at the rain and how drenched you both were.
"Let's go get changed, we can take my car." Josh grabbed your hand and the two of you left with a lot to talk about and decide.

Credit to jwdun17 on Tumblr

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