Touring with a toddler

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Josh Dun imagine

Being in a band was hard. Touring with a band was hard. Being in a band and touring with your wife and three year old daughter was even harder. Josh had been married to {Y/N} for five years and they had their daughter Erin whilst Josh was on break before Emotional Roadshow 2016.

Now long after Emotional Roadshow was finished, it was well into 2019 and Josh and Tyler had another album to promote. For this tour {Y/N} decided that she wanted to tag along with Tyler and Josh and bring Erin along as well. The boys thought that it would be a good idea to try out, so after the first week of tour, Josh had you and Erin flown out to where they'd be playing their next show.

Josh had been the first one that you saw as soon as you stepped off of that plane with Erin, and you were all elated to be together again. Erin hadn't really experienced being away from her dad for more than a week before, because she wasn't born when Josh was touring all of the time. Both you and Josh were very thankful that she could come along for this tour because it would be really hard on her to have her dad away from her for a long amount of time.

For this new tour, Tyler and Josh had decided to bring back some of the old songs from Self Titled and Regional at Best. During tonight's show, you decided to go and watch the show from backstage along with Jenna. Usually you and Erin just stayed back in the green room because Erin said that the noise and screaming people scared her. But tonight, Erin was feeling adventurous and wanted to go and watch her daddy and Uncle Tyler play. You went to a few of Josh's shows before Erin was born but then once she came into the world, you had to cut back because she seemed very sensitive to all of the noise.

Erin was pulling you towards backstage, because she really wanted to watch her daddy play. You did your best to keep up with her as she was running. She eventually found Jenna and decided to let Jenna hold her while she watched the show.
"Jenna, are you sure you want to hold her? It might not be good for you." Y/N said. She was referring to the fact that Jenna was 20 weeks pregnant and it could strain her to hold Erin for awhile.

"No, I've got her. I'll just hold her for a little bit." Jenna responded.
{Y/N} nodded and turned her attention back to the show that her husband and his best friend were putting on. They were in the middle of playing migraine because they know that its a fan favorite along with yours and Erin's. You loved watching Josh drum. The way that his arm muscles flexed as he hit the drums in a precise manner, the way that his back looked as he sat up nice and straight and it always made you laugh at how he bounced all around on that bouncy stool.
Erin noticed that you were having a good time, so she wiggled herself out of Jenna's grasp and made her way over to you. She made grabby hands at you so you gave way and picked her up so that she could see her daddy better. By now migraine had finished and Tyler was talking, so josh took a second to himself to get a sip of water. Before you knew it, Erin jumped down out of your arms and ran on stage to see her father.
You panicked for a second but then when Josh gave you a thumbs up, you relaxed some. When he sat back down at the drums, Erin climbed up onto his lap in front of all those people. Tyler took notice and said, "Looks like we have a new member of the band tonight."

Erin bashfully grinned and leaned against Josh for safety. He quietly asked her if she wanted to help him drum and of course she said yes to him. So for the run and go Erin sat and helped Josh drum.
Backstage, you were beaming with happiness. You had no idea what had come over your daughter, but you were glad that she was becoming more confident and that she wanted to be like her father. He was Josh Dun after all.

Credit to joshdunimaginesandstuff on tumblr

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