These walls I put up (smut) part 1

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Josh Dun imagine

"I'm so excited to meet Tyler! He better be good enough for you or I'm vetoing this whole relationship." You laughed, looking over at your best friend Jenna as she drove you over to her boyfriend's and his friend's apartment. The two of you had been friends since high school.
"He's great I swear. And he's got a cute single friend." She looked away from the road long enough to wink at me. I rolled my eyes at her. She was gorgeous and all the guys loved her in high school. You knew you weren't ugly- far from it- but the guys were just always attracted to her. You'd gotten so used to the guys you liked liking her as a teenager that you kinda put up walls to stop getting hurt when you lost the guys you really cared about. Of course, Jenna was a great friend and never went out with any of the guys you had feelings for. After a while, you just put up your walls and stayed detached in the few relationships you did have so it wouldn't hurt as bad if they left.
Twenty minutes passed and you and Jenna were knocking on an apartment door. A thin guy with short brown hair opened the door and smiled at Jenna, kissing her on the lips, "Hey babe." He smiled. You waved awkwardly and introduced yourselves to each other. Tyler led you inside and you were instantly mesmerized by a taller man with blue hair, walking from the kitchen with a candy bar hanging out of his mouth. You were afraid you were staring because Jenna nudged you and discreetly wiggled her eyebrow at you, "Josh, this is Y/N, Jenna's friend. Y/N, this is Josh."
You stuck your hand out and he took it, shaking it gently, "Nice to meet you." He smiled through the candy bar. You giggled at his goofiness already, blushing. Over the next three months, Tyler and Jenna teased both of you guys relentlessly about liking each other (of course both of you were oblivious to the fact you liked each other) Jenna and Tyler purposely set you guys up on a date. You'd been going out ever since and couldn't be happier.
Josh nuzzled his nose into your neck until his lips came into contact lovingly with your skin. His warm breath sent chills across your body and you squirmed a little, smiling at his actions. You felt him smirk against your neck. His strong hands gently slipped under your shirt, caressing your stomach in soft circles. You rolled over to face him, lips meeting his gently but passionately. One of his hands gently cupped your cheek, pulling you deeper to his lips, while his other hand was on your waist under your shirt. Slowly, his hand crept up your shirt, landing on your breast over your bra.
Quickly you sat up and pulled your shirt back down. Josh looked at you worried, "Are you ok? What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrowed together. You gave him a partially apologetic, partially nervous look.
Over the last seven months that you'd been dating, you guys had made out but you always up an excuse to stop before you went too far. Josh was always understanding but you knew that he was probably getting annoyed at this point. You couldn't keep the fact that you were a virgin from him forever. Biting your lip, you sighed, "I've... um... never done this before."
He quirked his eyebrow up at you, "You're a virgin?" He asked a small smile threatening to break through. But you knew he wasn't making fun of you. It was more a smile of surprise and understanding.
You looked away, finding a stain on the carpet far more interesting than you ever had, "Yeah I know... the 23 year old virgin. It's kinda pathetic." You said suddenly feeling kind of sad, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin anything and I should have told you sooner. I just felt bad always making up excuses why we couldn't actually have sex and couldn't do it to you again."
He gently pushed your chin back to face him. Josh was giving you comforting smile, his dark eyes twinkling sexily, "Don't apologize and you are not pathetic." He leaned forward and kissed your left cheek, "You're beautiful," he kissed the right one, "smart," he kissed your lips, "And absolutely perfect. If you're not ready then we don't have to do anything. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, thinking silently for a moment, "I-I want to. I mean, if you want to of course. I get it if you don't."
Josh gave you strange look before kissing your lips again, "I love you so much. And as your boyfriend, I don't exactly want some other guy taking your virginity." He chuckled a little, diffusing the nervousness with humor as usual. You loved him so much. You leaned up and kissed his lips, arms wrapping around his neck as you moved to straddle him. His hands sat gently on your hips as he licked your bottom lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth and deepening your kiss. His grip on your hips lowered until he had his arms roughly grabbing you under your thighs. He stood up slowly, not breaking the kiss and walked the two of you to your bed.
He set you down softly, crawling over you. His fingers lifted your shirt (actually his t-shirt) over your head. His lips left yours and they left a hot trail of open mouthed kisses down your neck .across your chest until he reach the top of your breasts. Reaching behind you, he unclipped your grey bra and dropped it on the ground. You covered your boobs and avoided his gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious under Josh's gaze.
He sat up on his knees and took off his black tank top before leaning over you, capturing your lips in a deep, slow, passionate kiss. While you were distracted, he gently grabbed your wrists and slid them away from your breasts, pressing his chest to yours. His head dipped down and he gently grazed one of your nipples with his teeth. You shuddered beneath him. You felt a warmth between your legs and a strong tingle in your core every time his mouth came into contact with your breasts that was completely foreign to you yet felt so natural at the same time.
Josh's calloused hands ran up and down your sides, eventually hooking his fingers in the waistband of your skinny jeans and pulling them down your legs. You kicked your pants off the rest of the way, tangling your fingers in his now red hair and pulling him up gently to kiss him again. "I love you so much." You whispered, voice huskier than you'd ever heard it. He kissed you but this kiss felt different than any kiss you'd had before. You felt lust and want behind it, but also an almost overwhelming feeling of love and protectiveness. As if with that one kiss Josh was telling you just how much he loved you. It was the most comforting feeling in the world and it made you fall in love with him even more.
"I love you more." He mumbled against your earlobe, nipping at it and causing an electric shock of pleasure to your core. You moaned quietly and your eyes closed, focusing on how he was making you feel. One of his hands snaked down and started rubbing feather light circles over your clothed clit that made you jump at the unfamiliar feeling.
You moaned louder, "Oh gosh..." Quickly covering your mouth and suddenly feeling awkward for making noises.
He used his free hand to move your hand from your mouth where he placed another soft kiss, "Don't hold back. It's so sexy hearing you moan." His voice was lower than you'd heard before, husky and dripping with desire. Gosh, hearing him talk like that was sexy.
Josh climbed off of you long enough to remove his pants and the tent in his boxers was more than evident. You blushed, trying to avoid staring at it. You began to sit up and you sat on your knees on the bed in front of him, biting your lip. He smirked slightly, "What are you doing?"
"You're being so amazing tonight I was thinking maybe I could help you out with that." You told him, trying to suggest you wanted to give him a blow job or a hand job, despite having no idea how. You just felt bad having him do all the work.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, shoving you playfully by the shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt at all but enough to knock you back down to lay on the bed. "This is your first time so it's about you. Maybe next time you can do me a favor but for now shut up and let me love you." He joked and you couldn't help but giggle. You loved this man so much.
He started back up at your breasts and slowly kissed across each one, down your stomach, across your hip bones until he reached the waistband of your favorite panties. He looked up at you with his adorable brown eyes, "Can I?" You bit your lip, nodding. He hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled them, discarding them on the ground. Instinctively, your legs closed, shielding Josh from where your body seemed to ache from him. Gently, he grabbed you knees and started kissing up your thighs, slowly parting your legs the further he got until he was at your core.
Suddenly, your heart was racing. You never had anyone see you this exposed. Heck you'd never had anything stuck in your vagina and having him this close was making you nervous. He rubbed his hands up and down your thighs before leaning forward and placing a warm kiss on your clit. You moaned a little and his tongue went to work sending you into a moaning fit at the unfamiliar sensation. He groaned against your entrance and brought a hand up to keep your hips from squirming. While his tongue worked its magic, you felt his free hand run along your folds, a single finger at your entrance. He leaned back a little, "Are you still ok?" He asked.
You breathed deeply, trying to calm down and relax, fearing the seemingly inevitable pain. "Yeah." You said uncertainly.
"If it hurts just tell me and I'll stop." He told you reassuringly. You smiled and nodded before biting your lip and closing your eyes. Slowly, he eased his finger in. You gripped the sheets tightly, discomfort shooting inside you. Josh remained motionless for a few moments.
"Ok, you can move." You told him, hoping movement would ease some of the ache. He started slowly and the discomfort gradually faded. After a few minutes he inserted a second finger, stretching you slightly uncomfortably at first but again becoming pleasureable. You moaned loudly and Josh sighed, loving the sight of you writhing beneath him and knowing that he was the one blowing your mind. You were lost in the feeling, a strange pressure building in your stomach that you never wanted to end. Everything felt amazing.
Josh removed his fingers and grabbed his pants off the floor, reaching into his wallet. He grabbed a condom out of it and tore it open with his teeth before removing his boxers and rolling it on. You lied on the bed, knees bent, chewing on your finger out of nervousness. Josh kneeled back on the bed, your legs on either side of his glorious body. You took a moment just to admire his body. He didn't have extremely defined abs or anything but you loved his toned body so much. You glanced at his arms wanting to run your hands over his sleeve and trace all the swirls of his tattoos. Words couldn't even express how much you loved this man-child.
He lined himself up at your entrance, "Are you sure you still want to do this? If you don't feel comfortable we can stop now. It's ok, really. I just want to make sure you're ok."
Your stomach was twisted in knots from the nerves but you knew you wanted this. "I'm sure babe."
Josh nodded and reached down for your hand, holding it reassuringly. He leaned over and kissed your lips deeply as he slowly thrust in. A strong pressure radiated throughout your lower abdomen and you gritted your teeth, your grip on Josh's hand tightening. He stopped moving and stilled, "Are you ok? Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?" He fired off the questions quickly.
The feeling mildly subsided and you shook your head, "No it's ok, keep going." He continued pushing in until he was completely inside you. He stilled giving you time to fully adjust. When you were ready, you squeezed his hand, signaling for him to move. He started off with a very slow pace, allowing you to get used to the new feeling. With every thrust the pressure disappeared and was soon replaced by pleasure. A small moan fell from your lips, "Y-you can go a little faster if you want." You told him. He obeyed moving slightly faster but not too much. Apart from how good you felt around him, he was constantly worried he was going to hurt you. Your hand tightened on his again and a louder moan escaped your lips. Josh let out a groan, his head throwing back slightly.
He leaned over you a little further, kissing you deeply on the lips and capturing the small whimpers. Just leaning forward a little bit allowed him to get deeper. Out of nowhere, he hit a spot inside you that made your back arch and you moaned loudly, handing moving to his red hair, "Oh god, Josh." He sped up, hitting that spot repeatedly. You became a moaning mess on the bed, that strange knot feeling in your stomach rising again. Your breathing became erratic and you noticed his hips begin to move at an off pace. Inside you, you felt his cock twitch and you assumed that had to mean he was getting close.
With the hand not holding yours, he gently grabbed your leg and brought it around his waist and you brought the other one up until your legs were wrapped around him, helping him get deeper with every thrust. He was repeatedly hitting that spot inside you that made your toes curl and it seemed the only thing keeping you grounded was his hand lovingly holding onto yours. Your chests heaved, both of your bodies covered in sweat. You felt that knot get tighter and tighter and suddenly wave after wave of pleasure washed over your body. Josh get thrusting, working you through your orgasm. The feeling of your walls contracting around him was enough for him to reach his own climax. "Y/N..." He moaned your name, pulling out and collapsing on your bed next to you. Before he could get too comfortable, he removed the condom, tying it before throwing it with accuracy into the trash can by your door.
Both of you were panting struggling to regain your breath. He rolled over, an arm draping over you as he pulled your body close to his. You wiggled around until both of your bodies were under the blankets. "Are you still ok? Did I hurt you at all?" He asked. You rolled over, facing him.
"Thank you." You told him, fingers idly messing with his dishevelled hair.
He smiled a little, "For what?"
"Thank you for just being you. For being so sweet and understanding. I love you so much." He looked at you and gently brushed a strand of hair from your face.
"I would never do anything to hurt you." He promised, "And I love you too." You curled into a ball, face buried in his smooth chest. His arms wrapped protectively around your body as you closed your eyes. His chin rested above your head on the pillow. After a few moments he asked, "I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything, but why did you wait so long to have sex? You're so beautiful, I know plenty of guys have wanted to do it with you."
You blushed against his skin, hiding it, "Well... most guys in school were more interested in Jenna. Guys would hang out with me to get closer to her, especially the ones I liked. I just got sick of getting hurt by people I thought I cared about so I stopped getting attached. I just didn't want to have sex with someone who saw me as a toy and her as a goal." You sighed.
"They're a bunch of idiots. I mean Jenna is nice but you are absolutely perfect. Actually, I'm glad they couldn't see it because if they did then I wouldn't be laying here with the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms." You smiled.
"Did I mention I love you." You whispered.
He laughed a little, "A couple of times. But I love you too."

Credit to cautionfangirl121400 on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now