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Josh Dun imagine

Sorry this is just a short piece. I'm in the middle of a few different multiple part pieces right now. Enjoy!!!!
You were standing at the kitchen counter making breakfast for you and Josh peacefully. That was until he came in all hyper.
"Hey guys look at my girlfriend. She's super shy and hates when I call her beautiful. Isn't the right beautiful?" Josh teased with his phone recording on snapchat. You rolled your eyes at the camera.
"Really Josh, ugh I hate you."
"Awe, love you too babe." He added the video to his story and then started recording again.
He quietly wrapped his arms around your shoulders and you pulled you into a kiss. He pulled away and then said. "Told you guys she loves me."
"Josh were you recording?" you said noticing his phone in front of you.
"Yup" he ended the video and put it on his story again with a huge grin on his face.
"Hey snapchat king, do you mind not taking videos of me right in the morning. I don't have makeup on yet."
"You don't need makeup you're beautiful." He said as he played with the filters on snapchat.
"You might think so but your fans hate me to begin with so..."
"I honestly don't care what they have to say bad about you because none of it's true. They don't know you like I do." He said putting down his phone and turned all his attention to you.
"Well in the past 7 months we've been dating I've been told I use you for the fame, I'm only in it for the money, I'm ugly, Debby was better, You don't even love me, and that's not even the bad things I've seen." You started to get emotional because you never let the comments bother you but today they did.
"Well like I said none of it's true. I know you're not in this relationship for anything but the sake of this relationship. Y/N you're so beautiful and I love you." Josh pulled you into a hug kissing the top of your head.
"I love you too Josh."

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

Josh Dun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now