Thanks to the change (smut)

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Josh Dun imagine

"Hey babe what do you say we go on a little date today." Josh asked walking into your shared bedroom.
"Umm, yeah that sounds good with me, I just have to finish this email and I'll get ready. Where were you thinking we go?"
"Don't worry about that. Just dress casual but nice, you know your usual." he said leaving the room.
Wow was he acting weird. 5 years of dating and you've only seen him get like this for our first date, which wasn't much of a date. You got stuck in a train station in New York due to snow. you was headed to Columbus for my sister's wedding and he was headed to his family's house for the holidays. All trains were cancelled for that day but you decided to stick around the station, not knowing much about New York. He did the same. You started talking when he asked if you had a phone charger and when he plugged in the phone with my charger it was at 100%, so you knew he just wanted to talk to me. You had seen him looking at me earlier that day. You started talking about his band and your college and the rest is history. You moved in together 3 years ago in L.A. we both wanted to get away from our gloomy hometowns. You went on tour with him and Tyler most of the time. Going on tour with them was also your job being one of their photographers.
After getting ready for the day you made your way to the car with Josh close by. He seemed more relaxed than earlier but still nervous.
"Are you okay, you seem tense?" you asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." you knew he was lying but you didn't push it.
You arrived at a small beach that not many people knew about. You've always wanted to go there and take pictures but you never made it down there.
"I know you've wanted to come here to take some picture for a while so I thought why not today. I have your camera, a bathing suit, and a picnic in the trunk so we can spend all day here." he said.
"Aw. this is so sweet. How did you plan this." you asked when he came around to open your door.
"I've been planning a lot. Let's get down there and have a fun day." he said grabbing the stuff from the back of the car and leading you to the private place.
"I love you." you said.
"I love you too. Now go take some amazing pictures." he handed you your camera and you went off taking picture of anything and everything.
After about a half hour you made it back to where Josh was sitting on a blanket he set out.
"You hungry?" he asked.
You nodded and sat down and gave him a kiss. "Thanks Josh I've really wanted to get down here to get pictures."
"Anything for my love."
You both sat eating lunch and looking at the pictures that you already had taken. About 20 minutes after eating Josh stood and offered a hand to help you up. You took it and he pulled you into his side.
"Where are we going?" you asked as you started walking with him.
"Let's get changed, it's hot out and I wanna go in the water." he was right it was about 90 degrees and sunny.
Once changed he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
"Hey Josh my eyes are up here, not down there." he blushed and you chuckled.
"Right, sorry. You just look really good today. Not saying you don't look great everyday but today, something is special." he said almost hinting at something, but what?
After 5 years of dating he was still embarrassed when you caught him staring at you. It was adorable how much he adored you, but he said from the beginning he would give you the world and that he did. You always came first and you loved him for that.
The water felt refreshing on such a hot day. You and Josh hung out in the water for about a half hour when you decided you wanted to just go lay down in the sun.
He did whatever you wanted that day and it was raising some suspicions. What did he have planned?
You laid with Josh in the sun just talking until it was about 3. It was too hot to be out much longer at the beach so a 4 hour beach trip was fine.
"What do you say we pack up and head back to the car. We can go to that little boardwalk that is really quiet." Josh suggested.
"Sounds great. I'm just going to take a few more pictures of the scenery then we can go." you got up and took you camera. When your returned Josh had everything packed and was just waiting for you.
"Sorry I didn't mean to make you wait."
"Don't worry about it. I would wait an eternity for you. You ready?" he asked putting his arm around you shoulder.
After a short car ride to the boardwalk Josh and you began your journey walking. It was a mile walk to the end. There was only one other car was there and it was really quiet and romantic.
"Today was really fun and relaxing." you said breaking the silence. Josh was back to his awkward self ever since you started the drive here.
"Yeah it has been. I love spending time with you." he said.
That made you smile. Even though you spent about 98% of your time together, it was always a different type of time while on a date. He always found a way to make you feel special.
You only had a little more ways until the end of the boardwalk when you saw 2 people at the end.
"Maybe we should turn back, I don't want to ruin those peoples peace." you said stopping in your tracks. Josh kept pulling you along. "Don't worry, we won't be bugging them." he said with a smile on his lips.
They were just looking over out into the ocean and as you got closer the man turned around and picked something up. You were still a little too far to see, but you could hear that it was a ukelele. The girl turned around and you could see she was filming on a phone. You looked up at Josh who was just smiling like fool as he kept walking with you under his arm that was over your shoulder.
Once only being about 20 feet from the people you realized it was Jenna and Tyler. Tyler was strumming the familiar cord to the song can't help falling in love.
"Josh what's going on?" you asked as you stood in front of Tyler who was singing. Josh let go of you and you turned to see him down on one knee opening a little velvet box. Tyler's voice seemed to fade as all your attention went to Josh. Now it was your turn to be smiling like a fool.
"Y/N, my love, my world, my life. I love you so, so much and I'm not sure why I waited so long to do this and I'm really nervous but I'm gonna do my best I can." he paused before continuing. "The day I met you in the train station back in New York I couldn't keep my eyes off of you, I wanted to know you, I wanted to talk to you so badly but all I could do was ask for a dumb charger." you chuckled thinking back. "It was probably one of the worst moves ever made especially because you caught me lying. I was so glad I got to spent all of that day with you and then the trip to Ohio with you. From the moment I first heard you laugh was when I knew I wanted to be the one to make you laugh for the rest of your life. Your smile brought me so much hope and you saved me from my demons that I was fighting at the time. Everyday I get to spend with you reminds me of why I love you so much. I love you and want to spend my life with you. Y/N will you marry me?" at this point you were about to cry.
"Yes Josh. Oh my god yes." you said and he stood engulfing you in a hug. You could hear Tyler and Jenna cheering in the back but your world still seemed to be so focused on Josh that you could barely hear them.
When you pulled away from the hug Josh slipped on the ring. You admired it for a moment before hugging him again and he kissed you.
"Josh it's so beautiful. Oh my god. I'm so shocked." you said and Jenna and Tyler approached you.
"So,were you surprised Y/N?" Tyler asked.
"Surprised? She should be more than that. Josh waited 5 years to just propose. I haven't even known you that long Tyler and we've been married for 2 years." Jenna added. You all laughed at that.
"Well I'm shocked, I didn't think this was going to happen today, let alone you guys. When did you get here?" you asked Tyler and Jenna.
"Josh asked me to come out to sing the song, he knows it's your favorite and Josh asked Jenna to help with picking the ring. We've been here for the past week and you didn't know anything." Tyler said.
After what felt like 2 minute was really 3 hours of enjoying eachothers company, catching up. After watching the sun go down you and Josh said your goodbyes and headed home.
"So did you like my surprises?" Josh asked.
"Like? Try love. This was perfect. I love you Josh. You're really the best." you said putting your hand on his leg as he drove.
Once pulling in the driveway you turned and kissed Josh. The kiss grew from a sweet one to one full of passion.
"Let's go inside." you said pulling away for air. He nodded and got out and lead you inside.
Once the front door was shut Josh had you up against the wall kissing you again. You pushed him off and took him to the couch. He had a smirk on his face as you pushed him down and straddled his lap.
"Y/N, we should stop before this goes any farther." Josh said as you made your way down to his neck and grinding down on him with your hips.
"Josh, I know we've talked about it and I know you wanted to wait until marriage. Don't you think we're close enough to that now?"
"You're right." he said lifting you and carrying you to the bedroom as he kissed you some more. "I love you Y/N and I'm ready for this." he placed you down on the bed and took off his shirt and you did the same.
You two had make out and only ever made it as far as you giving him a blowjob and him fingering you. He wasn't sure he wanted to make it official until marriage and you totally respected that.
"Josh are you sure, I don't want to pressure you into something you'll regret."
"How could I regret it if it's with the love of my life. I'm sure Y/N." he said as he worked off your shorts. He started to suck on your neck and you let out a moan when he reached your spot.
He made his way down to your bra and took it off taking one of your breast in his hand massaging it as he kissed you more. Your hips were moving upward towards him in need of some sort of friction.
"Josh, I can't wait anymore." you said.
With that he pulled down his short and they were followed by his boxers. You took off your panties and laid on the bed.
"Fuck you're so hot baby." he said as he got back on the bed hovering over you.
He lined himself up with your entrance and pushed in until your face of pleasure turned to pain.
"Are you okay? We can stop."
"No, it's just I haven't done this in a really long time. Just go slow." he did as you asked, moving slowly until you told him you were okay.
"Do you want me to go faster?"
With that he started meeting his hips with yours.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Josh said growing closer to his high.
"Josh, god you're so big." you were barely able to speak from his fast, hard movements.
"Y/N, I'm gonna cum. Where do you want me to?"
"It's okay I'm on the pill. I want to feel you inside me." with that he thrusted a few more times triggering your orgasm. As your walls clenched around him you felt him spill inside of you.
"Y/N that was amazing." he said trying to catch his breathe as he laid next to you.
"You're telling me. God I just fucked Joshua Dun." you said. You honestly never thought the day would come because it had been 5 years.
He pulled you close and you laid your head in his bare chest.
"You know soon I'll be able to call you Y/N Dun. God I'm so happy you said yes."
"I love the sound of that. Of course I said yes. I've known you were the one since you asked me for the charger. It was such a bad move on your part, but I loved it."
He got embarrassed and you hugged him tight. "Don't judge the charger move, without it were would we be?" he said defending himself and you giggled. "I love you so much Y/N."
"I love you too Josh." with that you fell asleep in his arms.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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