Disney (part 1)

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Josh Dun imagine

You sat on your couch curled up in a ball of tears. Josh, your boyfriend of almost 3 years has been gone for 3 months. You missed him so damn much. You typically joined Josh on tour with his band twenty one pilots but your sister had asked you to stay and help her with her kids. She had just gotten a new job and she was really stressed being a single mom of 3. Of course you said yes for the sake of your nephews. You and your sister have never gotten along well but you thought she might have changed a bit so you moved in with her to become a full time helper. You must have pissed her off in some way because last night after you had put all the kids to bed she came in from work and asked you to leave and not to come back. You were honestly really hurt because you gave up your job, social life, and being with Josh to help her out. You started to calm down when you realized she wasn't worth being upset over. You just didn't want to loose your relationship with your nephews. As you were just about to text Josh and tell him what had happened you heard your your phone ringing. It was Josh, he was Facetiming you. You didn't want him to see that you had been crying so you just let it ring. You called him back once you applied some concealer to your tear stained face and could talk normally again.
"Hey beautiful! Why didn't you answer before?" Josh smiled through the screen which made you smile.
"Oh m-my phone was about to die so i had to find my charger." You lied and you could tell Josh knew you were but he just dismissed it.
"Oh. Okay. Wait, are you in our apartment?" You could hear concern in his voice so you explained what happened between you and your sister.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. It must suck. You gave up your life basically to help her. Everything will work itself out in the end. Don't worry."
"I know it will. But i just miss my nephews and you." You let a tear roll down your face as you thought about how much you wanted to be in Josh's arms wrapped up in a warm blanket with him.
"Babe don't cry. If you're not going to be at your sister's why don't you come join me on tour."
"I want to but-" you were cut off with Josh lightly sighing. You looked up at the screen to see he was no longer alone. Tyler, Jenna, and Jordan all just boarded the bus making a lot of noise.
"Hey Y/N! When are you planning on seeing me? You left me with all these dorks and i need a girl day soon." Jenna took the phone out of Josh's hands while talking to you.
"Well I think we were just starting to plan when I would join."
"Good, it better be soon. Josh is getting kind of annoying, always talking about you and-" She was cut off by Josh grabbing his phone back. You blushed at the thought of how much Josh talked about you.
"Sorry about that. So what if I book you a flight to Florida for tomorrow. We're going to Disney on our day off."
"That would be great babe. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." You heard a few cheers in the background which you assumed were from Tyler, Jenna, and Jordan.
You were so excited you were going to be able to see Josh tomorrow. You said your goodbyes and went upstairs and started to pack up your life once again to join Josh on tour.

Credit to topimagines on Tumblr

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