Two plus one

134 4 0

Josh Dun imagine

It was coming up on your and Josh's one year wedding anniversary and him and Tyler were just about done with the tour, a break would finally happen. What seemed so far off was suddenly here. It was Saturday morning and you woke up at 5 AM sick to your stomach, you ran to the bathroom and puked. You tried to stay quiet, hoping you wouldn't wake up Josh, but all of the sudden you heard footsteps on the cold tile floor you were laying on. Josh walked in the bathroom and saw your head resting on the rim of the toilet, he walked over to you, rubbed your back, and stroked your hair, holding it back as you finished throwing up a little bit more.
"You alright baby?" Josh asked in a hushed and groggy voice, still rubbing your back.
"Yeah, I must have gotten food poisoning or something, maybe the flu."
"I'm going to go get you some water and some crackers, let me help you get back in bed first," Josh gently lifted you up, carrying you in his arms the way he carried you down the aisle on your wedding day. He lowered you into the bed, only pulling the sheets up half way in order to keep you cool.
You wiped your forehead as Josh left the room, racking your brain for what could possibly be happening to your body. Josh returned with what he had mentioned and a cold cloth for your forehead. He rested it lightly on your face, looking into your eyes for any signs of another trip to the toilet.
"I'll be alright babe, thanks" you said, resting your hand on Josh's knee, who was sitting beside you on the bed.
"Alright," he whispered, "I'm right here if you need me."
Eventually Josh drifted back to sleep, you already felt better and silently crept back into the bathroom. Walking on your tip toes, practically holding your breath.
You and Josh had been trying to have kids for the past couple of months and had pregnancy tests in the cabinet. You figured there was no way you would be pregnant, considering each and every test you had taken was negative, but it was worth a shot. You pulled one out of its package, trying to stay quiet, glancing over at Josh every now and then for signs of movement. You could not wake him up. You peed on it, sat it on the counter, and waited.
As you were waiting your imagination ran wild. You suddenly began picturing a tiny person with your eyes, and Josh's nose, and tiny fingers and lots of hair. You cracked a smile at the thought, and again began picturing Josh holding your tiny baby in his comforting arms. You looked a the clock. The test should be done by now. You picked it up from the counter, your eyes shut, hiding the results from yourself.
You opened your eyes, "Oh my gosh!" you yelled, instantly covering your mouth, remembering Josh was still asleep. Josh sprung up in bed looking over at you, tears started falling out of your eyes.
"Baby, baby? Are you okay? did you throw up again?" Josh started rushing towards you with the cold cloth and water.
He reached the bathroom and realized you were smiling, he was so busy staring at your face that it took him a couple of minutes to realize the pregnancy test in your hand. You both were frozen.
"Y/N, Y/N.. are you...?" Josh's question trailed off, but you knew what it was.
You nodded your head, still speechless.
He ran his fingers through his hair, flung his arms around you, and lifted you slightly off the ground.
"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, we're parents!" Josh got down on his knees and put his cheek to your stomach.
"Just remember, I love your mom the most," he said, talking to your belly.
You finally broke your own silence and let out a laugh, you guided him up from the floor, kissing him. You pulled away, and he wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"I guess you're going to need more than just crackers," he said, mocking the cravings you'd most likely be having.
"Yeah, like maybe hot sauce and Oreos," you giggled.
"That kid has got weird taste buds," he smiled, hugging you again.
"When can I tell Tyler?" Josh asked, like an eager child.
You smirked at his innocent and playful presence, cupping his face in your hands, "I know one thing for sure," you said, "Our kid is going to have a great father, and if he's anything like you, I will be one lucky lady."
You being pregnant, made Josh more childlike, which made you even more excited for the baby's arrival.
"I hope it's a boy," Josh said jokingly, clearly not caring about the gender, but was still high off the fact that your family of two was about to be three.

Credit to spookyjoshdunimagines on Tumblr

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